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Modelling assistance required

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Since yesterday I've started to learn to use Blender and I wish to go further with it.

I would like to learn JKA Modelling to make my own models but I don't know where to begin.


I've been looking through the tutorials but I can't see the one which is needed to begin with.


Any help?


 ** Maui **

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Thanks, that's a start.


But I mean like, my own Player Models, I would like the tutorial for that.

The ones in the tutorial section are un-detailed and written in messy english.

And not all the tutorials I need are in there.


Could you help me out?


 ** Maui **

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I tried to import DragonBridge (From Skyrim) into blender and export it as .ase but when I use a misc_model to import him into gtkradiant it shows me a little square textured with a Shader Not Found texture.


Any suggestions?

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