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What's the point? If you dislike a post, ignore it, or explain why you dislike. Disliking/downvoting just increases the passive-aggressive nature of social media.


"But we have a like button!" you may exclaim.


Liking something is a subtle way to show you approve. In most cases, people don't really need to know why people are liking their post. However, if someone dislikes a post, I'd wager anyone would be low-key dying to know why they dislike it. And also, in most cases, people that downvote on reddit tend to post their reasons anyway, which I could see happen even more so here.


Because Lord knows people would start to get more dislikes than likes in their notification window. And that's just what I'd want to see when I login to JKHub.


"Kylo Ren disliked a post you made."

"eezstreet disliked a post you made."

"Caelum disliked a post you made"


Aw guys, stop smothering me.  ^_^


Really though, I'm not completely against it, but the main reason I'm saying no for now is because I don't really want to pay $10 for the add-on to do so. Maybe if more people supported your request, I'd consider it. Or if someone donated the $10 directly for it.

AshuraDX, Bek, Sentra and 7 others like this
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I don't think a Dislike button is a good idea. Honestly even the Like button has its flaws and a Dislike button will highlight them even further.


I mentioned a system of anonymous upvotes/downvotes because it has benefits in a modding website: useful information gets upvoted, bad information or off-topic questions get downvoted. It's not quite the same thing as Likee/Dislikes.

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I can think of many posts over the years that have not been well received or have caused dramas etc, and the people who felt strongly enough made it clear through actually responding with a post.


If you truly dislike something and intend to show it, you better be prepared to put some words behind that, not just a passive agressive dislike.

It would be like I didn't type all this, but pressed dislike on your suggestion, which is impossible atm and also kind of ironic. Mix that and you get - imponic. The best Pokemon.

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I can think of many posts over the years that have not been well received or have caused dramas etc, and the people who felt strongly enough made it clear through actually responding with a post.


If you truly dislike something and intend to show it, you better be prepared to put some words behind that, not just a passive agressive dislike.

It would be like I didn't type all this, but pressed dislike on your suggestion, which is impossible atm and also kind of ironic. Mix that and you get - imponic. The best Pokemon.


But then you could say the same for Like. Someone likes what you say, but they don't actually expand on what exactly they like about it, as most just take 1 Like = 100% agreement.

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I think a like button makes more sense though, even though it's not free of issues.


Scenario #1:

Someone gives an opinion, and 10 people like it. They basically say 'I agree' without making a "What eezstreet said" post. What exactly they like about it might not be relevant, if they would say pretty much the same thing.


Scenario #2:

Someone gives an opinion, and 10 people dislike it. They say 'I disagree', but now there's something missing. Why the disagreement? So instead of disliking the post, Gandalf makes a post on why he disagrees, and the 10 people like his post instead of of just disliking the other.


In either case someone gets ganged up on without many reasons explicitly stated (if we need to treat arguments as a battle), which sucks for someone. But there's also that the like button in its nature is more like flower and less like Sauron. It encourages supportive/constructive interactions on the forum.


It's also convenient for me to like what someone posts in a WIP thread or so, without being tilted enough to write a post to explicitly say 'I like what you do, keep it up'.

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I think a like button makes more sense though, even though it's not free of issues.


Scenario #1:

Someone gives an opinion, and 10 people like it. They basically say 'I agree' without making a "What eezstreet said" post. What exactly they like about it might not be relevant, if they would say pretty much the same thing.


Scenario #2:

Someone gives an opinion, and 10 people dislike it. They say 'I disagree', but now there's something missing. Why the disagreement? So instead of disliking the post, Gandalf makes a post on why he disagrees, and the 10 people like his post instead of of just disliking the other.


In either case someone gets ganged up on without many reasons explicitly stated (if we need to treat arguments as a battle), which sucks for someone. But there's also that the like button in its nature is more like flower and less like Sauron. It encourages supportive/constructive interactions on the forum.


It's also convenient for me to like what someone posts in a WIP thread or so, without being tilted enough to write a post to explicitly say 'I like what you do, keep it up'.


If it works for Likes, I think it should work for Dislikes also. It is the users option to explain why they Disagree with it, and would be the same if they Agree with it. There shouldn't be any type of gang-up behavior though, but I think people should be ok to express their feelings, if someone gets too much, there's always a report button.

ent likes this
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I agree with boothand. People don't mind if you compliment them. They only mind if you push negativity towards them.


Perhaps you could disagree with something that is not totally negative though. For example, one person could say something incorrect, such as "The NPC file contains the saber commands", to which one could "disagree" and then let them know that it is a .sab file that contains that information. It's not all entirely negative, it's subjective to the content of the post that is being liked/disliked.


Alternatively, the wording could be altered to Agree/Disagree with this post, instead of Like/Dislike. It makes it less negative.

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If it works for Likes, I think it should work for Dislikes also. It is the users option to explain why they Disagree with it, and would be the same if they Agree with it. 


see below:


"But we have a like button!" you may exclaim.


Liking something is a subtle way to show you approve. In most cases, people don't really need to know why people are liking their post. However, if someone dislikes a post, I'd wager anyone would be low-key dying to know why they dislike it. And also, in most cases, people that downvote on reddit tend to post their reasons anyway, which I could see happen even more so here.


Because Lord knows people would start to get more dislikes than likes in their notification window. And that's just what I'd want to see when I login to JKHub.


"Kylo Ren disliked a post you made."

"eezstreet disliked a post you made."

"Caelum disliked a post you made"




 There shouldn't be any type of gang-up behavior though, but I think people should be ok to express their feelings, if someone gets too much, there's always a report button.


People can express their feelings. By posting.


Also, I think what some people don't understand is that even though you disagree with someone's post, you don't HAVE to respond and make your opinion known. If you don't disagree enough to explain why, then just move on. It just adds drama, rather than discussion.

eezstreet and SomaZ like this
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see below:






People can express their feelings. By posting.


Also, I think what some people don't understand is that even though you disagree with someone's post, you don't HAVE to respond and make your opinion known. If you don't disagree enough to explain why, then just move on. It just adds drama, rather than discussion.


Yeah true, but I would much rather see something like "  *name* disagrees with your post" rather than " *name* Dislikes your post". I don't know , Dislike sounds a lot stronger in negativity than Disagree does.

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The only remotely useful thing I can think of coming out of a disagreement button would be for example if someone posts an answer to a problem that is incorrect, and someone corrects them 2 or 3 pages later, which might not be seen by whoever was googling that and was too lazy to scroll through the entire thread.


In any other scenario, I don't see something useful coming out of having disagreement stamples on a post.

1. Someone disagrees, doesn't post why afterwards - good to know!

2. Someone posts afterwards - there is now no need for the disagreement button because they responded.


An optional feature, which I'd never see happening because workload, would be to see how many people quoted/responded to a post + links. That would counter the issue where someone googles and finds an incorrect answer, and it would say something about the reputation of a post, just not for the better or worse until you read the responses.

eezstreet, SomaZ and The Punisher like this
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