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Would anyone be interested in an instagib tournament?

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I remember playing instagib while I still was in the JAWA clan, and it was just pretty much some of the most fun I've ever had in JKA. Is anyone else interested in creating a tournament?

Langerd likes this

The idea sounds fun, I'd certainly lik to help ya :D. However, what would be the exact date?


There is an instagib mod which gives disruptor endless damage and disables all other weapons, force powers, items etc

the_raven and Smoo like this

@ @@the_raven @@MagSul 


These videos show some instagib gameplay in JKA: 






@@Iffo ahh the fellow Mvp, would love to play this with you again :)


@@Circa Well, I'm searching for some to help organizing this stuff - finding players, a suitable time, helping with the mod + of course I'd need a server. So, help in creating a tournament.

Smoo and the_raven like this

I played in a tournament a long time ago with instagib repeaters and a last-man standing type of mode. (I placed #2). Would happily play again.


My clan does an instagib event every month or two, which is open to anyone that wishes to join. I could post here next time we do one.


We switch to the Instagib IV mod, which only supports disruptors and CTF mode. Would love to have someone make a simple mod like that but also includes options for any weapon and gametype of choice, like I think other mods like jaPro do. I'd rather not mess with big mods like ja+ and japro when I only want this one feature for one event.

Smoo likes this

Yeah, I had looked at that bottom one you linked, but it's Windows only, and my server is Linux. Definitely a good option if you are running a Windows server though.


My clan does an instagib event every month or two, which is open to anyone that wishes to join. I could post here next time we do one.


We switch to the Instagib IV mod, which only supports disruptors and CTF mode. Would love to have someone make a simple mod like that but also includes options for any weapon and gametype of choice, like I think other mods like jaPro do. I'd rather not mess with big mods like ja+ and japro when I only want this one feature for one event.

We should work on it :P


Fork openJK and do it :P Implementing the basic features won't take more than 15 min

Smoo likes this

I actually wanna play this! But I'd probably end last place because of all the lag I always get in MP :(

Nah man, I played on American servers with 150+ ping and still did well. The most important thing is being good at bunnyhoppying around and general acrobatics

the_raven likes this

Nah man, I played on American servers with 150+ ping and still did well. The most important thing is being good at bunnyhoppying around and general acrobatics

ok then, sign me up :)

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