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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. I'll just out my opinion out there that Hungarian notation is more effort than it's worth, having used it at my last job. In some situations it's good (when dealing with bit manipulation for packed variables) but in almost all other situations you can usually infer the type from the variable name. The only place I would consider using any sort of prefix is for pointers (e.g. pEntity vs entity).

  2. And even saying that, nobody is trying to make any profit from selling their source code. But I doubt they'd even notice or take any interest, if they did.

    Licenses aren't always about preventing people from making money. In this case, the GPLv2 license is about ensuring that the source code remains freely available (free as in speech, not free as in free beer).
    eezstreet likes this
  3. That's what I'm referring to. The source code was released under the license I mentioned :) This is a clone of the source code repository, with the original license in-tact: https://github.com/jedis/jediacademy/ The README file explicitly says (emphasis is mine):

    Activision and Raven are releasing this code for people to learn from and play with.

    This code is copyright Activision 2003. This source is released under GNU GPLv2.

    Releasing code to the public does not necessarily mean the author's ownership is relinquished.
    Tempust85 likes this
  4. Sorry, I've been busy. So Jedi Outcast is being run with the correct (Nvidia) graphics driver. Can you post a screenshot of your JK2 GameData folder, and of your JKA GameData folder? Just to make sure you have all the necessary files and don't have any files that you shouldn't have there.

  5. This doesn't look good:

    GL_VENDOR: Microsoft Corporation
    GL_RENDERER: GDI Generic
    GL_VERSION: 1.1.0
    This means that your graphics drivers aren't being used at all and would explain why OpenJK is running so slowly (and possibly why JKA is refusing to run).


    I'd be interested to see what Jedi Outcast thinks of this. Can you post the console log for Jedi Outcast here?


    Also, you mentioned this:

    Initially, I had no problem with OpenGL. I got opengl32.dll and openAL32.dll installed in GameData.

    The retail JKA install doesn't (and shouldn't) come with an opengl32.dll. You should remove it as this can prevent the game from running properly.
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