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Master Server list Down.

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It's still down, what are we doing about this? I don't want JKA to die it's one of the funnest games on the PC to me. We need to get that back up for the long term survival of the game.

There's not much we "can" do about this until it gets fixed.  Until then, use OpenJK with multiple master support with the OpenJK UI mod.

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I'd be willing to get a simple HTML a page set up for you. Wouldn't need to be fancy, just have a page to explain the project, a FAQ, then links to the forum, builds, and GH pages.

That would probably do a lot of good, I'm almost willing to bet Caelum would lend you a hand if you asked him as well...

JKG Developer

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I'm already noticing less players and activity now than before the master server went down. There's hardly anyone to play with now. Saying to just wait around or "theres nothing we can do" is an unacceptable response. I called ravensofts madison wisconsin office, but couldn't get through to a live person. That list was up for over 10 years, so that means that some live person was responsible for maintaining it and is capable of fixing it. Who can we contact about this? are you all just content with JKA dying out like this? it may be an old game, but it's still funner and more intuitive than most of the new crappy games that come out nowadays. No master server = less players. Why isn't more being done to resolve this situation? I'm not pleased by this passive inaction.

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We've long planned for the closing down of Raven's official master servers so we have alternatives in place. Raven Software have been contacted, but it's the Christmas holidays so they won't be working. The official master servers will likely be up again in a few days when everyone returns to work.

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I'm already noticing less players and activity now than before the master server went down. There's hardly anyone to play with now. Saying to just wait around or "theres nothing we can do" is an unacceptable response. I called ravensofts madison wisconsin office, but couldn't get through to a live person. That list was up for over 10 years, so that means that some live person was responsible for maintaining it and is capable of fixing it. Who can we contact about this? are you all just content with JKA dying out like this? it may be an old game, but it's still funner and more intuitive than most of the new crappy games that come out nowadays. No master server = less players. Why isn't more being done to resolve this situation? I'm not pleased by this passive inaction.

The only person who can do anything about it cannot do anything about it right now (James Monroe), is too busy with other important things plus it is Christmas week still, so most of Raven is probably out of office until after Jan 1st.  The last we've heard is that it might be a firewall issue keeping the Raven masters down still.  Please use the alternate masters while they are currently up if they are not being DDoS'd.  See the thread below this one (http://jkhub.org/topic/5049-jkhub-master-server/) For how to use it as a client.  Not all servers report to it but that's not really our problem.  Tell the server operators to fix their config.



P.S. Fuck you.  Get a better attitude or leave.

eezstreet, Circa and Omicron like this
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It's not like we are Raven employees ourselves. We're just like you, the only thing we can do is either annoy their call centers that can't do anything about, or wait until the person has time to do it, if he can even do it.


This was bound to happen, and we prepared for it in what way we could.

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I'm already noticing less players and activity now than before the master server went down.

+5 to insight.


Saying to just wait around or "theres nothing we can do" is an unacceptable response.

There is something we can do.


Does that feel better now?



That list was up for over 10 years, so that means that some live person was responsible for maintaining it and is capable of fixing it.

It goes down once or twice every year. This is not unusual or unjustified.


Who can we contact about this?

Usually James Monroe, and we already have contacted him.


Why isn't more being done to resolve this situation?

I called ravensofts madison wisconsin office, but couldn't get through to a live person.




I'm not pleased by this passive inaction.

More specifically, you can't deal with being unaware of any action being taken. That could be resolved by reading.
Onysfx, therfiles, Omicron and 2 others like this
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25001382296747_You-can-be-an-asshole-wit+5 to insight. There is something we can do.Does that feel better now?It goes down once or twice every year. This is not unusual or unjustified. Usually James Monroe, and we already have contacted him. Christmas-Balbinka-l.jpgMore specifically, you can't deal with being unaware of any action being taken. That could be resolved by reading.

+1 for nice pix

Onysfx likes this
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I'd love to see the day when just telling some troll to stop affecting hundreds of people would actually make him stop.
Honestly, I'd love to hear that the guy would be arrested for DDossing. Even if it's a simple script. If someone would destroy an old car with a sledgehammer out of the blue, he would get arrested all the same as if he was destroying a Ferrari Spider. Just saying. Sadly he is probably using a VPN, and thus untraceable.

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Its not just Jedi Academy thats down its also Jedi Outcast, Star Trek Elite Force 1 and possibly 2, Soldier of Fortrune(I don't know about that one) and maybe a few others.Quake 3 and 4 work fine but the rest don't and I have no idea about other Ravensoft games.

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Its not just Jedi Academy thats down its also Jedi Outcast, Star Trek Elite Force 1 and possibly 2, Soldier of Fortrune(I don't know about that one) and maybe a few others.Quake 3 and 4 work fine but the rest don't and I have no idea about other Ravensoft games.

I suspect that Quake 3 is handled by id, not Raven. Quake 4, I'm not so sure. 

The last I heard from James Monroe, they were still rebooting the server. I'll send him a personal message about it.

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I called ravensoft, got to the company directory, got his extension, called everyday this week but no answer. Is the master list down for good?

That's probably the worst way to deal with it. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it if someone stranger kept trying to call you to do something :P


Remember that they are under no obligation to even keep the server up. I'm pretty sure James is doing this out of his own time (albeit while at work).

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