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FEATURE: OpenGL 3 Renderer

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Well seeing as we aren't using in-game cinematics (at least for a while or possibly at all), wrinkle maps should be at the bottom of the priority list. Will be great for other mods, though.


SomaZ's WIP list is pretty much listed in order, intentional or not. :P

That's fine.

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@@DT85 Had the same idea yesterday evening.

About uniqueOne. I doubt he will help much, because he's pretty busy with his own renderer. I also think that his scope for a renderer is different than mine. His renderer tends do go very colorful and vibrant. Ours should go in the direction of photorealism, very detailed in shades not only colors. I might be wrong about his scope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a working version of OpenDF2 on Linux. I builded a second computer and didn't want to put a Windows on it. Now I can test performance optimizations on a slower computer. If anyone is interessted in the linux build I could upload it somewhere.

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Long answer, I don't want to port it, because this system is not precise enough imo. I will probably build a similar system, but this is a lot of work too. Also I'm not sure right now how well this will work with the new light system. I'll add it to the wishlist.

minilogoguy18 and Tempust85 like this
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks good but it still has that static JA water behavior. Any way to get it to move and react more to the player? Or is that something related more to physics rather than rendering?


Yea, thats a thing for rendering, I also thought about it. As I said in the description of the video, this is a very early wip and I'm not sure if I scrap it completely and write a complete new water shader.

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Yea, thats a thing for rendering, I also thought about it. As I said in the description of the video, this is a very early wip and I'm not sure if I scrap it completely and write a complete new water shader.

Could see if you can steal from some minecraft shader mods, take a look at SEUS v11.

Droidy365 likes this
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