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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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Now that is interesting! Thank you.


If this news is true, then it would explain why they are rebooting the whole franchise. I also like the idea of more than one villain, and it would be nice to see them acting alone from each other, though nothing says otherwise. The title is surely temporary, they will most certainly use some unusual word either from English or derived from Latin (though perhaps we've never seen anything like that in Star Wars just yet, except for words in the plot itself).


It conradicts the previous mentioning of the part of Max von Sydow.


Though a rumour, it was said, that the son of Luke was to be a villain, and Adam Driver's character would turn to the Dark Side later. The character of Sydow was supposed to be at least neutral. However it's possible, that he is still a veteran and the one to tell about Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, even though he is a villain. This reminds me of Kreia, whose role is not 100% good or bad, even though she is one of the Sith in the end. But perhaps theis time we deal with the same case?



The most captivating phrase here is perhaps, that


Episode VII and the mentioned villain would tie together the whole franchise. Do they mean, that he will explain somehow the true nature of previous events. This might mean, that we will see a massive rewrite of the timeline before Episode I, for instance they will mention a very different conflict or weapon, or a legendary person from 1000 BBY (Episode II states, that the Republic stood for a thousand of years and there were no wars during this time. So perhaps they will take this one into account at least.



I just thought, that


It's a wonder, that if we take different shots from all the Episodes, we would see very different images - the elegant hallways and Senate in Episode I, rusty panorama of Geonosis (or clean sterile cities of Kamino) in Episode II, darkened images of Coruscant and other planets torn by war in Episode III, then steel and cold design of the Empire in Episode IV, cold and harsh plains of Hoth (and I must say, that even Bespin looks pertty cold) in Episode V, and lush and green forests of Endor in Episode VI - a path from propserity to the fall and degradation, and later dictatorship, which would bring total collapse of the Galaxy in Episode VII - that's what it looks like.


I've already said, that it's both interesting to see that the Galaxy is in disarray after Palpatine, but yet it's quite sad - does it mean, that all the deaths and efforts are in vain?



As always, I am eager to see more.


I will add only, that someone leaked a picture of a forest scene with blue screen and metall or stone debris,

where a stormtrooper is shooting someone at the distance.

Does it mean, they won't be using the CGI for these guys like in Episode III?

z3filus likes this
Posted (edited)

It would be nice to see George Lucas in Episode 7  as a rebel.. or a bartender whyt not? Stan Lee did this in some of the Marvel movies/cartoons/games




Guerrilla Warfare


Disney purchased LucasFilm for about $4 billion, uder the terms of the deal, Disney had to use Lucas' orignal script writings without altering it too much.

Whether this is true or not, it makes sense, as you said, to view the story from the beginning till episode 6 - clearly the Galaxy is falling a part and infact

the leaked/ released official concept art strongly suggest that the civilians in the galaxy may be living in the middle of guerrilla warfare.


That would also mean that there would be very few scenes with more than 20 troopers, as it was with the OT,  there will mostly be real actors, not CGI.

The Clone army ofcourse had to be done using "digital doubles" in AOTC but it looks like the days of massive armies are over in the SW galaxy,

so there's probably going to be small confilcts here and there and  stormtroopers looking for droinds they aren't looking for :)



This has "George Lucas" written all over the place, and I like it.




Edited by zeƒilus
NumberWan and Bek like this

This period of 30 ABY reminds of Cold War, I think. If we take real-life examples, that's what we had in the end of XXth century - no open confrontation, but local conflicts in Africa and Asia, also revolutions. Same seems to be here. I wonder what Coruscant looks like (I guess the same).


As for George Lucas - he appeared once, so why not again? I don't know of a Pantoran lifespan, but perhaps they can survive up to 30 ABY. When they announced a new SW series with real-life actors, Baron Papanoida was believed to be involved.


For now various actors are claimed to have a cameo in Episode VII.

z3filus likes this

gds3_katiegeorge_sm.jpgOH MY GAWD !! what the fuck..... :o



He totally looks like Sean Connery  :D,  shorry I meant to shay,  Shean, shaken not shtirred,


Two his daughters are also present in this scene. ) And we might see them in Episode VII as well. Btw there was an interview with his son, who knew something about Episode VII, and when asked he responded nothing. =)


@NumberWan,  try a google image search of Skellig Islands, one of the locations, that place is just amazing.




Skellig Michael, where the filming is taking place, contains monastic ruins dating to the sixth century and is a Unesco world heritage site.

It is essentially a barren rock exposed to the wind and wave and this location is said to be home to the sith/ bad guys, but that's only a rumour.




fresh aerial photographs below












Did that look familiar? Let me fresh you memory all - concept art images;







I like that, thanks for the pictures. One of the spoilers earlier was describing a tower of the villain, at the cliff near the sea. And I thought, that this island would the the place, where they were filming it. I wonder how would they explain the ruins there... Jedi temples of the Old Republic? Ancient cities like of Massassi? Or grove ruins of ancient species like in KOTOR?

Posted (edited)

I wonder how would they explain the ruins there... Jedi temples of the Old Republic? Ancient cities like of Massassi? Or grove ruins of ancient species like in KOTOR?


EDIT   - image I found just now



Looks like a stormtrooper searching debris, and since they are filming outside, it suggests the trees and grass are part of the scene. Yavin? Dantooine?







Edited by zeƒilus
NumberWan likes this

Star Wars: Episode VII Trailer Music to be Recorded Next Month by John Williams? First Teaser This Xmas ?




During his concert in Milwaukee few weeks ago, John Williams revealed that “in about two weeks” he'll start working on the Episode VII score.

This suggests that Williams will actually be working on the first Episode VII teaser trailer next month… so we may expect a teaser this Christmas.



therfiles likes this


That's the picture I saw previously. It seems, we have quite a lot of ruins. The description of this particular set mentioned a destroyed vehicle as well. I wonder, whether that means, that a starfighter was taken down and fell into a house or major structure, where a battle was taking place.


I am soooo eager to see Episode VII now, especially that they are going to release the trailer soon (though it might include scenes from other Episodes for the most part, and only one tiny piece of shots from Episode VII).

z3filus likes this


.....I am soooo eager to see Episode VII now, especially that they are going to release the trailer soon

(though it might include scenes from other Episodes for the most part, and only one tiny piece of shots from Episode VII).


You may be right about that, because now StarWars has the Disney-label on it, so there's  twice the preassure from the media and millions of fans worldwide.

I expect the first teaser trailer for Episode VII  to be much like the teaser for Episode III. - that one also showed little of the upcoming film but got me goosebumps.


" Lord Vader ?  Yes, Master.   Rise.."  peed in my panties




NumberWan likes this

This proves one more time, that we are missing certain things, which are quite common in previous films. What music motives will be in Episode VII? Will we hear the Imperial march again? What would be the length of the film? And many other things.


More than that - right before the premiere a novel was released, but here we have no news on any new book regarding Episode VII. I mean, no one says anything about it. Perhaps they have found the author already?


Lucasfilm Ltd. and Marvel Entertainment revealed plans for three comic book titles due to hit shelves in 2015

that will " take place immediately after the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, "  and  " will exist as part of the canon for the Star Wars universe ."


Just read an article on www.tuskenium.com, which says, that there will be no familiar icy planet in Episode VII.



But Yavin IV will be! The set seen by the source says, that Yavin shows a long forgotten temple, partly in ruins with large grey door (10 m) in Imperial style, various colomns and stony structures



Previously one of our forum users posted a picture of some Imperial-like stuff.


The same source says, that there was a very large set of various rooms and hallways in Imperial style. One location reminds of Imperial hangar with TIE fighter in there. Green walls suggest, the location will be much larger than the actual set. Two women wearing CGI are also spotted there.


The other location there is the Imperial bridge of a probable Star Destroyer - the line of triangle windows gives away the familiar design. We can only guess, this the ship of the main villain, whose vessel might have the same plot function as Vader's super star destroyer in OT.



One thing that puzzles me is the concept of disinformation. Lucas was very good at spreading disinformation for his films (codenamed films, fake dialogue and scenes, etc). I wouldn't put it past Abrams to do the exact same thing, to an even larger extent. Is it possible that he is actively spreading false information/leaks to muddle the rumors and expectations?

z3filus and NumberWan like this

Ofcourse @therfiles


Atleast we know most of the photos are real, because they've been filming outdoors which allows for paparazzis to take these, on-set-photos.

Maybe some of the leaked information, and images, are infact revealed on purpose to let SW fans know that this film aint going to be as crappy as it first seemed.


I am reffering to Disney ofcourse, Mickey Mouse in Jedi robes etc.


To tell the truth, there is not much confirmed officially. Even the already released concept-art received no comments from Disney or anyone else.

It might have been a move...


As for photos - there aren't any official of them either. Only some sneaking. =)



Seeing it was IMDB I wanted to post, that this might be wrong... But after reading the article, it seems it's true.


The title is not as bad as it could be if you ask me.


Meanwhile there was a portion of spoilers on Luke Skywalker.


Luke is in exile, mostly because he has mastered the Force, but he is more like Yoda or Obi Wan in Episode IV, not like Jedi Knights in Episodes I-III running all the time with lightsabers. Though he has become so powerful, he believes he won't be able to control his abilities and perhaps he can't know for sure, what is the will of the Force.


thus he went into exile, so that nobodu could find him and exploit these abilities or make him a pawn in larger game, like it happened with his father during the Clone Wars. However in Episode VII he has no choice, but to return, as both evil and good are looking for him.


It is also said, that Luke would have a creepy look when found by other characters.



Good news also - we'll be seeing a 1 minute trailer for Episode VII very-very soon!!

Bek and therfiles like this

I figured people would complain about the title. :P I think it sounds pretty cool.


And yes, it's confirmed. Official Star Wars social media has confirmed it on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.





I like the comment of one of the users on theforce.net, that the title can have several meanings. It is possible, the word "Force" might mean some certain physical manifestation to arise in the Galaxy. This might refer to the new evil, which is obviously not like in previous stories. Or perhaps to Luke Skywalker (why? the spoiler above might explain), which will play a more prominent role as a Jedi perhaps. We also have younger characters here, which might the Force to awaken.

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