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What's wrong with JKG?

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im afird it is dead, atlest for me, i have not been working on it for over a year now. pande also and Darth Futuza i don't know what he is up to this days

but if there is anyone who want to work on it. pull the source code down and give it a try.

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^ Don't bother, that kind of tinkering is not the sorta stuff that 'finishes' anything to the scale necessary for this. The problem is the work was put in on ambitious goals when the team was large, and when the team was small it was finally seen that smaller checkpoint needed to be reached first and now there's no one to do it. 


As far as I'm concerned, I am going to put up all my assets at some point for people to dig thru. I have a lot done towards Tatooine and Coruscant map assets that people may like to use in their own maps. I also have that Dotf map that needs finishing some day.. I'd rather someone with the passion takes it over. ( https://jkhub.org/albums/aq0pg )


Yes, I'd call it dead. And good riddance. I wasted way too much time trying to bring it to life. I half-succeeded, I think, in redirecting the mod towards an achieveable gameplay objective. With eez and xycaleth's help a lot was done towards that. I think someone should, for e.g., take Eezstreet's saber system from JKG and do something amazing with it because it is frankly amazing, if a bit buggy atm from the OJK merge. 


Bottom line is, if you're young and getting into this stuff, SET GOALS AND DEADLINES. Let JKG be an example of absolutely retarded goal-setting and team management.

Boothand, Sentra, Futuza and 2 others like this
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Bottom line is, if you're young and getting into this stuff, SET GOALS AND DEADLINES. Let JKG be an example of absolutely retarded goal-setting and team management.


if anyone here is young and recently bought the game -- uninstal it and dont waste time on these retarted dreams to somehow tweak this game to look like CS:GO.

Dont try to transforms this game into something that it's not;  a modern game.   JEDI ACADEMY is QUAKE with lightsabers, and that is AWESOME...



Some time after JEDI ACADEMY was released, rp servers and some meaningles JA+ servers appeared with kids just walking around /amatease

planning on creating a Jedi'sHome or Jedi Council GCX  where they could even sleep in their own 3D rooms and set "trials" on how to rank up from PADAWAN to JEDI MASTER  and setting stupid rules on how players aren't allowed to enter some specific rooms without them crying about it via Xfire to their Clan Leader,  asking if he'd come and /kick the outsider from the server.  Ofcourse, he would join the server and do /amatease in the mainhall. Seriously.... wtf



This game can be modified in just about any way you'd imagine, but why should anyone try to make a SWG  or TFU mod if you can buy these games :o ?

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Yeah its ded.   :(


You might see me occasionally doing stuff with it, but it is mostly for my own benefit/experimentation.  


Honestly, you'd be better off just playing SWGEmu, while not finished it's more than far enough along to play.

Thing is though, that was never what most of us wanted.  We like FPS gameplay for a reason...we just wanted more than just starwars counterstrike (leveling, quests, object persistence, etc), but unfortunately trying to make such a thing without a team of 50-75 full time paid organized developers with years of experience is impossible and unrealistic.


I'm not as bitter about it, if anyone is wondering, I think trying to make it taught me a lot and gave me a lot of experience I wouldn't have had otherwise.  Also I got to meet some pretty cool people like eezstreet, Pande, Stoiss, Xycaleth and the rest.  But yeah   :(

z3filus, Omicron, Stoiss and 2 others like this

JKG Developer

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:( It's a shame about JKG, I have some fond memories of being on the irc and long gunfights on tat and coruscant

Well the current build is still functional, if a bit buggy (shop prices/lightsabers for example) for this sort of thing, I'm always down for a match if people ever want to do one every once in a while.

Boothand likes this

JKG Developer

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I think everyone who was involved can take away something from the experience. It was without a doubt a failure of sorts, which I put down mainly to bad team management and laying down goals which were attainable as being able to make an elephant fly on a duck;s back. I think we kind of backed ourselves into a corner as well by over-hyping everything, finding ourselves not being able to achieve the things we said we would due to lack of people or just because we didn't know how, and then not wanting to make JKG look bad by saying we messed up.


After it all died down for about a year before the first 'alpha' release, I think that was the best chance of getting things going again. JKG had kind of dropped of people's radars, there wasn't so much pressure to get everything done, and because of that the ideas got scaled back to a manageable level. But then the ideas came back, things got out of hand, and even more people left.


But nevermind :D It was fun while it lasted.

Circa, Stoiss and Futuza like this
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JKG had kind of dropped of people's radars, there wasn't so much pressure to get everything done, and because of that the ideas got scaled back to a manageable level. But then the ideas came back, things got out of hand, and even more people left.


That's pretty much what killed off Star Wars: The New Era HL2 Mod. SW: TNE was VERY close to a base release, if you didn't count all the extra crap the project leads kept piling onto the art & programming's workloads. More maps, models & coding kept pushing and pushing the initial release back until people just ran out of steam and left like I did.


What happened with SW: TNE is why I'm pacing myself level-by-level with DF2 Mod so I don't go "Oh damn, I have like 20 odd levels to make *freaks myself out". DF2 Mod is a big project, I've already come close to packing it up for good a few times but I keep finding I want to work on it after a while. It helps that I can do just about everything for the mod so it can be a one-man show albeit a slow, one-man show. :P

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unfortunately trying to make such a thing without a team of 50-75 full time paid organized developers with years of experience is impossible and unrealistic.


^ so true


eventhough I'm not a MB2 fan, I still think that it's a good example of how rewarding it is to finish a mod and release it  -- same thing with JA+ mod.

I keep these mods close to my mind when I'm working on my own projects because it helps me to concentrate and be in the moment 100%

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I echo Futuza in that I'm not *too* bitter about the whole experience. I learned a great deal, I have huge respect for game design and image and 3d art in general, and the whole ordeal with management of resources and the importance of deadlines has seeped into my musical life in a really positive way.


Still, I've got 4-5 maps that will never see celebration because it's a) too late in the game's history and b) I won't finish them, because I see it as a waste of time.

I've put a lot of time in and not got that much out so for that I am bitter, but I also enjoyed the process and the people I hung out with. 

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I don't think the technical aspects of JKG would necessarily reflect well on me. After all, the main reason why it got panned by people (and for the most part, died instantaneously) was due to technical issues that I didn't see (for the most part, this could be chalked up to practically no beta-testing, but still.) Also, let's not forget the instrumental role I had in leading the project for a good span of time. With all due respect, your maps and the artwork you've put in were really good. You're much too hard on yourself though, incredibly so. The vast majority of the problems you saw in the maps were only really problems for yourself.


I think I can speak objectively here when I say that I have more to be bitter about. Quite honestly, I'm a little bit afraid to talk to Boba over the whole situation. He's not mad at me so far as I know, I just kinda feel like I let him down. I read everything on the old JKG forums (and MBII, for that matter) regarding my applications to the team, and well, Boba really struck out to me as the only person sticking up for me. But I dunno. I don't think I would've done as good of a job when @@Didz, @@Xycaleth and @@BobaFett were the main coders.

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I learned so much from developing on JKG and had so much fun doing it. Most of the team members were quite young (I started on the project at 15) and enthusiastic, but we had no idea how to properly schedule our time. We had great creativity and engineering, but not quite the nack for melding mechanics together seamlessly. Most of the videos and screenshots put out for the dev diary were just some rubbish prototypes that weren't properly functional in the game. The biggest hole in the development for me was the lack of story-writing, as the game was supposed to have quests and some lore. Team/time/resource management didn't exist, although we had some idea of what people were working on because we were on IRC all the time (no idea what people outside IRC worked on though).


The final nail in the coffin for my involvement was a time where all the team's focus was directed at creating a Stargate replica in-game, purely for "GM" travel between servers. So much time was wasted working on that piece of crap that no player would ever encounter. It required modelling, texturing, shadering, animating, Lua scripting, sound editing, and dialogue writing. Worst of all, it was completely unecessary as GMs could simply just /connect to whatever server they needed to be on.


I don't feel bitter about the project though, I had a great deal of experience from it. I could feel bitter about players never being able to play the game it was meant to be, but that would just be #FirstWorldProblems.

Circa, therfiles, eezstreet and 3 others like this
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I enjoyed seeing the progress of JKG, and it was great fun trying it out the few times. I was very excited about the saber system, and as far as I've understood, it's not beyond repair. While I've stuck to playing JK2 but doing mapping projects for JA, JKG's combat system was sort of the possible entry level for me, where I then would be able to enjoy combat as well as JA's increased modding capability.


I hope something like that could still see the light of day, as I had the impression it was something different to fighting in MBII. I hope any of you will find time and motivation to make something of the saber combat :)

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