Noodle Posted July 26, 2018 Author Posted July 26, 2018 Beautiful. That's a shyrack, correct? Or something else? I think the ingame name is Verkaal, but I wasn't sure so I didn't state it. I've always been fond of creature models, so if I can properly rig more in the future, I will. Xioth likes this
Xioth Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 I think the ingame name is Verkaal, but I wasn't sure so I didn't state it. I've always been fond of creature models, so if I can properly rig more in the future, I will. They seem to be the same thing, when you search for Verkaal on the wiki it goes to the Shyrack page.
TheWhitePhoenix Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 Ahhhhh, the Shyrack. Annoying freaks to low level KOTOR II players if they try to go to Korriban on the first or second Jedi Master hunt. Jeff likes this
Noodle Posted July 28, 2018 Author Posted July 28, 2018 I've updated the Shyrack model to now have attack and death animations. I'm still an amateur at this, so don't expect it to look good, however it's working much better ingame than the previous version! Now it works as an enemy NPC with the minemonster class, which means it'll be a bit buggy (wil approach but won't attack unless you get close to it). If anyone knows what class could suit it better, please let me know. Also, if anyone could get me some Shyrack sounds, that'd be pretty neat.
the_raven Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 Sweet, Holy Dada! This thread is great! @@Noodle, sir, you're doing an amazing job!Here's a few suggestions:For the 'knock out' mechanic: vanilla JKA has that 'Iknowkungfu' cheat that gives you melee and lets you play fighting animations when you push the right button combo. How about cutting up the strangling-and-throwing animation so that instead of knocking out the enemy npc, your character would actually try to non-lethally strangle them (without throwing). Adding a 'strength' stat would also benefit this, affecting the success of the take-down. More stats, 'strength' stat in particular, as mentioned above. A map/ mini-map (see below). Companion reputation - I bet not all companions are saints, especially since they're mercs/ bounty hunters, so it'd make sense that some npc's/ factions would not want to talk to you while you have a particular companion following you, or might even be openly hostile. This would also add more depth to the companions, making them more immersive. For npc commands:'Go scout the area' - triggers companion into stealth (no shooting + crouching), and they would return after spotting an enemy, telling you where they saw them (mini-map), or something like that.'Use the terminal' - could be used to have the companion control some ceiling turret, giving you cover; or maybe to keep a door/ forcefield open that would otherwise close every time no one uses the terminal. You know, like in those extra secure areas.'Control the droid' - when the companion controls the droid, they basically stand in place (working the terminal - animation) while the droid becomes your companion instead, until destroyed. This can be used if your companion has a bad reputation with a certain group (see above) and you need to bypass some checkpoint, or in case you want to send the droid on a scouting/ data retrieval mission without having them in stealth or otherwise rousing suspicion.You're talking about adding a store system. Will it feature clothing? If so, what can be expected in this regard, aside from goggles and the leg (ammo?) belt (as seen on the Twi'lek companion)? Will there be the vanilla clothes choices like in character creation, or will there also be Stormtrooper armour available for purchase? Will there be a player home/ base where all those clothes are stored?
the_raven Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 Now it works as an enemy NPC with the minemonster class, which means it'll be a bit buggy (wil approach but won't attack unless you get close to it). If anyone knows what class could suit it better, please let me know.I'm not sure what makes the class different, but what if the rockettrooper class? Hey, at least it'd fly Seriously though, maybe the howler class would work better? Shyracks do have a sonic attack, if I remember correctly, and the 'howler jump' could be a substitute for flying, or something like that.
Noodle Posted July 29, 2018 Author Posted July 29, 2018 For the 'knock out' mechanic: vanilla JKA has that 'Iknowkungfu' cheat that gives you melee and lets you play fighting animations when you push the right button combo. How about cutting up the strangling-and-throwing animation so that instead of knocking out the enemy npc, your character would actually try to non-lethally strangle them (without throwing). Adding a 'strength' stat would also benefit this, affecting the success of the take-down. Curiously enough, the non-lethal choke animation has been one of the ideas I was expecting to apply soon! More stats, 'strength' stat in particular, as mentioned above.A map/ mini-map (see below). The thing about stats is that whatever I'll try to add must feel like it's a useful investment to the character. It's something I've tried to put a lot of thought into, since I don't want to give the idea that some stats/skills are absolutely useless with exception of a couple instances. I don't think I'd be able to do a map though, not yet with my level of skill at least. Companion reputation - I bet not all companions are saints, especially since they're mercs/ bounty hunters, so it'd make sense that some npc's/ factions would not want to talk to you while you have a particular companion following you, or might even be openly hostile. This would also add more depth to the companions, making them more immersive. For npc commands:'Go scout the area' - triggers companion into stealth (no shooting + crouching), and they would return after spotting an enemy, telling you where they saw them (mini-map), or something like that.'Use the terminal' - could be used to have the companion control some ceiling turret, giving you cover; or maybe to keep a door/ forcefield open that would otherwise close every time no one uses the terminal. You know, like in those extra secure areas.'Control the droid' - when the companion controls the droid, they basically stand in place (working the terminal - animation) while the droid becomes your companion instead, until destroyed. This can be used if your companion has a bad reputation with a certain group (see above) and you need to bypass some checkpoint, or in case you want to send the droid on a scouting/ data retrieval mission without having them in stealth or otherwise rousing suspicion.You're talking about adding a store system. Will it feature clothing? If so, what can be expected in this regard, aside from goggles and the leg (ammo?) belt (as seen on the Twi'lek companion)? Will there be the vanilla clothes choices like in character creation, or will there also be Stormtrooper armour available for purchase? Will there be a player home/ base where all those clothes are stored? - Yes! I've thought a lot about different factions and the player's relation to them. It wouldn't make sense for the player to have an imperial companion if he's doing missions for the rebellion, nor would it make sense for a goodish character to help a murderer. - I hadn't thought about that 'Use the terminal' idea, it's definitely going to happen now. - About controlling the droid, it's something that I could do, but I'm not sure if it'd make sense in the Star Wars universe. Have we ever seen in canon that droid characters can be hacked and controlled by a third person? They're sentient beings after all. - I've thought a lot about the store system. It's definitely something above my skills, but maybe a good coder will be willing to help after I release the first demo. I've thought about it conceptually though, and one of the things that concerns me is that if the player is free to create his own character (choose sex/species/etc), then it'd be way harder to implement different sets of armors/items (basically, it wouldn't make sense for a rodian/human/ithorian to have the same helmet). If I created a specific model for the player, though, that would be a different story (but it'd limit your choice to create your own thing for the game). I'm not sure what makes the class different, but what if the rockettrooper class? Hey, at least it'd fly Seriously though, maybe the howler class would work better? Shyracks do have a sonic attack, if I remember correctly, and the 'howler jump' could be a substitute for flying, or something like that. As it is, the creature is indeed flying, so the rockettrooper/howler class would be irrelevant. The only thing that I'd need now is a class that approaches you and attacks you at close range with a different range of attack animations. Maybe more recent versions of OpenJK have fixed this bug though!
the_raven Posted July 29, 2018 Posted July 29, 2018 - About controlling the droid, it's something that I could do, but I'm not sure if it'd make sense in the Star Wars universe. Have we ever seen in canon that droid characters can be hacked and controlled by a third person? They're sentient beings after all. - I've thought a lot about the store system. It's definitely something above my skills, but maybe a good coder will be willing to help after I release the first demo. I've thought about it conceptually though, and one of the things that concerns me is that if the player is free to create his own character (choose sex/species/etc), then it'd be way harder to implement different sets of armors/items (basically, it wouldn't make sense for a rodian/human/ithorian to have the same helmet). If I created a specific model for the player, though, that would be a different story (but it'd limit your choice to create your own thing for the game). As it is, the creature is indeed flying, so the rockettrooper/howler class would be irrelevant. The only thing that I'd need now is a class that approaches you and attacks you at close range with a different range of attack animations. Maybe more recent versions of OpenJK have fixed this bug though!Well, I was just thinking of what you've shown in the video - droid hacking to make it walk or blow up - though, I guess I forgot if the player actually controlled the droid, or just had it walk by itself. But I do remember RC droids, in JKA (mouse droids), in Battlefront 2 classic (recon droid), and, if I'm not mistaking, in one of the KOTOR games too. Of course, these aren't canon anymore, but it did happen. Yeah, the different races make it difficult, but of course, it would depend on what races you'll have available. Obviously, Ithorians would have to have standalone items, but the Twi'leks/ Humans/ Zabrak, possibly the Kel'Dor and Rodians as well should, in theory, be able to use the same items. The biggest problem here is the gloves and headwear.You could go with making races like Ithorians into npcs-only, so it'd be a kind of a compromise - richer world, but less work content-wise. Likewise, you could go with the approach many other games use - humanoids all have the same helmet mesh regardless of head shape. Not very realistic, true, but it's a workaround. Well, the Howler does have different attacks - jump attack, sonic attack, tongue attack. But it's your choice, of course.
ZanderNao Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 The Verkaal works great, but I've had a couple mods over the years to make minemonsters work in Jedi Academy but one side effect has always been random sounds... It's just me having that, right? It makes swoop and saber noises when it's attacking...
the_raven Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 The Verkaal works great, but I've had a couple mods over the years to make minemonsters work in Jedi Academy but one side effect has always been random sounds... It's just me having that, right? It makes swoop and saber noises when it's attacking...Maybe the game just lacks the right sounds for mine monster
Noodle Posted August 3, 2018 Author Posted August 3, 2018 The Verkaal works great, but I've had a couple mods over the years to make minemonsters work in Jedi Academy but one side effect has always been random sounds... It's just me having that, right? It makes swoop and saber noises when it's attacking... It isn't only you. I noticed that in Multiplayer the CLASS_MINEMONSTER is bugged and the NPCs with it make random sounds (like shield/ammo healing and others). It works fine in Singleplayer though. Hopefully the people behind OpenJK can fix it.
Kualan Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 It isn't only you. I noticed that in Multiplayer the CLASS_MINEMONSTER is bugged and the NPCs with it make random sounds (like shield/ammo healing and others). It works fine in Singleplayer though. Hopefully the people behind OpenJK can fix it. Just spitballing here and have in no way tested this theory, but could this be due to minemonster being given vehicle sounds to default back to when there are no specific sounds in its audio folder for the game call upon? Similar to how male/female NPCs will default to base grunts for jumps/pain/death etc if they don't have their own sounds, dictated by whether they are classed as male or female in their NPC file. So if you have sound files (even blank audio) in a named sound folder for the creature using the minemonster class, this will override any others the game may default to? Or it's just a crazy bug.
Noodle Posted August 3, 2018 Author Posted August 3, 2018 Just spitballing here and have in no way tested this theory, but could this be due to minemonster being given vehicle sounds to default back to when there are no specific sounds in its audio folder for the game call upon? Similar to how male/female NPCs will default to base grunts for jumps/pain/death etc if they don't have their own sounds, dictated by whether they are classed as male or female in their NPC file. So if you have sound files (even blank audio) in a named sound folder for the creature using the minemonster class, this will override any others the game may default to? Or it's just a crazy bug. It's a crazy bug. Even when I gave the minemonster it's proper sounds (just like I did with the flying thingy), it still kept doing those odd sounds in multiplayer. It's quite odd. Also @@TheWhitePhoenix @@Delta-573 and anybody else that cares, the animation menu has been updated! Stay tuned for when the moderators approve the new file! Delta-573 and TheWhitePhoenix like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 It's a crazy bug. Even when I gave the minemonster it's proper sounds (just like I did with the flying thingy), it still kept doing those odd sounds in multiplayer. It's quite odd. Also @@TheWhitePhoenix @@Delta-573 and anybody else that cares, the animation menu has been updated! Stay tuned for when the moderators approve the new file! My reaction is at 8:28. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh snap. Noodle likes this
Delta-573 Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 It's a crazy bug. Even when I gave the minemonster it's proper sounds (just like I did with the flying thingy), it still kept doing those odd sounds in multiplayer. It's quite odd. Also @@TheWhitePhoenix @@Delta-573 and anybody else that cares, the animation menu has been updated! Stay tuned for when the moderators approve the new file! Noodle, Xioth, the_raven and 2 others like this
Noodle Posted September 18, 2018 Author Posted September 18, 2018 Just a little something I worked on for those who want more beasts in their game. Model from KOTOR I with an HD retexture by Emperor Turnip. Rigging and all animations done by me. Download link: Omega, DTIII, Nik Astra and 7 others like this
the_raven Posted September 18, 2018 Posted September 18, 2018 Just a little something I worked on for those who want more beasts in their game. Model from KOTOR I with an HD retexture by Emperor Turnip. Rigging and all animations done by me. Download link:! Now i can finally have a pet gizka in JKA!Does it have custom animations or does it use the rancor set?
Noodle Posted September 19, 2018 Author Posted September 19, 2018 YES! Now i can finally have a pet gizka in JKA!Does it have custom animations or does it use the rancor set? No way, it has custom animations made by me. Jeff likes this
Xioth Posted September 19, 2018 Posted September 19, 2018 No way, it has custom animations made by me.You're an incredible person, and I love you. Noodle likes this
the_raven Posted September 19, 2018 Posted September 19, 2018 You're an incredible person, and I love you.Coming from the lord of hate, that's saying something Jeff, TheWhitePhoenix, Noodle and 2 others like this
Noodle Posted May 1, 2019 Author Posted May 1, 2019 New pics of my most recent map: Exterior: Interior: Concept Background: "A gang of pirates smuggle themselves to a heavily protected warehouse with the intent of stealing valuable cargo". Will probably make this a siege mission + part of my SP project. Tompa9, Droidy365, TheWhitePhoenix and 9 others like this
Droidy365 Posted August 28, 2019 Posted August 28, 2019 So two questions: 1: How is progress going with your SP mod? 2: Would you consider releasing the dialogue system? I was thinking about using it for a few things myself
Noodle Posted August 28, 2019 Author Posted August 28, 2019 So two questions: 1: How is progress going with your SP mod? 2: Would you consider releasing the dialogue system? I was thinking about using it for a few things myself 1.- I do modding stuff on a daily basis. I haven't shown many updates recently because I want the tutorial mission to be kind of a surprise. b) No. It stills needs to be polished so it's not a buggy mess and I'll probably have to simplify it a lot for that purpose. Wasa, Droidy365 and TheWhitePhoenix like this
Noodle Posted September 6, 2019 Author Posted September 6, 2019 Quick question, has someone already done a helmetless stormtrooper? Working on something but I'd love to see other people's attempt. Droidy365, Lancelot, LukeJM28 and 4 others like this
SomaZ Posted September 6, 2019 Posted September 6, 2019 The heads look a bit to small. Other than that, looks great. Now we need more stormtrooper randomization ingame. ^^
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