r_dynamicLight, ent has already explained. I don't know for sure how the r_dynamicGlow cvars are used, but I do know how dynamic glow works so here's my educated guess: Any models with shader stage that has a "glow" keyword will have it's glowy portions rendered again to an off-screen image. I think r_dynamicGlowWidth and r_dynamicGlowHeight control the size of this off-screen image. Once all the glowy stages are rendered, you blur the off-screen image a few times. r_dynamicGlowPasses controls how many times, and r_dynamicGlowDelta controls how much to blur. Finally, you blend this off-screen image with what you have on the screen. r_dynamicGlowIntensity controls how strongly to blend and r_dynamicGlowSoft controls the type of blend. Like ent said, if you load a map with cheats on you can see how each of the cvars affects the size of the glow, and the quality. You don't need to run vid_restart after changing each one (except for r_dynamicGlowWidth and r_dynamicGlowHeight maybe?), they'll take effect immediately.