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Windows XP vs. 7 and 8?

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So, uh, Microsoft is telling me they're going to drop support of XP, which basically all the computers in our house have...


Am I losing anything by going to Windows 7 and 8?


Do they generally perform better? Can they do more cool stuff? Is any of the revised interface and other little features nifty or not important?


Also, which should I choose, Windows 7 or 8?

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7, people will tell you 8 is so much better, and they'll tell you that the people who say it's bad haven't used windows 8...I've used it....I don't like it. I mean, when you open up a video file or picture, it opens up a whole new window that fills up the whole screen (and you no longer see the taskbar), and when you close it, IT TAKES YOU BACK TO THE FRIGGEN METRO!


It's not just the metro either. It feels more clunky. Mixing the windows and tablets has a strange result. Many will disagree with me, so be it, but I shall not use it. Perhaps windows 9 will be better.


tl;dr: If you're upgrading from xp, just go for 7, it's similar to xp, better, stable, and easier to use. ("Well with 8 you can still download the start menu"...I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGEN START MENU, THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT IT THERE!!!!!)

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Windows 7 most definitely !!


I don't know what kind of stuff MS took when they were developing Windows 8 but I believe it must've been crap, 'nuff said . . .



They usually seem to have a good OS then they put out one that is kinda meh...then follow it up with a good one.

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Go with Windows 7. From my experience with Windows 8, it takes a long time to get used to it. I found it more confusing using it than the first time using any other OS.


Most of your stuff will still work in 7. There may be a few old programs/games that won't work without a patch (if they have one) but that means they are really old, which can be rare, depending on the person.

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7, people will tell you 8 is so much better, and they'll tell you that the people who say it's bad haven't used windows 8...I've used it....I don't like it. I mean, when you open up a video file or picture, it opens up a whole new window that fills up the whole screen (and you no longer see the taskbar), and when you close it, IT TAKES YOU BACK TO THE FRIGGEN METRO!


It's not just the metro either. It feels more clunky. Mixing the windows and tablets has a strange result. Many will disagree with me, so be it, but I shall not use it. Perhaps windows 9 will be better.


tl;dr: If you're upgrading from xp, just go for 7, it's similar to xp, better, stable, and easier to use. ("Well with 8 you can still download the start menu"...I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGEN START MENU, THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT IT THERE!!!!!)


Win 8 performs better. About the whole screen open up programmes when playing a video file or picture, right click, properties and change the program. Is it really that hard? When you want to cahnge the browser you download with IE the new one, so if you have time to do that you have to do 3 clicks.


The Win 8 Features such as the metro search menu are pretty well hidden, and the taskbar is pretty much the same. If you want to use the Metro UI just Windows + S - And the "orb", start menu, can be added, and is already added in 8.1.


But heeeeeeeeey, we use an OS for less than a few months and it's the hell and worse.

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I am hosting Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy servers for free up to 8 servers. Contact me if you are in need of a server for your community. 🙂

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Get linux xD.

I have win 8 (8.1 to be specific, yes the one with the windows logo on the bar!). Like most said the "menu" is stupid. I dislike the Skydrive, it start up with windows and you can only close it using the administrator task.

But i like how it run apps. Its pretty cool, for me works a way better than windows 7. 

Also they are pretty the same, changes are the menu nothing else that i can remember now.


An advice will be, get the latest windows. 

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Get linux xD.

I have win 8 (8.1 to be specific, yes the one with the windows logo on the bar!). Like most said the "menu" is stupid. I dislike the Skydrive, it start up with windows and you can only close it using the administrator task.

But i like how it run apps. Its pretty cool, for me works a way better than windows 7. 

Also they are pretty the same, changes are the menu nothing else that i can remember now.


An advice will be, get the latest windows. 


msconfig? You can use older skydrive versions, as I do with the skype desktop instead of skype metro

I am hosting Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy servers for free up to 8 servers. Contact me if you are in need of a server for your community. 🙂

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I have seen some comparisons and machines running 8 did seem to handle things like games faster but the OS takes more time to get used to, 7 will fell mostly like XP.


I'm using 7 x64 and I'm going to stick with it for now, I'm in the market for a new laptop and it will be a win 8 laptop which I wont mind but I'm not going to buy it for my desktop.

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I use Windows 8.1 at work and home myself and I'm pretty used to its quirks by now. I boot into the Desktop instead of Metro, my most used apps go in the taskbar, and some lesser used but still important apps are pinned to Start (metro). If I need to get at any app, I'll most likely press the Start key and start typing the app name to get it, that way I don't have to use the mouse. Also you can launch any of the apps on the taskbar by simply doing Start + <0-9>.


I don't use any of the metro apps, there are always better versions of the software available for desktop mode.


Windows 8.1 runs a lot better than the Windows 7 I had on here before. It's much more performant, and boot time (from complete shutdown) is less than 10 seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goodbye XP. You were fun for a while. RIP. windox XP 2001 - 2014.


You would think after 20 years of O.S. they would come out with one that is more stable and user friendly and that doesn't suck up resources....oh wait....that doesn't make any money. NM.

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I would get linux, if only it ran exe programs better, even with wine it still has issues with them :(. I remember seeing linux having a cube desktop (literally, 6 different desktops on a cube...brilliant...)



I used to dual boot  Mandriva 2009 and the Gnome desktop environment had that cube desktop. It was really neat to use if you needed to have multiple windows open at once. I liked it much better than Windows' Flip 3D. 

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Linux is much nicer to use these days, with many more programs working natively, through wine, with better 64 bit support, etc. Also great to see Valve pushing Linux for gaming.


As for Windows, I would recommend 8.1 simply because it's newer. There's a lot more work done under the hood to improve the OS - compared to that, the temporary loss of the start button is no biggie.

I'm using Windows 8 as if it were Windows 7 with no issues.

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all windows 8.1 did was go automatically to the desktop instead of the start screen and add a start menu BUTTON. There is no Start menu to it. So no I will never go to windows 8 or windows 8 whatchamacallit.


I encourage you to convince me otherwise.

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