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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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Can you actually open the mask of bounty hunter Asajj like you did in the picture?


There are two skins for it, yes. /model ventressk/helmet or /model ventressk/helmet2 will turn you into the Ventress with the mask down. /model ventressk/helmetup or /model ventressk/helmetup2 will turn you into Ventress with the mask up.


That is for MP only though. In the NPC file I think I only included the mask-down version, but you could easily edit the NPC file in wordpad and change it to the one of your choice.

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Well, I just went through this whole thread from start to finish to refamiliarize myself with what possibilities were out there.

There is so much amazing content in here... Concepts, releases, just brilliant work.

I can't wait for each release, but the one question I have is if the Barc Speeder was lost when your PC died?

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Well, I just went through this whole thread from start to finish to refamiliarize myself with what possibilities were out there.


There is so much amazing content in here... Concepts, releases, just brilliant work.


I can't wait for each release, but the one question I have is if the Barc Speeder was lost when your PC died?


The BARC speeder was backed up, I believe (can't check at the moment, using my laptop not my PC) but I never did get around to remodelling it slightly so it synced better with the driver animations. Also, if I remember correctly, there were also some issues with getting it to run in-game without crases that I'll need to iron out.



Hey @@Kualan, do you have that Imperial Knight link?


The Imperial Knight model was one that was made for the old Legacy RP server several years ago, and I know at the time the creator (Kel I believe his name was) was absolutely adamant that the model not be shared outside that community. I would like to respect that person's wishes but on the other hand the server is long-dead. 


If anyone knows of a way/can contact him to find out if he's cool with it, I'd be happy to share what I have.

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The Imperial Knight model was one that was made for the old Legacy RP server several years ago, and I know at the time the creator (Kel I believe his name was) was absolutely adamant that the model not be shared outside that community. I would like to respect that person's wishes but on the other hand the server is long-dead. 


If anyone knows of a way/can contact him to find out if he's cool with it, I'd be happy to share what I have.

Ah, okay well that's understandable but yeah those Imperial Knights look incredible! 

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I know @@Seven made a Cad Bane release, but today I tried my hand at putting together one of my own.






Main difference is that I believe his comes from Clone Wars Adventures, whereas I've used the model from Republic Heroes due to its (slightly) more high-res textures hopefully giving the bounty hunter a better appearance in-game. This guy won't be released as quickly as Ventress or Bossk though as there is a LOT more fine-tuning on the weights to do.

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I know @@Seven made a Cad Bane release, but today I tried my hand at putting together one of my own.






Main difference is that I believe his comes from Clone Wars Adventures, whereas I've used the model from Republic Heroes due to its (slightly) more high-res textures hopefully giving the bounty hunter a better appearance in-game. This guy won't be released as quickly as Ventress or Bossk though as there is a LOT more fine-tuning on the weights to do.

I really didn't know what I was doing with weighting at the time, so this is probably for the best.

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I really didn't know what I was doing with weighting at the time, so this is probably for the best.


Yeah I'm doing a lot of trial-and-error myself. There's definitely an art to it - and weighing someone like Bane with all his coat-tails and satchels and extra stuff is a farcry from weighing a skeleton-like frame like C-21 Highsinger's.

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Yeah I'm doing a lot of trial-and-error myself. There's definitely an art to it - and weighing someone like Bane with all his coat-tails and satchels and extra stuff is a farcry from weighing a skeleton-like frame like C-21 Highsinger's.

I learned it helps to pose the bones and start painting from there because the mesh will actually move as you paint it.

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I learned it helps to pose the bones and start painting from there because the mesh will actually move as you paint it.


Woah, that sounds like a game-changing timesaver rather than the constant backup-export-Modview-import-retry cycle I'm in at the moment.


Is there a way to automatically pose the bones based on a JKA animation .gla or do you pose them manually?

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Woah, that sounds like a game-changing timesaver rather than the constant backup-export-Modview-import-retry cycle I'm in at the moment.


Is there a way to automatically pose the bones based on a JKA animation .gla or do you pose them manually?

There may be, I don't know yet. But I just move the arms up and down and such then paint until it looks good.

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@@Seven and @@Kualan, when you're at the screen where you pick the .glm to import, there's an option to import all/a range of animations, too. You enter the starting frame number and how many frames the animation is. Maybe that will help.


Thanks Artemis, I'll give that a try later today.

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Took a break from Cad Bane and put on some finishing touches for this potential update to my current Shaak Ti release





New Shaak-ti awesome :) i hoped in new version because old one has tentacles sticked in her hood, it looks weird. I hope this is fixed now :-)

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New Shaak-ti awesome :) i hoped in new version because old one has tentacles sticked in her hood, it looks weird. I hope this is fixed now :-)


The weights on the tendrils are more precise in the new WIP, yes.


Been throwing together various models for the next issue of Tales From The Clone Wars:






I don't know if anyone would get a use out of these (RP servers, maybe?) but if there's enough demand I could possibly tidy them up and make a pack release for them.

DTIII, Rayce, Omega and 13 others like this
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The weights on the tendrils are more precise in the new WIP, yes.


Been throwing together various models for the next issue of Tales From The Clone Wars:






I don't know if anyone would get a use out of these (RP servers, maybe?) but if there's enough demand I could possibly tidy them up and make a pack release for them.



Too much awesome :) you definitely should continue in creating Clone Wars models because they are perfect. As I requested Jedi like Luminara and Barris could be done in their CW display for sure :)

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Lee-Char forgot to attend the photo shoot...


The kid ain't no senator.



Too much awesome :) you definitely should continue in creating Clone Wars models because they are perfect. As I requested Jedi like Luminara and Barris could be done in their CW display for sure :)


Haven't got much interest in doing film characters in the Clone Wars' art style for JKA, I'm afraid. Plo Koon and Cad Bane are exceptions, but anyone with a more 'human' face looks too out of place IMO.

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