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Is JA multiplayer dying?

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Oh...I'm afraid JKA will be quite operational when you're friends arrive at this thread...


I think JKA will be around for some time longer. Eventually of course it will become like 1.00, with those few servers that are 90 percent of the time empty, or filled with bots.

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On a side note:

How much is OpenJK advertised? Will it be more "out there" once it's finished?


It basically revives the game at its core, getting rid of crashes, bugs, and making the game more easily accessible on other platforms (or at least, that's the impression I'm getting), not to mention the modding community here is pretty active...


That'd probably attract a few more people to the game, as it gets rid of some cross-platform and compatibility issues no?

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You're talking about MB2, which hasn't received a new patch in over 2 years and refuses to use OpenJK, the modding platform of the future, so I mean...


I've tried to lay out the benefits for MB2 to use OpenJK, but the leads seem none too interested. Not even the lure of rend2 was enough. So what if you're source code is available? The pros far outweigh the cons.


We don't refuse to use OpenJK, we're discussing it right now actually. There's just some issues I guess. The original thing was people using the source code to like cheat or something but I don't know how much of an issue there is with that anymore.


Also we're working on getting a new build out. Been working for a while actually, slowly, but for a long while.

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We don't refuse to use OpenJK, we're discussing it right now actually. There's just some issues I guess. The original thing was people using the source code to like cheat or something but I don't know how much of an issue there is with that anymore.


Also we're working on getting a new build out. Been working for a while actually, slowly, but for a long while.

I wasn't aware that you were on the dev team. :P


That's a bit of an asinine argument. The source code to the engine is already available, there's literally nothing stopping people from poking holes in your dedicated servers or clients with all the same exploits. By forcing yourself to stay away from OpenJK, you're opening the door to people making malicious dedicated servers and/or clients. The argument that "keeping it closed source prevents us from being hacked" makes absolutely no sense when part of your source code (and in this case, a pretty crucial part) is already open sourced.


I believe the reason they mentioned a while ago that they were afraid that people would make forks of MB2 and divide the community. Problem is, there isn't much of a community left, and them not keeping things up-to-date is hurting more than helping. Also, seeing as how two big mods (JA++ and JKG, and both benefitted greatly from outside contributions) use it and don't have that issue, I don't see how it would be any different for MB2.


Now, if they had OpenJK, not only would they eventually get rend2 (as DT mentioned, when it's done), but they could correct the Kyle bug (it's an engine/server issue, userinfo is getting overflowed from one client onto the next, causing either the server to drop everyone on it, or next client to exhibit a Kyle bug. They need to fix this because people can use this maliciously if they know what they're doing)


I suspect that their real reason is that they don't want other people to contribute on the development. Based on how I've seen the devs treat people who bring up legitimately good points (or quietly ignoring them) in the forums, this isn't too far off. This can be a legitimately good thing in some cases. Having a lot of control over your projects is very desirable. However having total control over your projects doesn't necessarily make your projects better (GEORGE LUCAS). Course, this is pure speculation, but I can understand their reasoning there. Doesn't mean I necessarily agree with it.

Pande, Stoiss, Evulant and 1 other like this
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We don't refuse to use OpenJK, we're discussing it right now actually. There's just some issues I guess. The original thing was people using the source code to like cheat or something but I don't know how much of an issue there is with that anymore.


Also we're working on getting a new build out. Been working for a while actually, slowly, but for a long while.

Silly MB2 coders probably aren't even aware of what a fucked up sabering system they made. Seriously, fuck staggers! I've been playing MB2 for years and 0.1.9 is by far the worst version in the regard of sabering. 0.1.4 was nearly perfect, they just needed to remove the unblockable-and-abusable slap alternative (kicking with saber). But nooooo, we wanna add staggers, and we don't intend to fix kicks, it's a feature! And we won't update this shit for over a year just because!


What I'm saying is that either MB2 devs abandoned the mod development for good or are simply ignorant to the fact that they screwed up, so I'm not surprised why they wouldn't feel like bothering with OpenJK.

You may work on a new build for as long as you like, but why not fucking restore the mod to a decent version that wasn't too long ago instead of leaving it as is until the end of time? /ragerant

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JKHub is booming, sort of, but over at MBII HQ we're having trouble keeping the mod alive, and in comparison to base JA MP our servers are actually MORE active...



Is it booming? I remember actually enjoying posting here at one point in time, and then any positive feelings sharply fell off. Mostly due to the influx of "modders" that can't read or even copy paste from a tutorial and feel the need to blow up your inbox/email.


Then you have staff you have to have a 3 page argument with, showing proof after proof of plagiarism before they'll even consider doing anything(which becomes immediately apparent that the course of action will be nothing). You'll eventually just say fuck it, and stop wasting your time.


So no, it's not "booming".



As for the MP, it's an 11 year old game. I'm pretty sure this same exact thread has been posted at least 20 times per year that this game has been around.

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Hate to say it, but I kinda gotta agree with Moondog. This place was pretty great until like 6 months - a year ago. I dislike how a guy who openly posts exploits, derails threads and generally causes havok is still not banned.


But that's dwelling a bit into off topic regions.

In short - no, I don't think JA is dying quite as hard as you think. It's an 11 year old game, this gets brought up often enough. MB2 is probably just dying off quicker because the current game isn't very good and they don't seek to update it.

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Hate to say it, but I kinda gotta agree with Moondog. This place was pretty great until like 6 months - a year ago. I dislike how a guy who openly posts exploits, derails threads and generally causes havok is still not banned.

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Ory'Hara. He posted here just the other day.


And that's not touching on the plagiarism thing that Moondog mentioned.

I ban him as soon as I discover it's him, trust me. He's attempted to register over 100 times (no joke). I usually catch him before he posts but sometimes I'm not online when it happens.


As far as MoonDog's issue goes, we try to deal with things without over moderating. We took down the file in question and gave the offender a warning. We can't just go around swinging the ban hammer every time someone does something wrong. That's what I hated about FileFront. 


Also, we try to keep bans and suspensions quiet when they do happen. So most of them people don't even know about.


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There's a fine line I think between waving a banhammer around and administering punishment to someone who has broken the rules of the site repeatedly and is generally a nuisance to everyone. (And not all bans should be permanent, eh?)


Are you banning Ory'Hara by IP, or what, exactly?

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