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  • 5 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Why are the mod's assets so big, if I might ask? 2.5gig ought to be way more than enough for ordinary purposes.


(alternatively, you could use something like Asana or Github to have both project asset management and teamwork stuff)

Development files and wip stuff tends to bloat a development build.  eg: All the failed/unfinished models and textures that are not compressed and have several copies with slight differences.

JKG Developer

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  • 10 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'd rather not do that because I still hope that some people would want to help out to get the mod going again but the community doesn't seem to have anyone making original content anymore so I feel like I might be waiting a while.


How about this @, help with the mod and I'll help with MotS, I wanted to do that next if this ever got finished.


@@Kualan I also don't know what exactly you guys would want as far as models go, there really isn't a whole lot. The Kyle model was never finished, as well as 8t88 or any of the Dark Jedi. The only finished model was the AT-ST and I released that. The Lambda I guess is done but it's just a static model but I'm thinking of setting it up as a replacement for the base game like the AT-ST so it'll be a vehicle and map object.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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I'd rather not do that because I still hope that some people would want to help out to get the mod going again but the community doesn't seem to have anyone making original content anymore so I feel like I might be waiting a while.


How about this @, help with the mod and I'll help with MotS, I wanted to do that next if this ever got finished.

help with?

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