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models for creation

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hey! i noticed that there are no new models here in JKHUB
so here are ideas for those awesome people to make :D

princes leia (not the slave one) like a pack or something
improved weaponry (repeater concussion rocketlauncher)

assassinscreed models like (kenways, ezio)

contribute more :D

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the playermodels are suckage mostly the night pack needs more faces the weapons are too few maybe like


Which models are your referring to? The Knights pack is still an extremely good pack. and there are plenty of weapons. There is a Master Chief model for jka already, but it's port.

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The Altair model by @@CrimsonStrife is good, but the face needs a ton of work. If I get decent at modeling, my goal is to make all the assassins from the series. One of my favorite series by far.


In fairness, I actually made that back BEFORE the game was released, so I was going off very vague artwork and trailers.


the playermodels are suckage...


An attitude like that won't garner you much welcome from the modelers here, specifically the character modelers.  There are already very few, as most of us have retired, or moved on to other things.  If you have any actually constructive criticism, I suggest you direct it (albeit politely), where it is needed.

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Which models are your referring to? The Knights pack is still an extremely good pack. and there are plenty of weapons. There is a Master Chief model for jka already, but it's port.

i cant find that ported mastercheif thats why it would be great if somebody made one (not ported) thats all

do you have a link to it?



oh also i meant the knight pack needed more faces -_-

also if i use a custom playermodel JASP lags any fixes?

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f*** you its not available on anywhere but gamefront in which i'm banned and again cuz i already found it BITCH!


Watch your language and be respectful to other people... I'm sure the people in your home that are responsible for you wouldn't be proud if they saw you talking to someone like that would they?

Omicron and Jeff like this
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