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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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Imo whats really lacking is some good classic trilogy missions/duels, but sadly the Movie Duels version of that was cancelled..... regardless, still nice that this one is still being updated I guess. Of course we also can't forget the new movies too! ;)

General Howard and Tompa9 like this

Imo whats really lacking is some good classic trilogy missions/duels, but sadly the Movie Duels version of that was cancelled..... regardless, still nice that this one is still being updated I guess. Of course we also can't forget the new movies too! ;)


We will try to add OT and Sequel content in the future. But first we must release bug free and the best possible "Prequel version" before moving on. It could look easy but there is really hard and time consuming work behind scenes (clearing old bugs, replacing old models by new ones, creating/editing new models, editing new textures and skyboxes, obtaining permissions to use models/sounds, optimizing NPC files, creating new fightning stances, fixing camera angles and I could even continue with other things that we need to do...). So please be patient guys. We don´t want to abadon this project and I´m sure that waiting will be worth it.


Imo whats really lacking is some good classic trilogy missions/duels, but sadly the Movie Duels version of that was cancelled..... regardless, still nice that this one is still being updated I guess. Of course we also can't forget the new movies too! ;)

We've got Darth Vader vs. Obi Wan. But yes, more down the road would be nice.

General Howard and Tompa9 like this

I know the original MD2 was single player only, but were you guys planning on adding any multiplayer content, kinda what like KOTF 2.1 is doing? Not necassarily at launch, you guys got enough on your plate, but somewhere down the road.

Jeff likes this

As it stands right now, it's not something we're looking at or have even really considered. The original mod was Single Player ONLY and we don't have any plans to change that. That's what MB2 was created for. We really want to keep this a Single Player experience ONLY, as MB2 has no Single Player aspect to it. This highly likely won't have a Muliplayer aspect to it.

Tompa9, darthpepo1, dg1995 and 1 other like this

i know that it's a lot to ask and I know that do that is not a simple work, but i'd really like to see a model of Ahsoka (Rebels) like this in the game.


We would like to add more quality version of Ahsoka but unfortunately there wasn´t any model like that created for Jedi Academy. We are using low quality port as placeholder.  :)


What's wrong with the Galaxy of Heroes fulcrum model? As it is, it fits perfectly in JA aesthetics, the only thing it needs is for someone to do improve the resolution of her textures.


What's wrong with the Galaxy of Heroes fulcrum model? As it is, it fits perfectly in JA aesthetics, the only thing it needs is for someone to do improve the resolution of her textures.


Yes that resolution. It needs high quality :)

General Howard likes this

One could also try using that neural network based "manga image" upscaler.

It once saved me quite some time in preparing a clients artwork for printing. While the sites title and intended use for this tech make me cringe, the results on simple "cartooney" images are stunning.


And from what I can tell from those screenshots: it could work on Ahsoka's textures. Just add in some microdetail later and you should be good to go.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Was the original Obi Wan ripped from the Episode 1 Game?

By the way, why you don´t team up with this mod with the KOTF Team? To make the ultimate Compilation Mod.


Was the original Obi Wan ripped from the Episode 1 Game?

By the way, why you don´t team up with this mod with the KOTF Team? To make the ultimate Compilation Mod.


LOL Why would we? :D This is different project. KOTF and MD2R aren´t same projects. There would be some similar things but both mods aiming on something different. We are strictly SP only and combat and missions are mainly based on saber dueling and KOTF is more whole saga project, it would have SP and MP with all characters and maps to recreate biggest battles. But both mods would be unique to each other. Let´s be patient and you will see that it would be fun to play both!

General Howard and dg1995 like this

*Minor Update*

Just to keep you guys up to speed with the mod's progress.. This past weekend, we're pleased to welcome @@swegmaster and @@JediNoob124 on to the team. JediNoob124 is primarily working on audio/soundtracks and sound editing, whereas swegmaster is working on cut-scene animation tweaks and animation, in general (still early learning days for him, so we wish him luck in becoming more experienced as he progresses) and overall cut-scene improvements, so each scene feels more authentic to its movie counter-part.

I can also tell you, as a small teaser, that I myself, have listened to some of JediNoob124's sound work and it is practically spot-on.. And swegmaster's overall cut-scene improvements are really beginning to make each scene much better, as he's finding new changes and improvements to make, that we hadn't noticed, originally. Combine that with the work the rest of the team are doing and you're in for a real treat, when the mod finally goes LIVE!.


*Minor Update*

Just to keep you guys up to speed with the mod's progress.. This past weekend, we're pleased to welcome @@swegmaster and @@JediNoob124 on to the team. JediNoob124 is primarily working on audio/soundtracks and sound editing, whereas swegmaster is working on cut-scene animation tweaks and animation, in general (still early learning days for him, so we wish him luck in becoming more experienced as he progresses) and overall cut-scene improvements, so each scene feels more authentic to its movie counter-part.

I can also tell you, as a small teaser, that I myself, have listened to some of JediNoob124's sound work and it is practically spot-on.. And swegmaster's overall cut-scene improvements are really beginning to make each scene much better, as he's finding new changes and improvements to make, that we hadn't noticed, originally. Combine that with the work the rest of the team are doing and you're in for a real treat, when the mod finally goes LIVE!.

I've been wondering why @@swegmaster has been so quiet here and has spent more time on the discord server instead. Now it makes sense as to why.

Tompa9 and dg1995 like this

So I discovered this mod yesterday, and find myself to be personally quite excited about it as I am very fond of the original. However I have a question concerning one of the SP missions, An Old Enemy, which features Darth Maul fighting Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. The original version of said mission was based on the old EU Star Wars comic Old Wounds, and had Obi-Wan and Maul fighting on Tatooine during the daylight, and Maul having the dark Grevious-like legs which he sported when he first appeared in Clone Wars. I mention this because I would like to know whether or not this mission will it be changed in order to be based more on the recent Star Wars Rebels episode Twin Suns, which featured Ben Kenobi fighting Maul on Tatooine at night around a unlit campfire. I personally wouldn't mind the mission being changed to follow closer to the Star Wars Rebels episode, but I wanted to bring this up and ask.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

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