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Ex Jedi Temple, In Time For Christmas? Lets hope!

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Only got a few areas built and setup currently, so no map lighting and not all the blowing snow or area portals are setup yet.  I'm also going to set it up so that there is a map version of the day time and a map version of the night time.  All areas are going to be connected now, outside of the secret areas.  Those are still going to be teled to and the map will still feature the same secrets and ways to get to them as well.  Now for a few screenshots.  I will be setting up a _skybox so that at least the map looks like it's own a snowy mountain.



















Onysfx, Jeff and Tempust85 like this

Added the scripts so that there is now only 2 elevators that go up to each of the 3 floors.  This means instead of 4 seperate elevators just 1 main elevator on each hallway.  Also for at least a few fighting rooms you will need to use an elevator to get to them simply because said rooms were not setup with a map fully connected together, they were setup with tele points between rooms.  But I will have it setup so that the elevators do go fast and to help out some for people who are to lazy to use an elevator, just keep it at the bottom floor the whole time and just grapple to each room specificly.


Also for the sake of testing purposes I will release a test build of the map when it is fully mapped out for people to test out.  Now mind you this will not have any level lighting in it.  It will just be a test map build to walk around and look at.  All rooms and map secrets will be enterable as well.  Also outside of elevator doors, the rest of the doors are just going to open automatically when you get close to them.


You're copying this map??


It's not an exact copy because that would mean teles between areas and so forth which are not going to be in this.  This is a remap aka like doing a touch up paint job on the side of the house and like always no one has to use it, the original is still going to be there for those that wanna use it. :)


Modernizing aspects in my view of the map such as doors that work when you walk through them and so forth.  The touch ups are purely aestetic, nothing more.  The core map design itself is still going to be the same.


It's like my remap of GCX.  Same deal.




I hope this wont be uploaded here since it's a copy of a CLAN MAP


Adding teleports or making differently operating doors isn't a good cover for you act @@Oobah.  I didn't even know about GCX.

It's true that there no real copyright to map and playermodels made by gamers, but you should never remake something that wasn't originally yours.



You're a Copycat. 




I hope this wont be uploaded here since it's a copy of a CLAN MAP


Adding teleports or making differently operating doors isn't a good cover for you act @@Oobah.  I didn't even know about GCX.

It's true that there no real copyright to map and playermodels made by gamers, but you should never remake something that wasn't originally yours.



You're a Copycat. 


Who says updating old maps with more modern mapping techniques, better lighting, and better usage/cleaned up texture alignments makes a person a copycat?  If I was a copycat I would claim to be the original file creators.  I would imitate that I'm from the original clan, I would of more or less took on a persona of being apart of that clan or someone important to the original file creation which I never did in the first place, so throw the copycat idea out of your head.


If I remake an entire map, giving full credit to the original creators, and want to see new life breathed into old files simply because they were GOOD and my recreations are more of an homage to the original files, does that somehow makes me a copycat?


Are you saying it's better to let older maps no one really uses anymore to just stay as the are and not get a possible chance at being used again by anyone?  Are you saying that personal clan maps are a big NO NO and off limits to a community that in and of itself thrives on custom file and content to keep going?  Are you saying that recreating pieces of work other people did and trying to do it better then the original is bad because it might overshadow the original work even IF people can still use and access the original work itself at any time which people currently are choosing not to?


News flash, maps like ex_jedi_temple are and WERE clan maps to clans that are long since gone.  And maps like it, gcx, and the_academy maps were widely used by PLENTY of other clans and in a sense these maps, even with there clan members names and personal stuff all over the place, also became clan maps for other groups since a portion of them never went fully into making there own clan maps themselves and because of how much they were used and loved by the playerbase itself.


People love these maps and it's no more damaging or harmful to these long since gone clans to see there creations getting a new bit of limelight.


But again, if you don't wanna use more or less a paint job over a map that is old and collecting dust and not being really used by anyone anymore.  You're more then welcome to use the original files yourself since the downloads of those original files are still up and quite frankly if it's such a terrible and horrible thing to you, criticize the work I actually did while going blind eye to any blind nostaligia you might have or the original work which even with it's flaws was still used by many, my work till your eyes bleed.  I'm still going to keep working on this file regardless.  :)


If it makes you feel better.  Consider my remaps the map versions for the JA community as a whole rather then the personal maps of long since dead clans.

Jeff likes this

Are you saying it's better to let older maps no one really uses anymore to just stay as the are and not get a possible chance at being used again by anyone? 

Are you saying that personal clan maps are a big NO NO and off limits to a community that in and of itself thrives on custom file and content to keep going? 

Are you saying that recreating pieces of work other people did and trying to do it better then the original is bad because it might overshadow the original work even IF people can still use and access the original work itself at any time which people currently are choosing not to?


Yes this is exactly what I'm saying.  Isn't that obvious?  You should make your own textures and design your own maps.



You can't just go and say you're making a version 2 of something you didn't even create in the first place, and call it a better version.

It's as rude as if I would remake your Academy map without toilets and the bar and without some minor unnecessary details and release

that as a better version or even as version 3 or was it 4? You're not even satisfied with your own work. The map you're currently copying

is downloadable at Jk3files.com and already has close to 11 000 downlaods  - this means to you that it has to be " improved" ?


Yes this is exactly what I'm saying.  Isn't that obvious?  You should make your own textures and design your own maps.


Been there, done that.  Might wanna also consider as well how many were inspired by said maps and also do there own twist variations for there own personal groups aka clans, communities as well as reusing the level textures as well.


How many people currently still use The Academy series maps in game still evnen to hosting?  The Academy V3 or Academy V1, or Academy V2?


Only thing that overshadows past work is the people who make the choice to download specific files over others.  Peoples perceptions of any work is of their own, you can't blame a single person for how other people choose to experience things.  That's denying other people right to choose what they prefer more.  What goes in peoples own base folders is up to them.  One day all this contents gonna vanish and will all be dead.  Not like I'm punching babies in the throat or stealing from a store anyway.  Just a video game as it is. :)


You're more then welcome to use the original files yourself since the downloads of those original files are still up


Still need to tweak the level shaders, briefing room.  Rotating JK Ex symbol over the projection, just rotates for looks.




Duel Room with the council room floor on it to give it a little more personality.  No health or shield dispensers are setup yet.



The duel arena.




Now you can walk around the seats close to the center area.



Admin box, functional and ready to roll.



The colour switches.


Jeff likes this

You'll need to attempt to get permission to release this on JKHub. That's all I really have to say. No need to freak out about all this.


Explaining and expressing an opinion with general questions is not freaking out.  All files uploaded here need approved just like in filefront as it is.


Anyway, Rocket Tennis.










Explaining and expressing an opinion with general questions is not freaking out. All files uploaded here need approved just like in filefront as it is.


He seemed pretty upset to me, but alright.


 don't normally like to get involved in any sort of heated/semiheated/completely pointless debate.
First I do admire Oobahs work in recreating the map, assuming he went ahead and actually built out the map rather then just importing and modifying the existing files.
Second, just because a map is popular and widely played, doesn't mean it cannot be improved. Halo's "Blood Gulch" map for example, had 2 further iterations in subsequent games.
Third, permission from the original author is as always a must, providing it wasn't stated directly in the readme that people could use the source material without having to credit the original author. Highly doubt its in there though, people are generally protective of their work.

Long story short:
Recreating maps as a homage to popular maps (just look at my own WaW_Asylum remake) = GOOD
Using peoples work without permission = BAD
Arguing over moot points for whatever reason (jealousy, spite, a sense of self superiority) = BAD

The old saying goes, "A house divided against itself cannot stand", same goes for modding communities. Oobah is gonna do what he will do and as long as its inside the rules and regs, there shouldn't be an issue.

Asgarath83 likes this

Check out some of my previous works:
JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]


Nothing wrong with anyone expressing there opinion no matter how it comes off.  If it seems he's upset or is attacking me or it comes off i'm attacking him(I wasn't) that's perfectly fine, I'm wearing my big boy underwear and batman cape.  Personally I say it's better he criticizes the work rather then give me a generic BEST MAP EVER 5/5.  Simply because he might inspire me in regards to the map itself, it also develops understanding as well for a persons position on any piece of work.  Biggest problem I face right now isn't creating files, that's a road bump for people starting out when it comes to content itself.  But needing good feedback as well as people properly testing said files and pointing out issues, mistakes, or what have you.  Not to mention the simple fact that even if no one EVER uses the files I make it might also have the effect of people to reuse the old content as well.  It can go both ways.


As for ZeroRaven on using other peoples work without permissions.  Fact of the matter is a vast majority of people don't ALWAYS get permission for anyones work.  Since I'm fairly certain not every file creator either answers emails(if they even work anymore) or even reply to peoples asking for said content as well.  I doubt hapslash for example even knows how far his own models have been frakensteined, reskinned, and or even ported to games.  Even if we don't get full permission let alone waiting over a year for someone to respond to us.  It is still better to acknowledge the original file creators and there own creations.  No one has any obligation to make files in the first place and the file creation itself is the only reason the game is still alive.


Also, though a bit bigger.  The central area to the archives, the long hallway, and to the council room.  This is due to the fact I'm going to have the council room above the map rather then go off on a side hallway and possibly hit other map portions or areas.  Though a bit bigger and a rough setup at the moment, see what I can do about that as time goes on with this.  Original area was a lot smaller due to the fact the areas were teled to rather then walked to.








In general the overall texture look seems kinda meh in my eyes but this is an older map.  Might do some touch up on some of the texture detail but for now my main thing is getting all the areas mapped out before I go into little tidbits of fluff like that.

Asgarath83 likes this

Archives.  This will wrap around to the central area up to the council room.  Outside of map secrets this now only leaves 4 main areas left to recreate and setup for a basic test map.


-Indoor garden area

-Council Area

-Admin(Dev room?)

-Bar n' Grill













I have been considering tweaking the snow effects so they fall at a heavier rate as well as they are a bit more constant rather then needing small bit of time to load up when you enter each area.  See what I can manage to do, anyway.


_Skyboxes I setup.  So now the place looks more like it's on a mountain top rather then floating in the middle of a lake.













Still debating on some textures but I added a little more graphical definition to the standard textures already used.  AKA basically a sharpern and increased there sized up to 512 from 256.






New wall lights are going to be setup as well.


Oh... NOW i see the video and i have recognized this map... O.O i have the OLD version with korriban textures statues and only fthe front face of temple without the inside rooms.

Nice Job, @@Oobah :o


Hallway, lot like the one from the dev room area, this one from the archives to the center area. 





Every window you look out you'll see the mountains, no fps drops either.  Considering also adding in a faint windy noise outside all windows areas.  To give off the sense of your inside a building and the cold and snow is blowing outside.

Asgarath83 likes this

Are those textures on the map final?


Those were just the original textures used.  Right now consider what I'm showing off a rough sketch.  It does not represent the final release.  My overall approach right now is getting all the core areas setup.  Then comes little details or fluff which is basically instead of brush funriture switch that out for modeled chairs and such.  Also some new light fixtures and perhaps some change to the textures but to much change to certain things like the looks for example and someones going to blow there lid.  Figure out things when I get to that portion of it in the mapping.


Woop! Looks really decent here! Hope you put in Bot-Support and lots of ammo/health/shield/items/gear :D :D :D Would be real fun having a bit extended "outside" gameplay as well :D :D Like other mini-bunkers or homes or such things. Very cute setting! Me likes!

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