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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. There's some interesting points here :)


    I'll throw out a few more questions. Why would finishing OpenJK mean there are more modders? It doesn't really benefit the modders in any way as far as I can see.


    Rend2, I can see could potentially bring some more modders but at the heart of all of this is the lack of players. A lot of us here will make things for the sake of making things, but I do think the majority of modders out there would want to at least see that players are getting some fun out of their mod. And for that the community needs more players. I feel like it would take more than just a new renderer to do this. It would need new gameplay, new art. Essentially a new game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've not seen any mod come to light and stay active in the past few years outside of a niche corner of the community, so it doesn't seem like we would be capable of pulling off a full revamp of the game.

    afi likes this
  2. That's not very helpful unfortunately :(


    Can you find the CPU you're using? Something like Intel Core i5 3750. That's enough to determine the graphics chip.


    Although thinking about it now, all Intel GPUs should be able to run this. I'll try when I get home with my Intel chip...

  3. Ok, the topic is perhaps a bit pretentious but it got your attention :P


    I know the game is 13 years old now, and the size of all the communities have been reducing for a number of years now. I remember a few years back when I could jump on a server at any time and there was guaranteed to be 10 or more players. Those were the days! Thinking hypothetically (just imagining what could happen), what do you guys think would be needed for a revival of the modding community?


    I think you would first need to establish a player base. Players are the beating heart of a community and without them nobody would be there to make any mods. So I'll throw another question out here: what would it take to revive the game itself and bring players back?

  4. I personally liked the milder look of the glow, maybe somewhere in between those, but for me this just looks like different intensities?

    I've toned it down now :P There was some textures where the details were completely covered up by the glow.
    Boothand likes this
  5. What about faulty or lacking OpenGL implementations with the card?

    No, the only reason you get that weird white/black checkered image is because the shader text failed to parse or the textures used by the shader don't exist.


    @ what do you have in your GameData/japlus folder?

    Cerez likes this
  6. Broken graphics drivers wouldn't cause this issue by the way. Just saying :)


    @ Can you post screenshots of your japlus folder? The one in GameData, and the one in My Games/OpenJK/

  7. @@Xycaleth @@mrwonko Thanks guys. Finally managed to track it down, but this is really strange... Despite the fact that I have the OpenJK DLLs placed in my "GameData/base", the game is copying the basejka DLLs to "Documents/My Games/OpenJK/base" (even after a delete), and overriding what's in my "GameData/base" that way for some reason...

    That's the usability issue that we're fixing :P
  8. I got OpenJK from the official site you are linking me to.


    I am using openGL32.dll since that is what makes my game load properly on Windows 8.1 without crashing on load because of incompatibility.


    Never had that problem on Windows 7 though.. I miss Windows 7.. :(

    Make sure you get the build at the top of the page. If you look at your log, you're using a version from 31 August 2014.


    Does OpenJK load without opengl32.dll? If there's any incompatibility then it's a problem with OpenJK and should be fixed in OpenJK! We don't want people to have to install other things just to get it working.

  9. @ So, a few things that looks wrong:

    1. Where did you get OpenJK from? That version is from almost a year ago! You should download a newer version from http://builds.openjk.org
    2. Why are you using GLDirect? Are you having problems with the graphics in OpenJK? You shouldn't need to use GLDirect with OpenJK.
    Cerez likes this
  10. @@Cerez We've had some reports of usability issues recently where DLLs are saved in My Games/OpenJK/<mod folder>, and then these are loaded on subsequent runs instead of those found in the JKA GameData folder. So to answer your question: you might have old DLLs lying around in My Games/OpenJK/<mod folder> - make sure you delete them :)


    We've come up with a fix for this problem and just need to code it up.

    Cerez likes this
  11. So I can only guess that the shader for the saber efx is broken. Can you try going on an empty server (so that nobody is using a saber) and then checking the console after you've connected for any shader errors or warnings?

  12. This usually happens when you have too many particles from efx on-screen. I think you can increase r_maxpolys to something bigger (don't go wild, just increase it until the warning goes away) to fix the problem.

  13. Edit: Perhaps I need to copy jampgame.x86.dll and cgame.x86.dll from "GameData/MBII" into "GameData" to fix this client mismatch, then?

    No, neither cgamex86.dll, jampgamex86.dll nor uix86.dll should ever be in GameData. Ever.


    I downloaded MB2 just now to test things out and it works fine for me. Can you check that you have the GameData/MBII/MBII.pk3 file? In there should be cgamex86.dll, jampgamex86.dll and uix86.dll.

  14. I think I've identified the problem then. OpenJK (and jamp) used to incorrectly load game DLLs from the GameData/ folder as the first place to look. This would override all mod/base folder DLLs. I fixed this problem a few months ago, but it seems like MB2 hasn't been updated to include my fix. I think the question then is how those DLLs ended up in your GameData folder :P

    Cerez likes this
  15. Haven't been playing it for a long while, so I may be wrong, but wasn't that "client mismatch" error fixed simply deleting the jampconfig.cfg in the MBII folder?

    The client mismatch error comes from the incorrect cgamex86.dll file being loaded, so deleting any config files won't help here.


    In that case MBII is not compatible with other releases of OpenJK, as moving (removing) the DLLs out of the main base folder is what fixed MBII's crashing behaviour. Or this could be a yet unknown bug in MBII's OpenJK binary implementation where it uses the DLLs from "base" instead of from "MBII"?

    When you say mentioned the "GameData folder", were you actually referring to "GameData/base"? That's what it sounds like from your response here.


    I have an MBII folder in GameData, as created by the installer, that contains the mod's assets and configuration files. I have no MBII folder in "My Games/OpenJK"

    Okay, that's fine. @@Tx606 mentioned that the launcher actually chooses not to use the My Games folder which is something I hadn't realised. So no problems here.


    The only reason I thought that is because I've assumed that MBII is using the base jampgame.x86.dll and cgame.x86.dll, and moving those DLLs out of the base folder proved to fix MBII's crashing issue. As it is, it looks like MBII was crashing not because the files were missing, but because they were there, in base. It looks like it's conflicting with regular OpenJK.

    This doesn't make sense to me. OpenJK will load DLLs from the mod folder first, and only if it can't find the DLLs there, it will load the DLLs from the base/ folder. If you look in the console, you should see that some cgame DLLs failed to load (after connecting to a server). Can you post that list here please?


    If anyone with an established MBII forums account could point the devs to this JKHub thread URL, that'd be helpful. There's some good debugging information collected here.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you can't be bothered to sign up to the MBII forums, why do you expect them to sign up here?
    eezstreet, Cerez and Tx606 like this
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