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Ongree species / Pablo Jill

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Had some free time this week and started work on a new species. The plan is to re-use Hapslash's jedi robes in the same way Darth Shiftee did, adding my own heads & limbs when needed. If anyone is willing to contribute sounds, bots, npc's etc that would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the first pass on the head. More later.



therfiles, Kualan, Lamented and 7 others like this

Wow, no way!


I had marked Pablo Jill alongside the likes of Mas Amedda and Oppo Rancisis as characters who had missed the boat to ever be seen in JKA. This is amazing news to see he'll finally be coming to the game, and at the hands of one of our community's best modellers no less.


I'll see if I can source some half-decent sound files. There's Ongree in TOR, so I might be able to rip something from there.


Very nice! I can help out with that stuff as well.


It would be awesome if you could do similar stuff with the base models and contribute to the Gold Pack.  :winkthumb:


@@Archangel35757 I didn't plan on adding them in, maybe just use the jaw bone, we'll see.


@@Circa maybe, depends what's needed for the gold pack.

It would be great if someone could add more species and also add Jedi robes (like HS Obi-Wan/Anakin) to all species models (default and new). 



I see, maybe if i feel like it. The only drawback that i see for now would be the need for a new .pk3 for each species, unless someone knows how to assign different voices depending on the head selection?


Not without a code edit. It's determined by the line in the sounds.cfg in the model folder. m for male voice, f for female voice.


Seeing as new bones can be added to the existing GLA without breaking anything (provided there's a JKA model 2 new GLA conversion table in the code), would be fairly easy to wire up species specific bones for the face.


Looking pretty damn awesome there Psyk0! :D

Psyk0Sith and Archangel35757 like this

Trying to rip sound files from the Ongree in SWTOR is proving a much harder challenge than I thought. It's almost as if they don't want people using their assets or something! ;)


That said, I was going through the vanilla JKA sounds to see if there was anything that might work and I found that the sound files for the Gran sound very similar to the Ongree. For reference;



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