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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. If we implemented independently then it would be fine I think (I.e. using the same library that he has used). We can base our implementation on his work though because the version of GPL he uses for his code is incompatible with our version. That being said, can we even produce bink videos?

    eezstreet likes this
  2. I'm completely against using random numbers for environments unless it's used in very minimal ways. You have no control over what the environment will look like if you use it for everything and it will almost always look unnatural. Using them as a starting point to work from is a good idea though - that I'd be very much interesting in seeing.

  3. Can the ent limit be removed just like that? If that's the case, why is it in JKA in the first place?

    One problem with having too many ents is that your network load will increase a lot as well. Imagine if each player adds an extra 100 bytes to each data packet, and you have 1000 players, that's 100kb per snapshot. Then multiply that by 20 (because you're running with sv_fps 20), every client now needs to have at least a 2mb/s downstream link and your server needs a 2gb/s upstream since it needs to send the updates to all 1000 players. Realistically a player probably only adds a few tens of bytes but the same principle applies. If you have different instances on the same server then things become a bit more manageable as you would effectively be running multiple servers (or that's how it would look from the outsiders point of view). Each instance is isolated from the other so you only need to send data about the current instance to the players in that instance.
    Onysfx, Futuza and eezstreet like this
  4. Nothing's worked so far because there's little to no team organization and coordination. Collaboration is good but the reason why so many projects fail to finish is because there is nobody to guide the project to completion. Without it you're essentially wandering aimlessly towards a completely undefined goal.


    Unless you or someone can provide that direction and leadership then you will just be another forgotten effort.

    Smoo and mrwonko like this
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