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Tiled texture issue

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So I can't quite figure this out. Since I started mapping again, a bunch of random textures show up as tiny and tiled in-game. They look perfectly fine in Radiant. I've tried pressing S and changing the wrap to Axial or Fit, etc. None of that changes anything. The same texture that's used on a model works fine and looks good. See pics below.


At first I thought it was a problem with my first map, but now it's happening on a new map.


This wasn't an issue a year ago.


I gave my map to @@MagSul to test and he says the textures look fine to him.










I'm also missing a few models in one map. They show up for him, but not me. No errors in the console.








It's really driving me crazy. Any ideas what's going on?


So I can't quite figure this out. Since I started mapping again, a bunch of random textures show up as tiny and tiled in-game. They look perfectly fine in Radiant. I've tried pressing S and changing the wrap to Axial or Fit, etc. None of that changes anything. The same texture that's used on a model works fine and looks good. See pics below.


At first I thought it was a problem with my first map, but now it's happening on a new map.


This wasn't an issue a year ago.


I gave my map to @@MagSul to test and he says the textures look fine to him.










I'm also missing a few models in one map. They show up for him, but not me. No errors in the console.








It's really driving me crazy. Any ideas what's going on?

dunno, maybe you messed with a setting in radiant?

Putting in a pk3 doesn't make a difference. And these are base textures, which look fine in base maps.


I've also tried running JKA with a clean base a fresh config. Still has the issue.


I booted into Windows to see if it happened on there and it does. Which really doesn't make sense.


I'm about to try on a new machine.


Posh. The times I've had the issue, I've had some kind of logic messing with my files structure (with JK2MV installed version, you end up with a total of 3 base folders, to give an example). Using the q3map2 interface? Double checked that it has the correct installation's engine path etc? Otherwise no clue.


Does the texture have a shader?



I thought that was the issue too, but he asured me it wasn't the problem.

It does have a shader, I believe. But it's a base shader. Its there in the assets.


@@Circa hmm... Maybe too many modifications and there is some.. shader issue or .. i like calling it- shader battle. When You have to shader files with the same name... sometimes its making some messed up things with the game.

When i make modifications i have my messed up and clean Jk3's :P One for modding , second for checking the modifications and play game normally. Make clean jk3 folder with all base and gamedata folders and stuff..  and remove all pk3 that are modifications.
I recommend this method because You will sure that everything works fine on normal clean game. ;)


@@Circa hmm... Maybe too many modifications and there is some.. shader issue or .. i like calling it- shader battle. When You have to shader files with the same name... sometimes its making some messed up things with the game.


When i make modifications i have my messed up and clean Jk3's :P One for modding , second for checking the modifications and play game normally. Make clean jk3 folder with all base and gamedata folders and stuff..  and remove all pk3 that are modifications.

I recommend this method because You will sure that everything works fine on normal clean game. ;)


I've also tried running JKA with a clean base a fresh config. Still has the issue.


I booted into Windows to see if it happened on there and it does. Which really doesn't make sense.


I'm about to try on a new machine.

And it happens on a new machine with a fresh install.


@@MagSul did you compile the map after I gave it to you when you tested it in-game? Is that why it worked?


So reinstalling Radiant made things worse....


Now it's not finding any textures when compiling. They all show up fine in Radiant though.

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/common/caulk
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/skies/desert
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/terradesert/terrain_0
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/system/blockplayer
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/system/physics_clip
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/desert/t_rockwall1

I don't get it. @@redsaurus, I've double checked all the paths everywhere to make sure they're pointing to the right place, but maybe I'm missing one? Asking you because i'm using Mac.


As I said in the thread linked in the post linked by Boothand earlier, this is pretty much always caused by a misconfigured Q3Map2. Make sure to set fs_basepath to your GameData folder and fs_game to the right mod (if not base).


And it happens on a new machine with a fresh install.


@@MagSul did you compile the map after I gave it to you when you tested it in-game? Is that why it worked?

hmm.... shaderlist?  Or maybe wrong shader with the compile.


Did You sent to Magsul a map file or BSP file?


As I said in the thread linked in the post linked by Boothand earlier, this is pretty much always caused by a misconfigured Q3Map2. Make sure to set fs_basepath to your GameData folder and fs_game to the right mod (if not base).

Not sure where to configure that. I've looked everywhere. I did notice in the log that this path is wrong when initiating the compile:

VFS Init: /Applications/Jedi Academy/base//base/

Obviously that shouldn't have the /base/ at the end. Where can I change that? I did a deep search in my system for files with that line and I got nothing.


Not sure where to configure that. I've looked everywhere. I did notice in the log that this path is wrong when initiating the compile:

VFS Init: /Applications/Jedi Academy/base//base/

Obviously that shouldn't have the /base/ at the end. Where can I change that? I did a deep search in my system for files with that line and I got nothing.


File -> Project Settings?

Edit -> Preferences?


You've probably already checked those - if not maybe there's a .cfg or .ini file in Radiant's hard drive folder you can edit?


EDIT: Oh, or you could look in Textures -> Load Directory and see what the path is at the bottom of that?


File -> Project Settings?

Edit -> Preferences?


You've probably already checked those - if not maybe there's a .cfg or .ini file in Radiant's hard drive folder you can edit?


EDIT: Oh, or you could look in Textures -> Load Directory and see what the path is at the bottom of that?

Tried all those. The textures load fine in Radiant, so loading the directory is fine.


When you sent the map over, I simply compiled it as normal, yeah. No issues on my end.

Okay. That explains why it only worked for you and nobody else. So it definitely is an issue with my Radiant.



EDIT: I think I fixed it. Deleted all the hidden configs I could find in my homepath, reinstalled Radiant again and made sure the basepath was set to Jedi Academy (same as GameData for Mac) folder on initial setup.

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