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I was thinking about a little bit unusual model request. Since I was a kid I have always loved to play LEGO and even now, when I hear/see something about it I can go crazy as a little kid :D After few Star Wars: LEGO Animation movies I really loved even more the LEGO version of Darth Vader.
Would anyone here from the amazing modelers, take time to make the LEGO Darth Vader model, for JKA? I suggest it'll be in different size, than the regular JKA characters and since that is on the .npc to edit I assume it'll be something 1/2 the size of regular JKA model (but not too small, as the model of yoda or ewok are made).

A little help, if it's gonna be usable or in any help for you, I've found a 3Dmodel right here

Thanks in advance to anyone, who's willing to spend time on creating the LEGO Darth Vader model. :)

P.S. Noticed, that there are actually few lego versions, so i am attaching the original version



The model already exists btw, a while ago there was a release over at MovieBattles with a pack of lego star wars models for jka. There was a video on youtube showing it off, and a download link but I don't have al ink to either. I have the file somewhere though.

NumberWan likes this
  On 3/14/2015 at 7:32 PM, Ruxith said:

The model already exists btw, a while ago there was a release over at MovieBattles with a pack of lego star wars models for jka. There was a video on youtube showing it off, and a download link but I don't have al ink to either. I have the file somewhere though.

Well I have the MovieBattles 2, but I didn't find anything of the LEGO models. That's why I made the request and didn't found anything on here for LEGO Vader or other models :(


Here you go. Note that they aren't rigged perfectly because of the body shape in comparison to the jka skeleton. There's a few lego models in there though, like Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper etc. I forget who rigged/weighted them into jka, so until someone else knows I have no idea who to credit for them.


dark_apprentice likes this

L O L 

This is some BIG frankenstein and I am even shocked, that I gotta say this, but I almost throw up, when I saw this LEGO Vader from MB2 or whatever it comes from LOL !!

Can't someone here guys use the 3D model, that I have linked above on my request? It looks much better and much more detailed. Yes i DO KNOW, that JKA skeleton is different and it got lots of things to "cut", if you make a model to work in JKA. BUT... still, I think it can be made a new LEGO-Vader much more good looking for JKA with regular size.

Here are some screenshots i took to show you all, how that OLD LEGO Vader "Frankenstein" looks like:

Model-in-game-frankenLego 01

Model-inGame-FrankenLego 02




  On 3/16/2015 at 3:19 PM, redsaurus said:

Wytchking made all of those models. I'm not quite sure what you mean by frankenstein?

just take a look on the screenshots inside the links i have provided above, and the original 3D model to compare them. It looks nothing like the LEGO Vader, but of a very-dark-black piece of junk combined to look-a-like to LEGO Vader (if we don't mind the torso texture) it looks nothing close/similar to the LEGO model of Darth Vader.


you won't get a "better" or in fact more exact model of lego vader - or any other lego figure - simply because of this :



to put any (player)model in JKA, we need to match their proportions to the proportions of the base JKA/JKO characters

simply because the animations in these (and allmost all other games) are skeleton based

The bones in the animation skeleton have a set pivot point around which they can roate - all movement and rotation happens relative to this pivot

I highlighted the most important bonepivots of a JKA model there in green (look at Desann) in the neutral root position all models have to be rigged in

I also highlighted the same locations in red on the lego model that is drawn ontop of this - do you see the differences ?

each body part of the lego mdoel has to be rotated, rescaled, reshaped and moved until the red and green dots match up.

This is why the arms in that lego vader modle sink into the body all the time and why the model appears so stretched.


Everything you can do is reskin that lego vader until it looks okay and probably add a glossy shader to give it some plastic gloss as in lego star wars

or remodel parts of the mesh to be more detailed and then match them up to the JKA proportions, and therefor deform, them again.


EDIT : I noticed I forgot to add red dots to the "knees" on that lego model - but as their location is not clearly defined in the lego model they are the smallest problem here anyway

Posted (edited)

Hmm i think You should rig it the same way as the minecraft Steve model. He is blocky and big but it was well made (or ported but i think it was made from scratch). In Jka it works nice:


But now i see he has a arms a little to the middle of his body :/

Edited by Langerd
dark_apprentice likes this

Well I assume all that information you have mentioned above @@AshuraDX but maybe the problem is somewhere with the textures and shader as you mentioned. That will require some one, who's really good with reskinning and making shaders on the right places. 
@@Langerd yes, that's what I thought (build up from scratch), and for a minecraft models in JKA, they look pretty HQ with their details and textures. But as I said in the above sentence, it could be all about new textures I am not a modeler, so I can't be so sure.

What would be the best to do and if the problem with this model is based on making new HQ textures with shaders, than I can provide you the LEGO Darth Vader with a NPC spawn file, from the entire pack.

  On 3/16/2015 at 8:12 PM, Langerd said:

Hmm i think You should rig it the same way as the minecraft Steve model. He is blocky and big but it was well made (or ported but i think it was made from scratch). In Jka it works nice:




But now i see he has a arms a little to the middle of his body :/

yep same thing - I had to match steve to JKA's proportions - the model was custom made to allow bending of the limbs but it was made to utilise original textures which I luckily got the permission for back in the day ;)

Langerd likes this
  On 3/16/2015 at 9:47 PM, AshuraDX said:

yep same thing - I had to match steve to JKA's proportions - the model was custom made to allow bending of the limbs but it was made to utilise original textures which I luckily got the permission for back in the day ;)

@@AshuraDX BTW, after I have opened up the textures of this so called "LEGO Vader" from the pack, inside photoshop they are all very dark-black, you can't see almost anything. I've had to use the Levels tool, to bright it up almost to 9,99 on the input level, to see what are the textures. Turns out it's the VaderVM model from Mars Marshall/NeoMarz1, remodeled as lego (I just think so, not sure the folder of Vader model was also named to "VaderVM"). The only thing that was actually LEGO related are the cape and the torso textures.

  On 3/17/2015 at 3:30 PM, Barricade24 said:

Doesn't MBII already have some kind of LEGO thing? I know somebody has one.

that's where this model is from and what we've been talking about all the time :P


I just made a SP support for the LEGO Darth Vader from this pack. Turns out, there are few problems with this model.

- Face texture is missing, even when I turned ON the face image over the .skin files it still does not show it (and the mask does not cover all of the face)
- When you choose the model of "LEGO Darth Vader" in the Single Player menu, to use it as your main character (a.k.a. Jaden Korr), it seems, that it's too big for a normal model (and I have made it to be small in the .NPC file).
** if you just spawn the model from the console during the game-play, you'll get almost normal sized LEGO model --> hfov: 120 // vfov: 50 // scale: 47  \\\ But, when you use it as playermodel from the SP Menu it is too big.

- No idea why, but when you use this model of LEGO Darth Vader (both for "npc support" & "playermodel") you get each lightsaber hilt as a very MINI version, that is hardly possible to see it lol. (any ideas what can be done to fix this?)

- I have just made a bit brighter black colored textures and only changed his lego-chest armor:

Have a look here (no idea why dropbox damaged the quality of the picture, but you can download it if so interested)

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