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EPVII Luke Skywalker

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@@DT85 @ assuming this custom action figure, that was based on the leaked photo of Luke before TFA came out, it is strange to notice, that he really IS using the Old Ben lightsaber from ANH, instead of his ROTJ one. 


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Yeah that hilt has been destroyed, unless they just make it appear again with no explanation, like they did with Anakin's saber in The Force Awakens. We won't know for at least another year when leaked shots of the movie sets start popping up online showing Luke with a saber. For now lets just assume it's the ROTJ hilt, since that makes the most sense.

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@@DT85  I really love your masterpiece work and even don't have the right to complain over your work and knowledge. But there are just 2 little details I noticed on your last update of Luke, that I would like much better if you fix them. Please don't cut my head off for this.

First i noticed is the hair: I know, that you are busy and perhaps didn't manage to set the right mood for this after moving to new house, I know what's like to do it, since I myself have done it 2 times in the last year, but with this long hair on Version 2.2 as I opened it up in ModView to see it in full size and zoom in... I couldn't miss to notice, that now he looks more of a Jesus Christ hair style, than Luke's one in TFA. No offense, that is how i see it :(

Second is... the robotic right hand. Could you pretty pretty pleeeaaaasssee try to make it like this, instead of a grey-ish winter glove 


Fuse294 likes this
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@@DT85  I really love your masterpiece work and even don't have the right to complain over your work and knowledge. But there are just 2 little details I noticed on your last update of Luke, that I would like much better if you fix them. Please don't cut my head off for this.



First i noticed is the hair: I know, that you are busy and perhaps didn't manage to set the right mood for this after moving to new house, I know what's like to do it, since I myself have done it 2 times in the last year, but with this long hair on Version 2.2 as I opened it up in ModView to see it in full size and zoom in... I couldn't miss to notice, that now he looks more of a Jesus Christ hair style, than Luke's one in TFA. No offense, that is how i see it :(



Second is... the robotic right hand. Could you pretty pretty pleeeaaaasssee try to make it like this, instead of a grey-ish winter glove 






Even though no updates, I'm re-working Luke to match the movie more.



So everything you see in the previous model is going to be changed to match the film.

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Vader took possession of Obi-Wans hilt as a 'prize' after he killed him on the Death Star, but I think that it's more a error on the toy creators side than a lore issue, Luke modeled his own saber on Obi-Wans however so the similarities might have caused the issue during development of it.


Secondly, that Robotic arm is beautiful! Whoever designed that deserves a cookie!

MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev

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There wasn't many refs so had to improvise based on what I could see. The hair matches the shots I've got from the movie, and the hand was a very quick shot so I did what I could.


@@Circa no, not "everything". The majority of the model was fine as-is.


If people are unhappy with the latest version, I can't help that. Don't like it, don't use it.

Fuse294, Daedra, Darth Sion and 2 others like this
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Don't get me wrong DT, I do appreciate your work, time and all the effort you put in creating such amazing masterpiece models. I even don't have the knowledge of modeling, that you have, so I am the last one to complain about anything. The only thing I was asking with my previews post was to hear your opinion, as a professional, who knows the work in details. Also you have right about the photo sources of Luke from TFA, but as I and @ have posted in the first pages of this thread, we provided as much details as possible, before even the movie came out. Even the arm I re-posted above is not of Luke, but of Anakin Skywalker, but it's the same only difference in the movie is, that Luke's arm is metallic grey, while Anakin's black with gold parts. I am sorry if i have somehow offended you. Looking forward for the new updates in time.

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Don't get me wrong DT, I do appreciate your work, time and all the effort you put in creating such amazing masterpiece models. I even don't have the knowledge of modeling, that you have, so I am the last one to complain about anything. The only thing I was asking with my previews post was to hear your opinion, as a professional, who knows the work in details. Also you have right about the photo sources of Luke from TFA, but as I and @ have posted in the first pages of this thread, we provided as much details as possible, before even the movie came out. Even the arm I re-posted above is not of Luke, but of Anakin Skywalker, but it's the same only difference in the movie is, that Luke's arm is metallic grey, while Anakin's black with gold parts. I am sorry if i have somehow offended you. Looking forward for the new updates in time.

You don't have to sound so patronizing and pedantic. It just makes you come across as a kiss-ass.

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  • 2 months later...

and here are some screenshots






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He looks... TOO MUCH AWESOME..


Long hair






His Old but nice looking face


And his silence look..


and + his robotic arm... My jaw dropped when i saw him at the first time

Tempust85 and dark_apprentice like this
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Let's not be discussing who is gay or not. I would suggest avoiding this type of behaviour, for your own sake, and for the good of the JKHub community.


If loving Star Wars is Gay then you and everyone else is too? C'mon now.


BTW I can try to provide you with some voice lines for ur soundpack if u like

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The one you made for Kylo Ren. I have a good HD Blue Ray TFA movie and i can make some of his lines on .mp3 files if you want.


Honestly I myself am happy with the version I made, so I probably won't bother much with Blu-Ray audio rips. I will wait for the LEGO Force Awakens game to come out to see what audio I can salvage from that (LEGO Games tend to have alternate dialogue which would be nice to have).


I know @@Sithani ripped some of Kylo Ren's voice from the movie too, so I have no doubt if you and him teamed up, you could easily rip every single audio clip of Kylo Ren from both the movie and possibly the Deleted Scenes coming out soon, and could put together a Soundpack from the movie (as mine is basically a Disney Infinity 3.0 Kylo Ren Soundpack).


Once the LEGO Force Awakens game comes out I will work on some more Soundpacks.

dark_apprentice likes this
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