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Great skin. Maybe it's just me but I think Jedi Academy needs  a legitimate C3PO model that actually looks like him. The Jedi Outcast/Academy protocol droid just looks ... weird.  


Yeah I agree. I guess if someone made a new model I could try and add the Chrome to it. But there isn't much chance of that happening unless someone ports it then heavily modifies it to the point it can be accepted on JKHub.


I read that as "EVIL" instead of Episode 7, and so I immediately thought of C-3PX. Pretty cool character, look him up.




Coming very soon. #ChromeIsTheFuture

Wow! @@Barricade24 & @@Kualan, this is EXACTLY what you need to do to you Captain Phasma..


@@DT85, this would also work on your Ep. VII Stormtrooper, if you toned down the shine of the chrome a bit. To give the Trooper armor that shine it has in the movies.


I read that as "EVIL" instead of Episode 7, and so I immediately thought of C-3PX. Pretty cool character, look him up.


I already made a request Thread, here:


Wow! @@Barricade24 & @@Kualan, this is EXACTLY what you need to do to you Captain Phasma..


@@DT85, this would also work on your Ep. VII Stormtrooper, if you toned down the shine of the chrome a bit. To give the Trooper armor that shine it has in the movies.


I've already spoken with Barricade24 about it. :)


Oh, and it's submitted!




Great skin. Maybe it's just me but I think Jedi Academy needs  a legitimate C3PO model that actually looks like him. The Jedi Outcast/Academy protocol droid just looks ... weird.  

R2-D2 needs a new model as well. He and C-3PO just don't look right in Jedi Academy. I hope somebody will make better models of them.


I do agree that we need a decent 3P0 model & new skeleton with bones to support the arm pistons. Maybe @@AshuraDX will after the clones?





@ try my shader. This will allow the env to work with the specular better:

        map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet_s
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/gloss
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        tcGen environment


I do agree that we need a decent 3P0 model & new skeleton with bones to support the arm pistons. Maybe @@AshuraDX will after the clones?





@ try my shader. This will allow the env to work with the specular better:

        map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet_s
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/gloss
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        tcGen environment


No offense DT, I do appreciate your help and wisdom. I have attempted to use your shader and it just removes the Chrome entirely -- not exactly what I was looking for.


I think people are being a little too nitpicky about the details and are missing the fact that actual realistic Chrome is in the Game for the first time.


But, like I said, a new model would be good, one that pertrudes the details more than the current model does.


Did you make a specular texture? If not then it has no effect.


It has spec textures, the shader didn't work out.


The problem was possibly the lack of an alpha channel in the diffuse texture...or are you saying you didnt like the look of it? Your shader on C3PO looks a bit odd because everything is chromy, all the cavities should have the effect removed (that's what the alpha channel is used for) for more accuracy.

Tempust85 likes this

The problem was possibly the lack of an alpha channel in the diffuse texture...or are you saying you didnt like the look of it? Your shader on C3PO looks a bit odd because everything is chromy, all the cavities should have the effect removed (that's what the alpha channel is used for) for more accuracy.


The file is released, I myself don't have any issue with how it looks so I don't really know what people want, it may not look great in the pictures but it looks fine for me in-game, I don't know.


It's fine, just needs to behave like real chrome...cavities do not have reflections ;)


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Please feel free to download the file and edit it so it looks like how you are describing, because I honestly don't know what I could alter apart from the Shader, maybe when I see it and take a look at the altered Shader I will understand it. :ph34r:


That shader I posted shouldn't have removed the chrome at all. :P


What Psyk0sith said is what my shader should be doing, provided you plugged it in correctly. You also may need to boost the brightness of the env texture.





This is with my shader plugged in & turning your chrome to grayscale (gave funky colors kept as-is):



Langerd, Psyk0Sith and Teancum like this

That shader I posted shouldn't have removed the chrome at all. :P


What Psyk0sith said is what my shader should be doing, provided you plugged it in correctly. You also may need to boost the brightness of the env texture.





This is with my shader plugged in & turning your chrome to grayscale (gave funky colors kept as-is):


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It still looks too yellow (that could be altered though). And no it never came out that way for me (I probably didn't alter the textures how you said).


I guess if you sent me this edited version through a PM or something I can see what I can do to alter it around.


That shader I posted shouldn't have removed the chrome at all. :P


What Psyk0sith said is what my shader should be doing, provided you plugged it in correctly. You also may need to boost the brightness of the env texture.





This is with my shader plugged in & turning your chrome to grayscale (gave funky colors kept as-is):


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Maybe this would be stupid but can You add the "glow" in the shader?


I would like to know how it would look with this in the shader.


I was working on TC-14 and C-3PO last night, so here's my result.




I think the gold is better than the original protocol, so I will probably update C-3PO with this version.


Edit: updated it.

Lancelot and GPChannel like this
  • 2 years later...

No offense DT, I do appreciate your help and wisdom. I have attempted to use your shader and it just removes the Chrome entirely -- not exactly what I was looking for.


I think people are being a little too nitpicky about the details and are missing the fact that actual realistic Chrome is in the Game for the first time.


But, like I said, a new model would be good, one that pertrudes the details more than the current model does.

I realize I'm replying to a 3 year old post, but as someone who barely knows the basics of modding, I'm proud to have done this myself. what do you think?







Noodle, Droidy365, Wasa and 2 others like this

I realize I'm replying to a 3 year old post, but as someone who barely knows the basics of modding, I'm proud to have done this myself. what do you think?


Not a bad start at all. Of course, that's all about modifying shaders and implementing new textures to a model. The same sort of "chroming" can be applied to almost anything in the game that has a texture and model, such as weapons, map objects, vehicles etc to make them look better/cooler. However, sometimes the "chrome" can look too shiny, and can detract from the detailed textures underneath. So experiment with image editing as well, in this case, adjust the transparency level of the chrome texture to increase/decrease its intensity in game, and also alter the actual textures of the model as well, increase the details however you want until it looks good in game and you find a good balance of chrome intensity and texture detail. :)

Thisismyusername likes this

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