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[Request] AT-DP driver

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  • 1 month later...

hello, guys! I have been working on a model of this character for a relatively long time and recently discovered this request. In base it's an assembly of "frankenshteined" parts from several models with follow of some mesh editing, including fully new helmet mask (originally it was supposed to be only a stretched fragment of the clone commander's mask by neomarz1 with texture of driver's mask, but later it's place was taken by completely new mesh — which eventually also was complemented by a highly detailed visor from DT's stormtrooper), retexturing and some rework of UV maps. Currently, a mesh is finished, but there's still some work on texturing.


Some WIP screenshots:












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hello, guys! I have been working on a model of this character for a relatively long time and recently discovered this request. In base it's an assembly of "frankenshteined" parts from several models with follow of some mesh editing, including fully new helmet mask (originally it was supposed to be only a stretched fragment of the clone commander's mask by neomarz1 with texture of driver's mask, but later it's place was taken by completely new mesh — which eventually also was complemented by a highly detailed visor from DT's stormtrooper), retexturing and some rework of UV maps. Currently, a mesh is finished, but there's still some work on texturing.


Some WIP screenshots:












This is one of the best models i have ever seen O_O fucking real (i have to swear sry...)

Vade Parvis likes this
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hello, guys! I have been working on a model of this character for a relatively long time and recently discovered this request. In base it's an assembly of "frankenshteined" parts from several models with follow of some mesh editing, including fully new helmet mask (originally it was supposed to be only a stretched fragment of the clone commander's mask by neomarz1 with texture of driver's mask, but later it's place was taken by completely new mesh — which eventually also was complemented by a highly detailed visor from DT's stormtrooper), retexturing and some rework of UV maps. Currently, a mesh is finished, but there's still some work on texturing.


Some WIP screenshots:












you could outfit him with some better shoulder pads (go model them, it's a very smple shape) - but other than that this is a really good looking frankenstein

Vade Parvis likes this
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@@IrocJeff There is already a Army Trooper, you can find it with this map: http://jkhub.org/files/file/475-siege-battle-of-endor/ 


It was never released on its own (As well as the Rebel Commando model that comes with it) though it was used in MB2. In fact he is using the legs of the Army Trooper model if I am not mistaken. On topic of this model I think it looks brilliant especially for a Frankenstein, keep up the amazing work! 

Vade Parvis likes this
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@@IrocJeff There is already a Army Trooper, you can find it with this map: http://jkhub.org/files/file/475-siege-battle-of-endor/


It was never released on its own (As well as the Rebel Commando model that comes with it) though it was used in MB2. In fact he is using the legs of the Army Trooper model if I am not mistaken. On topic of this model I think it looks brilliant especially for a Frankenstein, keep up the amazing work! 


oh thanks...

Never even knew it existed...

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  • 2 months later...

Hello again, comrades! Thank you much for your feedback and constructive criticism!


I had a long break from work on the model, and then I gradually resumed work on it — and now, finally, the model is ready for release. It remains to colorize textures in a team colors and create additional options for common color schemes (skins for an AT-DP driver, hovertank driver etc), prescribe shaders and dash off a long and boring readme ( :) ) — and it can be released.


Since the last major break in the work model has received a lot of new fixes and improvements — both a pre-planned as well as not planned specially and came in the my head already during work.


Also I learned to work with weights — so that, there should not be any significant conflicts of animation with objects that have different origins or with heavily reworked elements of objects.




















Would it be possible to include an Imperial Army Trooper version of this as well, @Vade Parvis? They look pretty close.



Yes, I almost immediately wanted to make a version with an open face and glasses, like original AT-ST driver by Monsoontide — but with a more authentic design of glasses and with an option where the glasses are pulled to trooper's forehead. The result looks like this:
















@@IrocJeff There is already a Army Trooper, you can find it with this map: http://jkhub.org/files/file/475-siege-battle-of-endor/


It was never released on its own (As well as the Rebel Commando model that comes with it) though it was used in MB2.

Some limited release is occured, apparently. I kept an archive dated the end of 2005, in which the model contains separately. In the readme file was mentioned that the relevant siege map at that time still was in the development.
Kualan, Jolly, Barricade24 and 4 others like this
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Hello again, comrades! Thank you much for your feedback and constructive criticism!


I had a long break from work on the model, and then I gradually resumed work on it — and now, finally, the model is ready for release. It remains to colorize textures in a team colors and create additional options for common color schemes (skins for an AT-DP driver, hovertank driver etc), prescribe shaders and dash off a long and boring readme ( :) ) — and it can be released.


Since the last major break in the work model has received a lot of new fixes and improvements — both a pre-planned as well as not planned specially and came in the my head already during work.


Also I learned to work with weights — so that, there should not be any significant conflicts of animation with objects that have different origins or with heavily reworked elements of objects.



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Vade Parvis likes this
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I love Troopers so this will be a huge hit for me. The only comment I have is that the AT-DP driver appears to have a normal belt with out the two additional packs on the front. I'd love it, it if were possible to include a version with the standard officer belt.


But either way it looks like you adapted this guy to a realistic style extremely well! I will absolutely download this when it is finished.

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