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New Mustafar map

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I started this map a few months ago, but i decided to cancel the project because i had no time for me and the people around me.

I also have  to say that i had a lot of problems making it (skybox, max map nodes, etc).

So i upload this unfinished map with the hope that some one finish it. I used textures and models from plasma ,sithjcullry and a few of mine.(however i couldn't contact with them) The control room is also based on plasma's which is almost the same. (I hadn't time to change it) 





Lancelot, Smoo, GPChannel and 10 others like this
Posted (edited)

The terrain on the right looks rly messy... Also the textures looks very reapetable.. not sure because Your work is WIP or this was on purporse. 
Also Your map is one big box level and it will hit some long VIS time in compile. Caulk work is... not good in my opinion.. The game will load every single surface and compiler will load every surface with a texture.. You should fix that.

Ok i checked map file.. there is a lot to do my friend:

If You want to show us a look behind the windows i suggest using skybox instead.. You made big hollow space without anything - remember this will be compliled while making the map.

Making area portal in doors will not help at all.. because You have whole map that will be loaded. 

As far i noticed... whole map is strucural... It will take ages to compile this map.

Making skybox should be later in process (but checking the sun from skybox should be checked before because You generate big light source that is sun.. and there are a lot problems with lightning stage). You just want to know if Your map will be compile able. 

I rly suggest cut the map into pieces.. remove big spaces or at least make them as small as possible. You dont want to make places where players shouldnt be. Rly make sure to optimalize Your maps. You are beginner or You made maps before?
I rly Hope You will not see my comment as some rude attack. I want to help and from my point of view there are many things You should do to improve not only Your map but Your future works as well.

Edited by Langerd

Langerd may seem harsh, but he is very correct. We all know it's hard to read this sort of stuff, as a mapper it hurts our pride a little bit when we realize we fall short of our goals. I'm sure Langerd agrees with me, just ask for help, or ask myself Langerd or others about the stuff that confuses you. Not every one can read a tut or watch a video and understand. Besides you can't ask a tut or vid questions about specific scenarios. XD

Point is, good first attempt at mustafar! However try again. Look at the entire set up in the movies, really figure out what matters most. Box build the general layout, worry about terrain and the sky box later. the main facility and the collection arm is what people will be mostly interacting with. So figure out it's layout and how to vis it correctly. :D

TIP, any thing that is not your main floors walls and or ceiling should be a detail brush XD Basically pretend each room is a box, the box should be structural, everything inside of it is just details.

Langerd likes this

Langerd may seem harsh, but he is very correct. We all know it's hard to read this sort of stuff, as a mapper it hurts our pride a little bit when we realize we fall short of our goals. I'm sure Langerd agrees with me, just ask for help, or ask myself Langerd or others about the stuff that confuses you. Not every one can read a tut or watch a video and understand. Besides you can't ask a tut or vid questions about specific scenarios. XD


Point is, good first attempt at mustafar! However try again. Look at the entire set up in the movies, really figure out what matters most. Box build the general layout, worry about terrain and the sky box later. the main facility and the collection arm is what people will be mostly interacting with. So figure out it's layout and how to vis it correctly. :D


TIP, any thing that is not your main floors walls and or ceiling should be a detail brush XD Basically pretend each room is a box, the box should be structural, everything inside of it is just details.

Well.. Emmm i am rly not bad guy D: I rly want to help! These forums taught me that i rly should pay attention more on my works and know if i am making mistakes or not. 


The look of the map is rly cool! I rly feel mustafar atmosphere!!! but..


For later works it would not only be bad to play because of low fps but for example - safe_maloc or other error will show up. And Aaaaalll that work , hours of making brushes, textures and models will be completely wasted... It is very important to follow the points.

yeyo JK and AngelModder like this
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

It seems that some folks may not have understood the OP's original post.


He is saying that he is uploading the map for someone else to finish because he doesn't have time to do it and has decided to cancel the project. The author is not seeking to fix the map, he is releasing it for another map maker to take over for him.

Jeff and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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