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Jeff's never ending WIP's

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Same happens with the Dark Jedi ported model from the first KOTOR, so it appears to be quite a common thing with them unfortunately. Let's hope Jeff manage it one day. And yeah, the model clipping with TFU Ben as well...

What clipping is left on Ben? I thought I fixed it in the update.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Hey @@Jeff , something weird happens when using this model on sp, both for npcs and the player, the saber blade doesn´t appear, they attack but do no damage and it only turns on when throwing the saber and then back off.





That's common during first ports. @@Jeff will fix it though. He even said he doesn't play SP much, so we all made mistakes. As long as it's repaired, then that's all that matters.


Had the same issue with my Ventress model before it was released. @@Jeff , I'm not on my main PC so I can't check it myself but is one or both of the following the case for the affected model:


1. Are there more than one hand meshes present in the model, including surfaces that have been switched off in the .skin file? (e.g. r_handa, r_handb, etc). 


2. If there is only one hand mesh present for each hand, ensure they are called r_hand and l_land in the Ghoul2 Properties / Object Data, and not something like r_sithhand or something like that.


When I originally set up Ventress, I called those surfaces r_handventress and l_handventress and all saber blades were invisible. After renaming them to the standard r_hand and l_hand it resolved itself.

yeyo JK and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Had the same issue with my Ventress model before it was released. @@Jeff , I'm not on my main PC so I can't check it myself but is one or both of the following the case for the affected model:


1. Are there more than one hand meshes present in the model, including surfaces that have been switched off in the .skin file? (e.g. r_handa, r_handb, etc). 


2. If there is only one hand mesh present for each hand, ensure they are called r_hand and l_land in the Ghoul2 Properties / Object Data, and not something like r_sithhand or something like that.


When I originally set up Ventress, I called those surfaces r_handventress and l_handventress and all saber blades were invisible. After renaming them to the standard r_hand and l_hand it resolved itself.


Thanks I didn't name either hand originally, both were named arm and in looking at the dark jedi same issue. Both files are updated and fixed, check my dropbox page to get both. Link is on page 1 of this thread.


I tried using OpenJK, Valkorion doesn't work for me as a model or an NPC. >.<


But nice death watch gun model.


Sorry for the late reply Jeff,


I have to thank you for another splendid work, really. I couldn't find this model or the other anywhere and you took my request and made them, albeit a little late though I don't blame you for that - and you even fixed previous bugs from the dark jedi models from what seems.


So.. yeah. Thumbs up from me  :winkthumb:




Jeff likes this

Hi Jeff , I should say that I am a fan of your work , especially like the model of the TOR. You can port the model of Darth jadus?


I would but I don't have that model to port.


Any new models?


Here's what I've got






EU fans may remember this one.




Not sure this one was worth posting, but it's a npc, or a player model if you want to be silly.








This is just a head swap nothing special


Link to all https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Misc%20Pack.zip

AnonMC, swegmaster, Rayce and 4 others like this

Oh, one more Old Ben! This time his face looks even more like young Obi-Wan's than in the classic movie!- Looks very cool and realistic at my mind, comparing with those pale TFU textures and the MB2 original head mesh. 

Merek and Jeff like this

Oh yes!!!! I needed Master Ferroda so much! I did a low quality one with the psp model but since there is the free radical model is much better.

Where did you find the PSP models? Me and Seven were in a discussion about X2 and he said he couldn't find models of the PSP version.


Where did you find the PSP models? Me and Seven were in a discussion about X2 and he said he couldn't find models of the PSP version.


What PSP models? Ferroda is from Battlefront 3.


What PSP models? Ferroda is from Battlefront 3.

You do realize they did make Battlefront 3, only downgraded to the PSP right? There were 2 exclusive battlefront games released for the PSP.


Battlefront: Elite Squadron is Battlefront 3, and Alvar007 said this "I did a low quality one with the psp model but since there is the free radical model is much better."


Yeah, there was a PSP emulator (I don't remember the name right now) which allowed you to capture the entire frame you were at the moment. So I was in the first map with Ferroda, I captured the frame, then I went to a 3D modelling program and deleted everything except Ferroda. Then I just converted it to JKA. But it's quite a mess though, that's why I said this one is much better. I can send it to you anyway when I get home on friday.

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