IrocJeff Posted September 14, 2016 Author Posted September 14, 2016 Perfect. Looking really good! Thanks and Thanks.. I'm going to keep the table design but I am going to make the room more curved. I also am going to make the main light in the ceiling. I think I want to keep a more red light scheme in this room. Keep any suggestions coming because I'm only one person here. Bek likes this
Bek Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 It's times like these where I wish jka's engine was more capable of dynamic lighting, it would do so much for the game.
IrocJeff Posted September 15, 2016 Author Posted September 15, 2016 It's times like these where I wish jka's engine was more capable of dynamic lighting, it would do so much for the game. Yeah, but you just have to be creative and use what you got. That is part of the fun. I added curved walls on the sides as well as a recessed area on the ceiling there. I also put a monitor on the wall. Odeyseis likes this
IrocJeff Posted September 25, 2016 Author Posted September 25, 2016 Still having a slower time than I had thought getting used to all this again and I wish I had more "design" progress to show. I CAN say that the level design for the Death Star 2 intro cutscene has been completed. Well, the all the rooms, hallways, ect, have been completed. Details are now going to be added to each of these areas, then the scripting. On the story front, the stuff I don't want you to know, is going well. So that aspect is moving forward a bit better. I can say that this meeting is to be a bit more secret a meeting than some official meeting like in A New Hope w/ Tarkin. I did re texture the hangar once again and changed the lighting and I think its much better now. Those slanted struts that took forever to get the texturing right are now in Basic... lol. However, it doesn't look as loud as it originally did. The floor is some Byss shader shrunk down by about half. This is the view opposite the first image. I added a platform above the door with railings and will have some activity up there. Going to add in cargo containers and some other hangar-ish things. Jolly, Smoo and swegmaster like this
IrocJeff Posted September 25, 2016 Author Posted September 25, 2016 Looking great! Thanks. I love that signature you have. I wish that scene stayed in the movie. Smoo likes this
IrocJeff Posted September 26, 2016 Author Posted September 26, 2016 One more shot for the night. Added in some cargo containers. I also think I am going to borrow from the TIE Hanger in Battlefront and extend my platform a bit on each side. So, the platform will have some stairs to a lower part and then another set of stairs to the hangar floor. This will follow the path of the walls on each side of the hangar. Kualan, swegmaster, Smoo and 1 other like this
IrocJeff Posted October 2, 2016 Author Posted October 2, 2016 Should have had more done this week but oh well. Today I went fishing all day instead of mapping so here's what I got done just a few moments ago. I added in the catwalk on each side of the hangar. I also put a light shader on the front of each step since it breaks up the grey a bit. I also removed the blue lights above the blast doors and am keeping it as is. Even though you as a player won't ever see this angle on the catwalk but I thought I 'd add it in anyhow. swegmaster, Jolly, Bek and 3 others like this
ZanderNao Posted October 2, 2016 Posted October 2, 2016 I really love taking advantage of subtle height differences. That's one of my favorite aspects of Jedi Outcast, and this raised walkway you added is perfect.
IrocJeff Posted October 15, 2016 Author Posted October 15, 2016 Sorry for no updates in a while. I can't say my life is busy but I really don't want to stare at a computer screen at home after 8 hours of configuring laptops all day long. As of now I just got the Imperial Army Troopers to spawn in game. Hurray! Not a huge improvement I know but its really important because stormtroopers are going to be really limited if they are even in the project at all. I also got the Imperial Gunner and Weapons Tech to spawn so things are going well. This is huge for the story line and stuff so now that that stuff is accomplished, along with other npc's I'll need, things should go swimmingly in that area. Going to try and finish the Death Star detailing tonight and then start working on some outdoorsy stuff. Kualan likes this
Kualan Posted October 16, 2016 Posted October 16, 2016 Sorry for no updates in a while. I can't say my life is busy but I really don't want to stare at a computer screen at home after 8 hours of configuring laptops all day long. As of now I just got the Imperial Army Troopers to spawn in game. Hurray! Not a huge improvement I know but its really important because stormtroopers are going to be really limited if they are even in the project at all. I also got the Imperial Gunner and Weapons Tech to spawn so things are going well. This is huge for the story line and stuff so now that that stuff is accomplished, along with other npc's I'll need, things should go swimmingly in that area. Going to try and finish the Death Star detailing tonight and then start working on some outdoorsy stuff. Cool - are there any models/characters you need that don't currently exist for JKA?
IrocJeff Posted October 16, 2016 Author Posted October 16, 2016 Well, I just downloaded MBII since i was pointed there as that is where the Rebel Endor trooper is. I also noticed that there are more weapons in there which would help. The A-280, sniper rifle, and frag grenage. If they will work in JKA SP I'm going to have to start tracking the people who built them down and see if I can use them in this project. I really want more than an e-11 blaster for everyone. People bitched about that in my first project but the non blaster weapons in these games are dumb. I even want to try and see if its possible to have a t-21 or dlt-19 that can be emplaced like on a window sill or similar. Fixed there, but, the players or npcs can use it. kinda like the mg42 or 30 cal in cod/2. I'd also like a more generic skin for the Endor trooper where its more like more neutral drabby colors. I do have permission from UniqueOne to use his trees from his projects. I did not even test this out yet so I don't know if they'll work out or not. I'm open for trees, shrubs, bushes when it comes to models. That is basically it. If I have to take up Blender again and attempt to make models for guns I'm going to have to although I'll need someone to texture them since I'm horrendous with those programs. Animations.. this area I'll probably need some stuff with in the future but it isn't terribly important Basically weapons(blasters), trees( shrubs, bushes, hedge rows), and maybe more skins for the Imperial Army guys ( heads especially) and rebels ( if I can use them ). That stuff is priority #1.
IrocJeff Posted October 24, 2016 Author Posted October 24, 2016 So this is what I am working on now which is going to be my terrain and trench system. I've worked on this before but nothing ever came of it so I'm reusing this idea here. As you can see I'll hand design all the terrain by hand since its a bit easier to mess with as I can add in blocks of terrain where I need them and delete them where I don't and whatnot. And yeah, I do know the terrain brushes on the bottom aren't aligned right I just pasted them wrong. This section is going to be a connection trench between two bunkers. I think I want to do something similar to destroying the guns in Brecourt in COD1. You can see the trench wall on the immediate left has bend in it and I plan on bulging out some areas of the wall here and there to give it some detail. The ground will be dirt and I'm going to do the same terrain for the trench floor in sport, only smaller in scale. This way I can make puddles and stuff. Planning on having this world rainy and foggy. I'm also going to mirror the D-Day invasion where you will play a character inserted ahead of the main invasion force. Maybe by parachute, maybe by a pod of sorts ( like Quake 2) and you crash into a house or barn or something. I want to make a more rural, simpler world with hints of technology here and there. Kinda like how tatooine has mud buildings with electronic doors or other things. That is about it for now. Smoo, Bek, swegmaster and 1 other like this
IrocJeff Posted October 30, 2016 Author Posted October 30, 2016 Here is the scene in game. The terrain brushes were just made smaller and I placed them in the trench and manupulated some vertices here and there. The middle is just a bit sunken while the side are a bit higher. Makes it look a bit more natural especially against the trench wall. The diamond in the middle is just the mark to cut and paste the existing floor together so all seams will be even. This is the inspiration for my idea from cod1 or 2. swegmaster, Smoo, Ramikad and 1 other like this
IrocJeff Posted October 30, 2016 Author Posted October 30, 2016 Give it time. Just to let you and others know I'm not set with the textures so that is all probably going to change.
Ramikad Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 Here is the scene in game. The terrain brushes were just made smaller and I placed them in the trench and manupulated some vertices here and there. The middle is just a bit sunken while the side are a bit higher. Makes it look a bit more natural especially against the trench wall. The diamond in the middle is just the mark to cut and paste the existing floor together so all seams will be even. This is the inspiration for my idea from cod1 or 2. Cool!From what I remember about trenches (I made a short presentation about WW1 with a friend of mine back at school), you may want to make them a bit shorter (typically, they were up to a maximum length of 10 meters per section) and more zig-zagged, like in the reference picture - that was a way to prevent an invading enemy to conquer the whole trench, separating it instead in sections which are protected from the fire coming from the other sections. Basically it is a way to make things harder for the invaders, who had to be careful of the fire coming from both junctions, and to make things easier for the defenders, effectively limiting the damage to the captured section. Also, even though it's probably more for gameplay reason than anything, trenches (at least in WW1) were much deeper, up to 2-3 meters deep. I can see how having deep trenches would make them too safe if any serious shooting was to take place.
IrocJeff Posted October 30, 2016 Author Posted October 30, 2016 You got it correct that it is more for gameplay reasons. I'm pretty familiar with WW1 myself and have even sat through the whole Apocolypse WWI series on TV. It is on Youtube and is really great if anyone hasn't seen it. The section I am working on now is just a linking trench from one bunker to another. The ground outside the trench will be taller than the trench itself and that will give it a more deep appearance. However, I'm not really going for the WWI trench look and am more going for this kind of trench design. Going back to the in-Radiant shot you can see I cut the trench out to match with the terrain brushes as well. This just made it easier to edit and I won't have to cut these brushes and whatnot. I may cut this particular trench down by 1/3 width since there will be no combat here. I'm still learning as I'm going and get where you are coming from, though. BTW, here is a link to that Apcolypse WWI show ( in Color ) if anyone is interested. yeyo JK, Jeff and Smoo like this
IrocJeff Posted November 3, 2016 Author Posted November 3, 2016 Cut down the width of the trench and it turned out pretty good. Player movement is good and there is enough space that it isn't cramped. I added in a 90 degree turn, two offset 45 degree corners (second image) and a few straight areas. I have pre fabbed some of the this so it cuts down the time. I can just piece it together as I need it. Still working out the spacing of the upright supports. There are also handmade terrain brushes around the trench but its all in caulk so you can't see it in here. Langerd and Smoo like this
Smoo Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Cut down the width of the trench and it turned out pretty good. Player movement is good and there is enough space that it isn't cramped. I added in a 90 degree turn, two offset 45 degree corners (second image) and a few straight areas. I have pre fabbed some of the this so it cuts down the time. I can just piece it together as I need it. Still working out the spacing of the upright supports. There are also handmade terrain brushes around the trench but its all in caulk so you can't see it in here. Impressive!
IrocJeff Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 I started in the corner of the bunker entrance today and finally started shaping the terrain. Long, tedious process for sure one verticee at a time but this is really where I like Radiant 's keyboard shortcuts in regards to changing view grid view. The brush cleanup tool is needed since duplicate plane errors show up all over. So this is the entrance to a bunker of sorts that will be buried under the terrain. Dirt will probably be grass as well with brush and other things around it. It took about an hour to get this section done. I should be able to cut and past sections that are close and then just sew them up to save time. I'm sure the more open areas I can use larger terrain brushes since it will be more gradual elevation changes and that should be a bit easier. \ swegmaster, Langerd and Smoo like this
IrocJeff Posted November 7, 2016 Author Posted November 7, 2016 Finally got this section 99% complete. Learned quite a bit about hand shaping terrain just by building this section. Since this will be a grassy area I still have to round the tops of those mounds a bit more and make the terrain above each bunker entrance. The textures will probably change although the wood trench walls I kinda like. Trying to find a decent, worn, concrete wall texture for the bunkers. Going to work on the inside of one of the bunkers after this. Smoo, swegmaster and Langerd like this
IrocJeff Posted November 19, 2016 Author Posted November 19, 2016 Got tired of working on the bunker section this week and started some buildings instead. The bunker isn't too big at all but I just wasn't inspired enough I guess. I found some neat 1/72 scale models of french houses and barns on Google Images so I've been using these as the references for some designs. Textures, that is another story. hehehe. That is why the barn in the image below is still caulked. Stone, wood planks, no problems. Siding/Stucco .. that is another story. So, I'm looking for any suggestions. The shot below is just a small barn with a little walled in area off the to the side. I plan on having some sort of planted field around it and maybe some open pasture land. Langerd, swegmaster and Smoo like this
Langerd Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 Got tired of working on the bunker section this week and started some buildings instead. The bunker isn't too big at all but I just wasn't inspired enough I guess. I found some neat 1/72 scale models of french houses and barns on Google Images so I've been using these as the references for some designs. Textures, that is another story. hehehe. That is why the barn in the image below is still caulked. Stone, wood planks, no problems. Siding/Stucco .. that is another story. So, I'm looking for any suggestions. The shot below is just a small barn with a little walled in area off the to the side. I plan on having some sort of planted field around it and maybe some open pasture land. This old style ... Old gaming atmosphere shaping.. I Love it! <3
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