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Will you play Battlefront?


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148 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you plan on playing Battlefront?

    • Yes, I have it preordered.
    • Yes, at some point.
    • Maybe.
    • No.
    • Other (describe)

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Just played the beta for like an hour and a half and...wow, just wow. This game is literally like the movie running inside your computer. Everything about it feels exactly like Star Wars. Playing it on Ultra in 60fps (GTX 970) is a blast. I wasn't thinking about buying this game before but now I think I might at some point (not for $60). 


A minor thing that bothered me before from what I saw in the trailer was the UI, but after actually playing the game I like the UI. 

therfiles and Circa like this

Just finished playing the beta myself, and I will honestly say that I enjoyed it. Still going to take me a lot of time to get the hang of it but I can certainly see myself renting the game when it comes out. I took out Luke if that counts for anything.  :P

therfiles and Circa like this

@@Circa @@MaceMadunusus You seem to forget not everyone here is rich, has a job, or comfortable enough to not have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. I come from a family who barely affords the necessities like food. If you go around making a standard like that you're bound to piss a lot of people off, including myself.


My Computer is far older than either of yours and is bound to die any day now and I by no means have money to replace it. I have maxed out the RAM at 2 GB and the best video card I could afford for it was the Nvidia Geforce 5200 FX. See my computer specs here.

Well... get a job or mow lawns or rake some old lady's back yard, and save up to buy a better computer? Hell, apply for welfare. It's not EAs fault that you have a bad computer and don't have money to buy another.Technology advances, it's 2015. EA shouldn't have to strip their game down to run on a early 2000s pc. How does your family afford internet if they can barely pay for food?


You could buy a console which is cheaper short term, PS4 is like $400 and I think an Xbox one bundle is like $350.


I managed to max out all the settings on a 4th gen core I5 CPU, 8GB Ram & 650 GTX. Pretty impressed that my PC didn't buckle seeing as it's at least 3-4 years old now.


Btw Vaders sounds suck lol, doesn't even sound like him. :P


I will play it...someday.

Once it comes out, I'll check it out, it the computer won't run it, I'll forget about it till I'll upgrade my hardware.

Still, knowing that there'll be no CW content, no singleplayer mode of any kind, and that there'll only be like 8-9 planets with 5 trench maps each, kinda lowers the chances of me actually playing it. Eh, we'll see how it goes.


There is a singleplayer mode of some kind, just not exactly a real story mode campaign.


To be fair, Battlefront 1 and 2 didn't really have much of a story in their campaigns either, they were really just map playlists with a very weak generic Clone Wars story to go along with it, not exactly much of a campaign. 


So far in the beta all you can play is a survival game mode which was fun but got kind of old after a while. The full game will have all mulltiplayer maps playable with bots. I look forward to that, I don't usually like playing big games like that with a lot of people. I hate the experience of just starting an online game and you get 1 shotted like 100 times before you get good enough to play.


Probably the only issues I have with the full game is that there's only 4 locations (12 maps) to play on. I have a feeling they will add a lot more as DLC later. 

eezstreet likes this

@@Circa @@MaceMadunusus


My Computer is far older than either of yours and is bound to die any day now and I by no means have money to replace it. I have maxed out the RAM at 2 GB and the best video card I could afford for it was the Nvidia Geforce 5200 FX. See my computer specs here.


Mouahahahahahahahaha ! Ridiculous !!!

I beat you !

MY computer is an old Intel T7200 2GHZ, with 0.99 Go Ram and the Graphic is just a Chipset (256Mo) without OpenGL or T&L

My computer crash with Battlefront 1 (from 2004). The one game I can run is JKA...

The sound card is broken so I have no sound, and the screen need a shim to not fall.

:D :D :D


Merek and Onysfx like this


Mouahahahahahahahaha ! Ridiculous !!!

I beat you !

MY computer is an old Intel T7200 2GHZ, with 0.99 Go Ram and the Graphic is just a Chipset (256Mo) without OpenGL or T&L

My computer crash with Battlefront 1 (from 2004). The one game I can run is JKA...

The sound card is broken so I have no sound, and the screen need a shim to not fall.

:D :D :D


Jesus, you beat me. 


Here is my video card by the way: http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Radeon-Xpress-X1200.3775.0.html


Well that's too bad Ashura, was hoping to maybe play with you some time. For me, it does feel like Call of Duty (never played battlefield MP) but I like this. Star Wars The New Era HL2 mod (now long dead) was aiming for realistic combat such as what we see in Battlefront.


But...Battlefront 1 was a reskin of Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam.


Yeah, and maintained some of the depth. So there isn't anything wrong with Battlefront being a clone of Battlefield just like Battlegrounds is a clone of Age of Empires for example. Problem being is the current Battlefront took out about 3/4ths of the complexity of current iterations of Battlefield.




@@Circa @@MaceMadunusus You seem to forget not everyone here is rich, has a job, or comfortable enough to not have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. I come from a family who barely affords the necessities like food. If you go around making a standard like that you're bound to piss a lot of people off, including myself.


My Computer is far older than either of yours and is bound to die any day now and I by no means have money to replace it. I have maxed out the RAM at 2 GB and the best video card I could afford for it was the Nvidia Geforce 5200 FX. See my computer specs here.



Okay, but you can't expect to run newer games on a system that old. You just can't. It isn't realistic


Edit: Reddit post on my thoughts of battlefront: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/3p4czq/battlefront_feedbackissues_from_a_movie_battles/

minilogoguy18 and Merek like this

JKA uses the Quake 3 engine. Does that make it a Q3 clone?


The engine only provides the foundation on which a game is made. The game engine doesn't (for the most part) dictate the gameplay mechanics of the game.


I heard a lot of good things about the beta, but I heard it needed a lot of work before launch. A lot of people have made up their mind that the game will suck because of bugs they experienced in the beta. They must not be aware of what "beta" means. Most people just wanted early access to the game, unfortunately. This is why I'm not a fan of open beta programs.


This game looks pretty sweet but goddamn, the digital deluxe edition with all DLC is $110! Who in their right mind would pay that kind of money for any video game, regardless of how good it is. EA is already trying to cash in on (what seems like) a good game. Remember when games were just $50, and that was long before DLC even existed. You paid $50 and got everything the game had to offer. 


When I buy this game its going to be at least a year after the release date for less than 30 bucks, there is no way I'm going to give in to EA's lucrative schemes.

JAWSFreelao, Stoiss and Bek like this

in the case I want to buy Battlefront (I don't know today), I will not buy the first edition but the complete edition with all dlc in one or two years.

I'm pretty they will release a "game of the year" or "best game ever" for Battlefront for 60.


I heard a lot of good things about the beta, but I heard it needed a lot of work before launch. A lot of people have made up their mind that the game will suck because of bugs they experienced in the beta. They must not be aware of what "beta" means. Most people just wanted early access to the game, unfortunately. This is why I'm not a fan of open beta programs.


Beta's for companies like EA are nothing but stress tests and demos. I can tell you from playing the alpha almost nothing was fixed. I saw two level bugs fixed, and a couple mechanic bugs. Every single other bug transferred and in fact they created more than they fixed. The game was a little over a month from release during the beta and with all the issues I noted I can tell you that they do not have time to fix all of them.

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