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Az'u's Work Factory

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Hello good folk!


I have decided to try and "cut down" on leading an SW:TOR community and do some lovely mapping, modeling and skinning.


Requests are ofcourse welcome, if not any, I shall work of my list.



I will keep this updated as I progress.




Maps to Do                                                                


New Coruscant Jedi Temple

Cato Neimodia

Kashyyyk - Upper City

Kashyyyk - Shadow Lands

Toydarian City





Models to Do                                                                 

T'ra Saa (Neti Jedi)

K'khruk (Whiphid Jedi)

Tili Qua (Chadra-Fan Jedi)

Kit Fisto (A new and improved Nautolan)

Rachi Sitra (Female Twi'lek Jedi)

Pong Krell (Besalisk Jedi)

Yaddle (Female Yoda' Species)

Roron Corobb (Ithorian Jedi)

Kina Ha (Kaminoan Jedi)

Fuel (Talz Jedi)

A new Jedi Customization for Male and Female, including new robes and tunics.






An'ya Kuros Lightsaber

Rachi Sitras Lightsaber

T'ra Saas Lightsaber

Ezra Bridgers Lightsaber       (From Rebels)

Ahsoka Tanos Lightsaber(s) (From Rebels)




Skins to Do                                                                 

Open for Requests!

krkarr, P4KISTAN, swegmaster and 1 other like this
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Omg! I cant believe someone else wants K'khruk!. I made one very basic in my first Rp community, using a bothan's head hahaha, and a talz using chewbacca's fur , Noghri's body and rodian's eyes :lol: . Btw, I've always dreamed with a Felucia Map  :winkthumb: , gotta check this topic more often! 

BelugaArts likes this
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  • 3 months later...

I absolutely love your enthusiasm, your list (even the order), and your dedication. Are you going to work in a rotation through the types, or just do what feels right at the time? Also, can I second the nomination of a Lothal map? City streets, the Jedi Temple, or even just Ezra's tower from the pilot?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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