Bek Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 @@Rooxon Don't stress yourself, your mods are some of the best on Jkhub. I think you even managed to get the top mod of the month one time. One of the main reasons I joined Jkhub, was because it was a huge modding oriented community and almost like a huge extended family in some ways. From my perspective, as a high school student, I know that managing ANYTHING can be tough, from what I learned it's best to keep focused on priorities. Anywho... I look forward to collaborating with you again! heya, how have you all been doing??I've been great I've been trying my luck into re-skinning and improving a bunch of already released models.Right now I'm making an older Anakin Skywalker sort of like a jedi master I also plan to release a stormtrooper pack and Boba pack as well. Rooxon likes this
AshuraDX Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Good to see you back on board mate take your time, RL is allways more important so get that stuff done and find your peace by modding during the breaks, that's what I do
Rooxon Posted August 31, 2014 Author Posted August 31, 2014 I've been thinking of doing it this way, too. Anyhow, I've noticed I've been working on some things before my big break, could as well post some screens today. Or rather, I have the whole day off today and polishing my skills is on the plan. I've also got one saber request waiting, so might as well do it today, could be fun. :3@ looking forward to these mods! Especially the stormtroopers. Heck, now I just remembered... I'd really love to see a new stormtrooper model for JKA, the original ones are good, but I dunno. There always seems something off about them, something I don't like. Also, seems to me I didn't notice that my mod was mod of the month, though I am coming here and there to check mods and a few major topics Now that's some real motivation right there! Thank you Bek!
Tempust85 Posted August 31, 2014 Posted August 31, 2014 I did make a new stormtrooper. Bek, Rooxon and Omicron like this
Rooxon Posted August 31, 2014 Author Posted August 31, 2014 @@DT85 You mean this one, right? But I meant more like a totaly new model and textures for the stormies, one that would make the originals seem as a pile of junk... all of them, even snow, rocket and... that big one, i can't seem to remember the name this instant.EDIT: I took a look at your stormie, I'm sorry I jumped to a quick conclusion, I see now it's custom made. Though it still just resembles the original too's not what I mean...I'm really excited to see the most frequent seen opponent remade...well, I can calm myself by submiting a mod request and hoping someone would pick the idea up and work on it, I could even help concerning modeling and texturing, weighting isn't my strong suit as I've done it twice or three times at most, the last time being years in the past.Anyhow, I'll try and bring this topic back to my sabers discussion. Has anyone any suggestions for me or ideas? If yes, throw them out, after all the released mods are for all of us. I'll try to work on your wishes as much as I can and add a few of my own. I still need to bring you the dual sabers, but I'll need some help with incorporating them into the game perfectly to my wishes, which includes making dual sabers to break more frequently, so that the single versions would actually be usable (as far as I know I haven't even once witnessed my dual saber breaking in half) and a few other ideas, like giving each saber a special trait... one would spin even when thrown and slung back, one would be a bit faster, one stronger... some would have parry, some break bonuses, heck maybe if it's possible I'd make a electric saber blade that is weak but would "paralyze" the opponent for let's say 2 seconds. Is this last idea even possible?
AshuraDX Posted August 31, 2014 Posted August 31, 2014 your last idea will def require a code mod Tempust85 likes this
Tempust85 Posted August 31, 2014 Posted August 31, 2014 Not sure what exactly you're expecting a new Stormtrooper model to look like, the one I made is based off of RotJ Stormtroopers and is the most accurate. Omicron, Barricade24, AshuraDX and 1 other like this
Barricade24 Posted August 31, 2014 Posted August 31, 2014 DT's new Stormtrooper does make the old one look like a pile of junk. Rooxon likes this
Rooxon Posted August 31, 2014 Author Posted August 31, 2014 @@DT85 Yes, by itself your stormtrooper is top-notch, I'm just saying it's still similiar to the original... for example, take a look at the TFU stormtroopers, then DT85's one. Compare the models by itself, every detail on the armor, the placements of things, general look (the head is smaller on TFU models, comparing them to DT85's, the head seems a little too big for the body size)... if you want I can think on it a bit more and give a more detailed explanation on what I'm thinking about.And I don't want you guys to get the wrong idea, DT85's stormtrooper really is great if not the best one I've ever seen!Regarding the coding, who could help me out with that? If needed, I can quickly finish the models i've been working on before, even though I plan on redoing them once more in pure brilliance.p.s. running gmax and photoshop as of this moment, modding time's on! You can expect a recreation of the Aegis saber, which was submited once for a contest... A member of this community asked this as a request, I guess it's a good warmup to polish my skills before starting on my own mods.Well I've run into some issues. I've downloaded 3ds max 2012 student version, I hope I find all the plugins and I'm good to go.Thought I'd also post the concept of this saber... well I just had to make my own, nonetheless I'm making my own recreation and well if anyone's interested or want's to use it, here it is down below. . Uh, guys, I have problems finding the MD3 import/exporters for 3ds max 2012, any help finding them or explanation as to why google, shockingly, can't help? And don't tell me I schould port them over to another program, it usually messes with the model or it's mapping... it also happened to me that it messed with the size, like made it a bit smaller or huge.
Tempust85 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Use Noesis to import/export MD3. Rich said use actual bones in Max to generate tags in Noesis. Use FBX as the middle format.
Rooxon Posted September 1, 2014 Author Posted September 1, 2014 I don't really get what you mean, could you explain it more in detail, please?
Tempust85 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) I'll add MD3 stuff to my list of tutorials I need to write, but for now: Getting an MD3 to Max: - Open Noesis (4.0996 at least is required)- Load the MD3- Export the MD3 to FBX Getting an MD3 from Max to game: - Create your MD3 model- Add any bone objects you want as tags and name them "tag_<name>"- Export to FBX- Open Noesis (4.0996 at least is required)- Load the FBX- Export the FBX to MD3 with the following command in advanced options: -md3tbone <BoneName> <TagName> without the < > of course. Tags are created from bone objects in Max, not sure about other software. EDIT: To get texture names stored in the MD3, name your material in Max like this: models/<yourmodelpath>/<yourtexture>.jpg instead of the default name (ie 01 Default). Edited September 1, 2014 by DT85 Rooxon likes this
Archangel35757 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 What's wrong with the MD3 importer/exporter plugins for 3ds Max?
Tempust85 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 I've taken down any of my MD3 plugins that are above Max 2011 due to them not working. It's better to use FBX>>MD3, which any of the big 3 packages can use. I've submitted 2 tutorials. One for MD3 Import/Export Noesis & the other for GLM Import/Export Noesis. Hopefully they are easy to understand, I'm not too good at tutorials.
Archangel35757 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Sounds like the md3 plugins for 3dsMax need to get fixed. @@DT85 -- you need to ask Dave at to pull down your md3 plugins then... since they lead to bad links.
Tempust85 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 I never submitted them there. I see no point in fixing them, Noesis works perfectly fine now. Cool cats like @@minilogoguy18 can now make MD3 models including weapons.
Rooxon Posted September 1, 2014 Author Posted September 1, 2014 Thanks i'll try the bone thing. Basically i need to make a bone and name it the same as the tag's name would be, right? Still it'd be easier if i had a plugin like the old one was for max 8.. well, faster.
Tempust85 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Faster, but more easier to have errors. -md3tbone command will convert any bones named to a tag of any name you choose. Waiting on my tutorial to be approved.
AshuraDX Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Faster, but more easier to have errors. -md3tbone command will convert any bones named to a tag of any name you choose. Waiting on my tutorial to be approved.done Tempust85 likes this
Rooxon Posted September 1, 2014 Author Posted September 1, 2014 I kinda get it already though. But a tutorial will make things easier, thanks a lot @@DT85 !!
Tempust85 Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Any problems understanding it, let me know and I'll edit it. Just bare in mind those 2 tutorials are my first. Rooxon likes this
Archangel35757 Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 I never submitted them there. I see no point in fixing them, Noesis works perfectly fine now. Cool cats like @@minilogoguy18 can now make MD3 models including weapons. Someone put it there... under PopNFresh-- but they call you out by name in the notes. I will add fixing the MD3 exporter to my 3dsMax ToDo list (way down at the bottom).
Tempust85 Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 It's the Unicode conversion that's the issue. I personally wouldn't bother with it due to Noesis, but that's just me.
Archangel35757 Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 It's the Unicode conversion that's the issue. I personally wouldn't bother with it due to Noesis, but that's just me. It seems sad to let a plugin tool originally made for 3dsMax fall to the side-- I believe the fewer conversions the better. I resolved the Unicode conversion issues in my plugin-- so maybe I can sort them out in the MD3 plugin code as well.
Rooxon Posted September 3, 2014 Author Posted September 3, 2014 Well I'm wishing you guys luck with the plugins, I agree with DT85 that it works with noesis and it's not even in a particularily hard way. I'm waiting for my computer to be fixed (a storm took the graphic card and the charger yesterday.. I don't know if that's the right english word, the box that brings electricity to the computer) and after that, onward I go! I'll keep you posted with my progress and work on finishing the sabers soon, after that I'm gonna talk to others, see what guns are already in the making, and start with one that yet isn't. After that it's playermodel modeling time, allthough I'm a bit out of practice, I'll do my best.And @@Archangel35757 I'll be thankful if you fix the md3 plugins anytime you can, I'm just used to do it that way. Archangel35757 likes this
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