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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. Regarding win10: if you upgrade from 8.1, then you do get a win10 license but it's specific to your PC. You can get a win10 iso from the Microsoft website. When you install a fresh version of win10, it won't ask for a license key because it recognises that your PC is registered with a win10 license. If you change the hardware in your PC too much then you may not be able to install win10 this way, or you might have to phone up explaining that you've made changes.

  2. Btw, if any changes do come about to spatial partitioning, I wouldn't use octrees. They aren't friendly for optimal memory accesses. Instead I would recommend a regular grid of cubes (e.g. 512x512x512 in size) which have stuff in them and then loop through each cube and see if it's visible. Any changes of these kinds (whether it's octrees or not) would also need changes to q3map2...

  3. Sorry if this wasn't posted in the right place.


    1. Does a mod exist which has both Ja+ and Ja Unlimited?


    2. What's with the low res skybox problem? Some skyboxes always seem to go low res even if the textures are high res, unlike textures for other things. I'm usually always tinkering around with Ioquake3 related things, I've never seen this problem anywhere else.


    3. Was the unedited JKA MP Source code ever released? If so where can I find it?


    4. I knew the answer to this, however it has been a while since I was on JKA and I don't recall exactly what "forceRegenRate" does for NPC, some people say it sets force regens wait speed, e.g "0" = instant. I tried testing this for myself both ways by setting it to 0 and 999, but both ways the NPC could still use force, so I'm a bit confused there.


    5. NPC question again, is Scale "100" the default?


    6. NPC question yet again, which class/rank uses Drain the most?


    7. What exactly does "hfov" etc do in NPC files?


    8. Why does sometimes (Mainly for NPC) character animations freeze and spaze out in a static fashion?


    9. Why is it that hilt models reset to the default hilt on servers that do not have your hilt? Rather than just using the defaults stats alone? Is there a way to disable this?

    Don't have much time, so I'll answer what I can.


    2. I've never seen anything like this. Have a screenshot?


    3. Yep, about 2 years ago now. See https://github.com/jedis/. The original repository for the source code release got taken down by Raven (for reasons unknown), but linked is the full unedited source code for JK2 and JKA.


    7. Horizontal field of view. I'm going to guess it's the angle between the NPC's left-most and right-most vision, and in which they will notice something/somebody.


    8. Animation code in JKA is pretty bad. It's probably a side effect of this.


    9. If the server doesn't know about the hilt, then it won't know about the hilt's stats. The client doesn't send these numbers to the server (and probably shouldn't as people could say their hilt does OP damage :)).

  4. Are there any open source engines that do similar things?


    EDIT: What about Id tech 4? It's open source, yes? It's megaTextures f

    or outdoors would be a great addition to JKA.



    As long as the person implementing the D3 map loading hasn't read how the D3/Q4 code does it then there's no licensing issue. The problem comes when you're basing your code on the D3 code as you're creating a derivative work which must be licensed under the same license as the original (and this license is incompatible with OJK's).

    Same applies to anything coming from id Tech 4. You would also need to add editor support as creating megatextures is not something that artists can do manually.
  5. I gave this a try now for an hour and even on my PC, which doesn't meet the minimum requirements (!), it runs really smoothly, even on lowest settings (which, by the way, looks great still). I only had a chance to really play Drop Zone but I found this a lot of fun. My main issue with it so far is that you have to press 'Start' every time you want to respawn, but other than that it's great so far :D Looking forward to try out Walker Assult.


    EDIT: I did have problems with starting it up now I think about it, probably due to out of date graphics drivers, or because my GPU is too old (it only has 1GB mem, minimum requirement is 2GB). It would crash after the splash screen (e.g. click to start). I got around this by pressing Alt+Enter to go into windowed mode, and then it's fine after that. Putting it back into 'borderless window' makes it fullscreen again but without the crashy crashy.

  6. It adds not only more class options than ever before, but a true reason for picking your class to play with. As well as changing your skin, classes now assign the correct weapons, force powers and animations for that character

    What classes are there, and what are you comparing EoC to when you say more class options? Doesn't auto-assigning weapons, force powers and animations mean you have less options now?

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