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Kyle Katarn Stormtrooper

Guest Akula

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So I was playing the Imperials to Rebels mod, and I thought "Wouldn't it be cool if I could play as Kyle in stormtrooper armor?" (As in no helmet)


So after spending 2 days trying to figure out how to use 3dsMax, and screwing it up at every turn, I've come to you guys to ask if anyone would be interested, or if it has already been done?

  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot I made it into a npc a while back, here's a download link for Kyle in stormie armor specifically: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6SNmRAqpEKrM2tvcnNhWGgydjA/view?usp=sharing

It should replace the default Kyle.

Okay, so I've been trying to use this mod, the playermodel command isn't working, neither is the /model, and trying to rename kylestorm to just Kyle ends up completely breaking the model. I'm playing Jedi Outcast, btw.


Did you edit both the folder name in pakscape and the paths inside the .skin file?

Yep, this is the result.



That's what happens when you use a JA model into JO. The _humanoid skeleton in Jedi Outcast has more bones, and since those bones were removed in the Jedi Academy _humanoid, it'll end up with this mess. You'd have to recompile the model using the JO skeleton.


Yep, this is the result.

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That's what happens when you use a JA model into JO. The _humanoid skeleton in Jedi Outcast has more bones, and since those bones were removed in the Jedi Academy _humanoid, it'll end up with this mess. You'd have to recompile the model using the JO skeleton.


Hmm a quick question - Is it possible to fix that in blender? I mean import the JA skeleton and just parent all model parts to that skeleton?


You'd have to change some things to make it backwards compatible...like renaming bones and changing the weights/bones on the left hand tag. Possibly right hand bone needs renaming too.


No, it's actually quite easy to do ;)

Hmm why just not make Frankenstein using Jk2 stormtrooper and kyle model? With skeleton as well? I think it would be faster process but dunno abou frankensteins for JO


We would also create normal stormie, with shoulder pad and for example swamp trooper

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