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Ice Station Wampa

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Well, I still didn't get around to adding in Pande's chair models yet but I'm saving that for later. They'll get in there some time! 


No matter what I did and how I lit it I really didn't like my reactor. I even tried it again with rotating arms and other stuff but was kinda disappointed with it so I deleted it all out and was left with a giant cave and a walkway. I turned that into an Imperial Shuttle landing platform instead. Still serves my purpose except you don't crawl around on the base of the reactor to reach the next area, you crawl on longer pipes from down an access hatch. 


I did want to keep the power cable stuff as that was my favorite part. So, the reactor itself won't be made but I cooked up some transformer type things and was able to reuse the cable idea in this room. Both Shots are with No-Clip on to get a better angle of it all.








I'm still messing with the wall structure (black parts) and the greenish pipes above the transformer-thingys. That upper walkway will actually occur earlier in the level where the player will go through it and then be on the bottom catwalk later on in the level. I have a few areas in this map like that which is neat I think. I'm thinking of putting in some fog on the bottom of this room as well. The lower catwalk is suspended about 200 units from the floor so it'll look neat down there. 


Other than this, I've been messing around with water in winding sewers with little success. Maybe spending a bit too much time but you get sidetracked and that's how it goes.

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That's because my lights are high up on the ceiling and the images I posted didn't show them. The pipes and the ceiling in the middle are sunk from the rest of the ceiling so stuff gets hidden in those iamges. I also removed the light entities I had up there around the spotlights so it looks darker because of that.


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Well, its spotlights with a 384 unit radius. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I know Kejim_light is one that I used quite a bit but I'm not sure about all the other shaders that look like lights. I guess I'll have to dig through the shader lists and see what does what. I know that yellow light is a shader but it just glows. 



I went through the shaders and saw what was there and found the flat_blue shader from Kejim and it looks pretty good. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally finished all the rooms and stuff for the Station map. I had to remove the lab part i just started and that will be the fourth map. I got up around 13,000 brushes and decided to make the labs/factory area seperate to keep the compile times shorter. Now, I have to go back through and put the detail stuff in that I planned for the station level and then add the bad guys. The labs/factory part will be smaller so it should get done much faster.


At any rate, here are some lab area shots. 




The entrance to the lab area. No signs or anything yet as its still in the basic phase of design.




This is the same room but I managed to make sliding double door with glass which is pretty cool. Figured a lab area would benefit from that.






I got stuck in my door that is why i took damage.. hehe.. Took a bunch of screenshots of the lab area in Black Mesa to get an idea of what to make for the individual lab rooms. I have this cabinet and some sort of incubator-like machine made up. I'm not sure I want to stick metallic or more white in this area for the cabinets and stuff. I found a whiteboard with Meth formulas or something on it so that was pretty neat. Going to put this on hold for a while until i gather stuff and get some more ideas.


So, if anyone would like to donate any models that may fit a lab like area I'd be willing to take them! :D

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This is a two level room with a big pit in the middle. Its kind of a main intersection point of the base of sorts. I borrowed a bit from Call of Duty 2 design with the Nazi banners they had and came up with Imperial ones to take up some of the grey from the structure. 

I like the progress

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Would it be possible to make the flag banners animate in some way? Even if it is just some fake ripples moving across them.

well I have an idea how one could do this but that'd require some serious scripting

or an anim map could do the trick aswell

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Would it be possible to make the flag banners animate in some way? Even if it is just some fake ripples moving across them.



I'm glad someone chimed in on that because I don't have a frickin' clue how to do that. I'm just happy I could make the banner :winkthumb:

It really isn't needed to have it wavy or move or whatever. Yeah, it'd look neater but its not something I want to waste time with. 

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The shader keyword you are looking for is deformVertexes



Good work on your level. However, from a complete environment standpoint it looks like a good blockout rather than something complete. The texture usage is very samey throughout the shots.


You need to spend more time in other game levels looking at the floors, ceilings and walls asking why and how they look good. Use a lot of industrial reference too. Start getting elements in there to break up that monotony.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh yeah, this thing is moving  ahead. I ran into some technical issues after my last post in this thread and it took a bit of time to get right again. I then decided to just keep plugging away and never really considered releasing any more screenshots or anything. While putting enemies and stuff in my 3rd map I ran into some issues and had to cut the level in two. This turned into a problem where the cut part of the map ended up duplicated over itself. So, instead of deleting six thousand brushes in Radiant, I decided to open up the map file and do it that way! Most of the map is there 'cept all my duplicated brushes and light entities!!! 


At any rate.


Level 1 is 100% done

Level 2 is 100% done

Level 3 needs missing brushes and NPC's

Level 4 needs NPC's and detailing

Level 5 has begun a bit. Its going to be small and end the project so it won't be too bad.


Its just difficult doing all of this on one's own for the building process. I have/had people help me other stuff such as shaders, sounds, and other junk which has been great. Its just going to take some time. I don't want to release this in segments, either. 


Here are three shots from the upcoming levels.




Here is a test chamber...of sorts. A scripted scene will happen here.  The view is from behind the glass.




This is part of the basement of the Imperial Base and Labs map. Its more danky looking. 




Here is a hangar in the Imperial Labs part of the station.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to clarify I actually will have 6 maps made and not 5 as I posted in my last post. I miscounted in my last posting. The total brush count is 43,878 brushes through 5 maps with an average of 7333 per map. I also have 209 new textures added to the game.


#3 is completed and #4 will be completed within an hour. I just have to add in some ambient sounds.


I also just finished up today editing a JO roq video to use along with my opening crawl. Now it'll go from crawl to video to game which is a neater transition. 



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Looks great so far.  Can I request that you break the Coruscant conventions and perform horrible genetic experiments on wampa's?



Also just some ummm... inspirational photos for you and that reactor:




























The reactor got changed to a shuttle bay... lol. The small room with the cables and generator things got cut in half and redone since I lost most of it in my notepad++ manual brush deletion fiasco. That's going to be the power part.of this level. I wish you sent me that first image with the brick wall and walkway earlier. That would have been perfect in map 2.


At any rate, I'm going to have some experiments done but its going to be on humans, not wampas...hehe..

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I'm glad you like it. 


I've been having a fun time scripting all the NPC's. That extra time that goes into them really makes the encounters fun.


At any rate, here are some more shots 




Here is the finished Imperial Wok, or, the base mess hall. 





Here's the arcade area




Here's a closeup of one of my computer terminals. In the game, you'll be able to access that specific screen type on any terminal throughout each level and you'll be able to read a different e-mail or message or whatever. Some of those will explain the story to the player. Some will have nothing to do with the story at all and just be there to explain something in the level. 


I'm going to make a training level to help people with ladders and the terminals so it'll all be explained to the player from the get go.

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Thanks.. they are rather nifty :winkthumb: . I figured I'd post one up if people would like to copy it.


They are super easy to make. Just make the physical terminal itself. Then, just make a brush 1x1 and cut the bottom at the same angle as the terminal. That's all it is for the buttons. I use the solid colors from textures/colors and they come out alright. I thought about making  glowing shaders for the colors as that doesn't seem too hard. Next, group them around, obviously, Then, just cut out the area around them and use a different texture to seperate the groupings. You can raise or lower them too but I like mine flush. Finally, just look for textures and use your imagination and you can do whatever. Oh, and make sure you make them a func_group and make them detail.


I stole the idea from Black Mesa... SHHHHH!!!!  



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