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Where were you when the Star Wars broke?

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I was in High School during these times. This day I was home with me new girlfriend (I'm still with her and she tests all my mods <3 ), and I remember at these times she wasn't into Star Wars but I was so happy about the new trilogy that I was just saying to myself "I understand why they do this". But I was sad just for one thing... my favourite SW Character was, is, and will always be Kyle Katarn.



Cerez likes this

my favourite SW Character was, is, and will always be Kyle Katarn.



You realize that with Rogue One, they'll have to either skip the Death Star plans' part from his biography, or remake his story outright, if they do decide to make him canon, right?

I wanted them to keep KOTOR, but set it some 200 years before the prequels, that'd make sense in what concerns technology, but then they had to go and make a different Malachor and remake the Mandalorians (though I suppose the latter wasn't such a serious change, Mandalorian society could just as well have become humanocentric at some point -_-)

Cerez likes this

You realize that with Rogue One, they'll have to either skip the Death Star plans' part from his biography, or remake his story outright, if they do decide to make him canon, right?

I wanted them to keep KOTOR, but set it some 200 years before the prequels, that'd make sense in what concerns technology, but then they had to go and make a different Malachor and remake the Mandalorians (though I suppose the latter wasn't such a serious change, Mandalorian society could just as well have become humanocentric at some point -_-)


Of course I'm not so dumb haha ;)



Stealing the plans is just a little part of his biography. Class, badass, but small. I prefer DFII, MOTS, JKII part, a lot more intense and ambiguous.

Cerez and LucyTheAlien like this

I find all these sophisticated wordly-wise comments amusing, as if any of this really matters. The Expanded Universe is still there even if it's not canon. Being overly fanatic about the EU and totally rejecting the new films is like turning your back to the franchise. Are you Star Wars fans or not? The movies are what matters, games and comics fill in the gaps and keep up the popularity of the franchise, and as much I love that stuff, the fact is that now we finally get to see how the story develops after Return Of The Jedi. And that's canon, no matter what you say or how you feel.

We also finally got a movie that explained why the Deathstar was so easily destroyed, I was satisfied with Rogue One. Great movie even if it didn't have Kyle Katarn, and Disney was nice to create characters like Jyn Erso & Cassian Andor who, I believe, weren't Jan&Kyle lookalikes by coincidence. It was direct salute at the EU fans, honoring the "original story" what more can you ask really?


What comes to the movies & games of today, keep them separated. Movies have been remade for decades, it's nothing new. "Too much CGi " is what you hear a lot from left and right, and many times from young people who compare the new green screen movies with some 80's & 90's films or even older classics, but that's not exactly a new thing to the film industry either. The use of special effects, I mean.  And there's still a lot of acting to do even if you're looking at 4 actors in a green room, so you shouldn't really judge them so hastily. Making movies cost, and actors need to be payed. The Avengers and the rest of the Marvel movies aren't exactly my favorite, but it sells. Obviously.


And so do games, but with games, you have companies like Ubisoft that keeps pushing out new games year after year, games that are basically all the same, with new maps and weapons. (just look at the FarCry, Assassins Creed & Watchdogs series) Even the new Ghost Recon: Wild Lands looks like the same can of shit, it's just a new can. That's the only thing I can complain about, the rest in this topic is just unnecessary cry for nostalgia. Continue your lives and don't be stuck in the past (worse: dont be living in the past where you weren't even born for another 10 years)





But that's my opinion and that's all highly subjective. If it does not fit your vision of how Star Wars should be, then I understand that, but it does fit mine.

Like I said... I'm a lunatic in a sane asylum. But I'll try and take @@Ramikad's advice, and just follow my nose and persist to my best conscience.




And regardless of any of that, it does not necessarily mean there will never be a "good" (by your standards) installment again.

That is true, and I'm still hopeful that Star Wars will fall into different hands and/or direction at some point, and the franchise will be saved from turning into utter and complete, non-sensical, commercial rubbish.


Being overly fanatic about the EU and totally rejecting the new films is like turning your back to the franchise. Are you Star Wars fans or not? The movies are what matters, games and comics fill in the gaps and keep up the popularity of the franchise....

See, the problem I have with this outlook is that I am a Star Wars fan, but of the older content, and not -- not at all -- a fan of the new. So where does that put me? Am I no longer a Star Wars fan just because I do not like the new content one bit? Am I turning my back on Star Wars, the stories and characters I love?


And to say that the EU doesn't matter, and only the movies count, is a blunt oversimplification and unjust segregation of the spectrum that is Star Wars content and its fans. You have fans who were not at all impressed with the prequel films, and yet they were big fans of the content that sprung from them. The same way, there are certain stories in the EU/Legends lore that deserve the love and high praise they got from fans.


This kind of perspective is arrogant and ignorant, and -- please know I'm not having a go at you, here -- it is an attitude that the big heads at Disney and similar market-leading publishing houses are dictating, for their own simplicity and commercial gain, and the people are absorbing.

Ramikad and the_raven like this

Also, I've realised why I have such an affinity for the Mickey Mouse Emperor visual idea/concept. What I described happening above is not at all dissimilar to:


Obi-Wan Kenobi: "You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind..."


...in a fictionalised, exaggerated way of course.


I believe this is the main reason George Lucas referred to the Disney executives as "white slavers" as well (once again, a frustration induced illustrative exaggeration) -- what he meant to say is that they took what was precious to him, his creation, his unique child, and treated it with cruelty, enslaving it to their will, and not allowing it to continue to grow free and natural with the fandom.


I am a Star Wars fan, but of the older content, and not -- not at all -- a fan of the new. So where does that put me? Am I no longer a Star Wars fan just because I do not like the new content one bit? Am I turning my back on Star Wars, the stories and characters I love?

Which stories and characters would those be? Since StarWars has long since become a very vast franchise, there are books, comics, video games etc. ,it divides the fans to more than 2 groups, which is the issue I see reading this topic. I honestly think that StarWars is and has always been about the movies, the rest is just there to please our hunger for more. We had our fun with the expanded universe, the story around Kyle Katarn, how he stole the Deathstar plans, Luke Skywalkers adventures after The Return of The Jedi, the offspring of Han and Leia etc etc. But now we have Rogue One to fill in the gap between episodes 3 and 4 ,and we just have to deal with it. And Disney is continuing the story after the events of ROTJ. That all is canon now. How many more years can you or anyone else linger on the past?


We can all still enjoy the Expanded Universe, but it's not canon. And turning your back on StarWars as a franchise simply because of Disney is finally making movies set in those timelines, is just stubborn behavior. Can anyone of you seriously imagine a film about Kyle Katarn? lol.



And to say that the EU doesn't matter, and only the movies count, is a blunt oversimplification and unjust segregation of the spectrum that is Star Wars content and its fans.

Same applies to those who keep lingering on the past, denying and completely ignoring the new films by Disney. That is "arrogant and ignorant" as well.



please know I'm not having a go at you, here


me neither ^^


@, I am honestly astounded by how easily you've dismissed the old and adopted the new in its place. I suppose you've never felt any real attraction to the old stories? And how are you taking the character perspective changes to Leia, Luke, Han, and the now up-and-coming Obi-Wan -- the same way? Or are you not really noticing the changes (yet)? I'm curious.


I don't want to try and convince anyone or tell them what they should believe in, but I'm wary of people taking a shallow perspective, and sticking to it defiantly just because they're afraid to diverge from the mainstream (main public opinion/attitude). That creates a completely controllable, mindless mob.


The reason I dislike the new content is not because it replaced the old, but because it did it in what I feel to be with inferior quality. It's an honest assessment in story quality, not a denial.


(It's no different to what I felt with the prequel films -- and still feel to this day.)




Also, let me translate this sentence:


"We can all still enjoy the Expanded Universe, but it's not canon." --> "We can all still enjoy those stories and characters, but they are not considered valid."


What does that make them, now? Have they been downgraded to fan-fiction? Why, and by whose decision? How is this just?

the_raven likes this

I believe this is the main reason George Lucas referred to the Disney executives as "white slavers" as well (once again, a frustration induced illustrative exaggeration) -- what he meant to say is that they took what was precious to him, his creation, his unique child, and treated it with cruelty, enslaving it to their will, and not allowing it to continue to grow free and natural with the fandom.

Well, then he should have sold it in the first place -_-<_<


I honestly think that Star Wars is and has always been about the movies, the rest is just there to please our hunger for more. (...) But now we have Rogue One to fill in the gap between episodes 3 and 4 ,and we just have to deal with it. And Disney is continuing the story after the events of ROTJ. That all is canon now. How many more years can you or anyone else linger on the past?


We can all still enjoy the Expanded Universe, but it's not canon. And turning your back on Star Wars as a franchise simply because of Disney is finally making movies set in those timelines, is just stubborn behavior. Can anyone of you seriously imagine a film about Kyle Katarn? lol.

You're right, the EU was there for the hunger, but it was a bit more than that - it gave context.

We are dealing with it, but we don't like it (dealing with it, that is). Me, I never much cared for the post RotJ stories, so I'm ok with the new stuff (mostly, though it doesn't excuse the fact that the new stuff is sub-par compared to some of the old stuff). All I'm saying is that Lucas, or Disney, or whoever spat in the fans' faces when they cancelled everything EU. And why did they do it? Because the LucasArts department of canon were too lazy to keep to canon in order! <_<

You're saying we can still enjoy the old canon? Sure, we can. But then we can enjoy fanfiction just as much, and you know what that tends to end with. -_-

Me, I'm not turning my back on the franchise, though I might, if I don't like where it's ultimately going (I'll just stick to the OT in that case) - and its a perfectly normal reaction. Not like I gave a solemn vow to be with the franchise no matter what, or anything :lol:

And yes, I could imagine a film about Kyle Katarn, though maybe not as crazy as what the old EU had him put through :rolleyes:

Cerez likes this

Well, then he should have sold it in the first place -_-<_<

He was hoping that someone like Disney, with their established good reputation, will be able to do so much more and build upon what he started, faithfully. Disney has changed, however. They're not what they once used to be...




And it's no crime to want to profit on your product/creation. How you go about it is the question in terms of morals.


Oh please Cerez, you're overreacting, just like many others. As if Disney just demolished your childhood home, literally, not metaphorically as I well know that some of us could say that we grew up watching SW. I could understand your point of view but that is so 2013, and we're already looking forward to the next episode in the saga. Sure, it was a surprise for millions back in 2011 when the first rumors began to spread about Lucas planning to sell the franchise, and an even bigger kick in the groin when it was announced that he sold it all to Disney, but to still be whining about it in 2017 ?? :mellow:

And yes, the Expanded Universe has been downgraded to fan-fiction. There's nothing you or me can do to change it back to canon, not even 'translating my sentences' will do it.


And like I said, they've already honored the Expanded Universe with characters like Jyn Erso & Cassian Andor in Rogue One. That's a lot from a major film company.


Oh please Cerez, you're overreacting, just like many others. As if Disney just demolished your childhood home, literally, not metaphorically...

I sincerely don't think I am overreacting -- please don't dismiss my genuine thoughts and feelings on this so rudely -- and is there a difference whether someone's torn down something on your outside or inside? I would say the inside counts more... wouldn't you?


What if I told you that all the stories you loved growing up, they're all invalid now, and no-one cares how you feel or what you think. Even go as far as to tell you that you're no longer a fan of them because you don't like what's been done to them, and the stories that have replaced them. I bet that would make you feel real good.


What if I told you that these were all the results of the actions of one company, and the messages and attitude they are promoting and spreading. How would that make you feel?


...I well know that some of us could say that we grew up watching SW. I could understand your point of view but that is so 2013....

I didn't know that feelings and thoughts had an expiry date... :huh:


And like I said, they've already honored the Expanded Universe with characters like Jyn Erso & Cassian Andor in Rogue One. That's a lot from a major film company.

<_< I don't think that's a "lot" at all... In fact they've done as little as they could for the fandom, and most things that they've done so far have been empty publicity stunts. Just consider how Leia's and Tarkin's appearance will look like in 7 years' time in Rogue One (if anyone even talks about that movie by then)...


I would have preferred more work, more fleshed out characters, more authenticity, better original stories instead of the lame, template-based imitations they have produced. Yes, this is my opinion/outlook, and not everyone will agree with me, but it is valid just the same. Please don't tell me I'm "overreacting".

Jeff and the_raven like this

I could understand your point of view but that is so 2013, and we're already looking forward to the next episode in the saga. Sure, it was a surprise for millions back in 2011 when the first rumors began to spread about Lucas planning to sell the franchise, and an even bigger kick in the groin when it was announced that he sold it all to Disney, but to still be whining about it in 2017 ?? :mellow:


how time flies...

z3filus likes this

He was hoping that someone like Disney, with their established good reputation, will be able to do so much more and build upon what he started, faithfully. Disney has changed, however. They're not what they once used to be...




And it's no crime to want to profit on your product/creation. How you go about it is the question in terms of morals.

It's a bit naive to believe that an adult multi-millionaire didn't know to whom he was selling the product that made him rich and famous in the first place. Methinks he knew exactly what he was doing and is pulling a publicity gig complaining, or he's a genuine idiot. I mean, it's one thing when you're looking at a company's reputation from our "perspective" (for current lack of a better word on my part), and another when you're actually involved in the industry, have advisors, analysts, and so on. <_<

And you're right, it's no crime to want to profit on your product, but when your product grows literally larger than life and starts living on its own, you can't just up and cancel everything, is all I'm saying. -_-

Cerez likes this

It's a bit naive to believe that an adult multi-millionaire didn't know to whom he was selling the product that made him rich and famous in the first place.

Despite the godly things others may believe of us, at the end we're all people, at times naive, and prone to mistakes, that's all I can say. Bruce Lee died because he happened to accidentally mix temporary medication for his headache with the pain-killers he was on (due to his back injury).





We may never know the whole truth about George's sale, but I think it pays to give him, and anyone, really, the benefit of the doubt. I did the same with Disney, except they proved me wrong... on more than one occasion... <_<


Despite the godly things others may believe of us, at the end we're all people, at times naive, and prone to mistakes, that's all I can say.


We may never know the whole truth about George's sale, but I think it pays to give him, and anyone, really, the benefit of the doubt. I did the same with Disney, except they proved me wrong... on more than one occasion... <_<

like I said


I mean, it's one thing when you're looking at a company's reputation from our "perspective" (for current lack of a better word on my part), and another when you're actually involved in the industry, have advisors, analysts, and so on. <_<


I sincerely don't think I am overreacting -- please don't dismiss my genuine thoughts and feelings on this so rudely


What if I told you that these were all the results of the actions of one company, and the messages and attitude they are promoting and spreading. How would that make you feel?


I didn't know that feelings and thoughts had an expiry date... :huh:


 Oh so now I'm being rude towards you? I've hurt your feelings?  Yes. You are clearly overreacting. And yes, feelings and thoughts "have an expiry date" from a certain point of view, and depending of the subject. Nobody likes a person who continuously keeps whining about the same thing, especially when there's really nothing you or that person can do about it.

  • 3 weeks later...

It doesn't matter. Star Wars ended at Return of the Jedi. The rest is all fanfiction and fan films. Choose whatever fits in your world and why, because if random writers decide facts, so can you.



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