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Jaden Korr From Riptide

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Holy shit! That looks awesome, @. Gives Jaden an entirely fresh, new look. Considering he's originally from Coruscant, this is pretty much how I'd imagine and would've preferred him to look, at the start of the story (before changing into his Jedi robes, after the inaugural initiation). Only query I have with him, is the lack of hair on his head. If that can be altered, then you'd have the perfect Jaden starting model.



That Rosh isn't half bad, either. Excellent work!



I used @Scerendo's Quinlan Vos for Rosh. Still need to match the arm textures to match the head skin color. 









ANDDDDD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I PRESENT TO YOU THE RESTORED/REINVIGORATED MODERN JADEN KORR!! Just the base riptide outfits, no correlian (pre-academy) Jaden as of now. Still working on that. Credit to Hollywood for the wonderful textures! 


Riptide Jaden:



Jedi General Korr



Battle Damaged Jaden



Yuuzhang Vong War Jaden



Mandalorian Armor Jaden



And more. I need to find someone willing to make a custom hilt for Jaden Korr based on his Riptide lightsaber hilt, but apart from that and the Correlian suit he's nearly done. Im packing this up and submitting it, check my files to see when it goes live.

now i don't want to be an ass, but honestly, the outfit models and textures could use a big improvement.

they didn't look all that realistic when the originals were released, despite the texture effects -_-

lpriefer01 likes this

You could try something like




Head/hands (and "gun" for the holster) from @Omega1's Classic Jedi Project (CJP) Journeyman Customization I 1.1

Body + original textures from @@Scerendo's Poe Dameron

Holster-belt from @Seven's Han Solo




.....of course, it is not identical, just a thought.....

Well holy shit

Guys, I'm happy to announce I'm getting a new computer today to better handle my modelling/skinning needs. I gotta say, the constructive criticism (and amazing creativity) that I've seen so far amazes me.


I'll be updating those textures with a better base model. Trying out a lot of different ideas as to how Jaden could be modernized. I see that @@The Punisher has done a magnificent job with that Jaden model. So without further ado, I have an insane idea.



Jedi Academy Character Overhauls?

Think about it. Whatever head meshes you've stumbled upon are much better than most models the base game offers. If you'd like to work with me to update most or all of the JK main character models, that could be awesome.


I'm mainly referencing main characters, such as Kyle Katarn, Jaden Korr, Tavion Axmis, Alora, Luke. And somehow turning the games Jar Jar Binks (Rosh) into a badass villain and cool companion.

General Howard likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright. Small update, don't have as much to show as I would like. I think you'll some of what you see, however. Also completely rebooting that old comic I made forever ago with a streamlined, Lore-friendly version. Which is taking *all* of the free time I've got!

Here y'all are. Two versions of an aging Luke that are far from finished, as well as my rendition of Rosh Penin. (Scerendo's Cassian takes the cake for the head textures.)

Aging/EABF2 Skywalker



Jedi Master Skywalker/Pre-TFA



Rosh Penin Concept


TheWhitePhoenix and dg1995 like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Carnor Jax, anyone?


I'm still fixing the cape/robes. Trying to make them as faithful to the original artwork for Jax as possible;


His robes aren't really... robes, they're a cloak.


I also have his nemesis, the Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos.


Both were super easy to kitbash. Also for the comic, mainly, but if I can get the staff to agree to a release I will.

There is some conflicting artwork around their stave weapons and capes. Some show Kanos with a silver hilted weapon, with a maroon/ royal purple cape interior and only a red exterior. Whereas others show a gold hilted weapon and a full red cape. Which one would you prefer?

Delmi, TheWhitePhoenix and Jeff like this

I also have his nemesis, the Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos.


Both were super easy to kitbash. Also for the comic, mainly, but if I can get the staff to agree to a release I will.

There is some conflicting artwork around their stave weapons and capes. Some show Kanos with a silver hilted weapon, with a maroon/ royal purple cape interior and only a red exterior. Whereas others show a gold hilted weapon and a full red cape. Which one would you prefer?

From what I've seen, Kanos is WAY more commonly seen in his red and black outfit.


Besides that, Carnor Jax looks more like this:



His outfit doesn't really cover his body, it just looks that way in some pictures.


I also have his nemesis, the Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos.


Both were super easy to kitbash. Also for the comic, mainly, but if I can get the staff to agree to a release I will.

There is some conflicting artwork around their stave weapons and capes. Some show Kanos with a silver hilted weapon, with a maroon/ royal purple cape interior and only a red exterior. Whereas others show a gold hilted weapon and a full red cape. Which one would you prefer?


Somewhat off-topic.. But y'know, that picture behind the character models, would make for an excellent skybox on a map somewhere.

  • 5 years later...

Is the Jaden Korr mod with the orange jacket still being worked on or has it been abandond because it's 2023 now and I see nothing new about this post?

10 hours ago, JediDevin94 said:

Is the Jaden Korr mod with the orange jacket still being worked on or has it been abandond because it's 2023 now and I see nothing new about this post?

If there had been any progress, it would've been already posted here by now.

1 hour ago, Lancelot said:

If there had been any progress, it would've been already posted here by now.

So I'm assuming that mod has been abandond then... Shame 😔

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