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Ice Station Wampa

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My project is revolving around the investigation of an outpost that leads to a bigger adventure. Its going to be Jedi-less so no force or light sabers, like the first few levels of Jedi Outcast. These still aren't 100% completed but it gives you an idea of what I am doing, or, attempting to do. hehe. This mapping stuff is a royal pain in the butt.


The images a bit brighter in game but I am going with a darker theme for my project. I don't like the sterile look that the original game had. 




This is a hallway within the station. All the doors, like the one in the shot, are open with the button. That's pretty neat. I also needed something to kill the emptiness in the hallways so I made some AC/Heating duct-work on the ceiling. It also made brackets on it. 




This is a shot of the warehouse of the station. I made it look a bit like a warehouse store with racking, pallets, and even a Star Wars universe repulsor lift lift-truck. I used the Func_bob on it so it basically just sits there and goes up and down a few units. 




This is the end of the hallway and to the left of the first image. Behind the railing are the stairs to get down to the basement level. I'd have images of that but i ran into errors and all sorts of compiling problems and the map crashing the game. I was lucky to save the first level. So, back at it again. 

therfiles, Raz0r, k4far and 4 others like this
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Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it. I may put in spotlights instead of regular light entities in the hallways but I'm not sure yet. Have to test that out.There is an outside part of the station but that is getting reworked. Been messing around with Gensurf and easyGen and seeing what I can do. When those parts are done I'll add them in, too.


My overall goal is to have Rodians as the main badguys. You investigate this station and find that it goes into an underground base that is a producer of what these Rodians are smuggling out, with the help of the Empire. I'd love to have them cooking the Star Wars version of Meth or they are making biological weapons or something. 

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Would you be interested in adding it the the Gold Pack project? Sounds awesome.


Maybe when i am near completion, yes, but, I haven't the foggiest clue what that is... lol... 


It actually minds me about an extremely gray black mesa. Wares, barren metallic corridors, etc.


I played the Black Mesa re-do just recently and was really inspired by that. I'm glad you see that in there. In fact, I said to myself while playing Black Mesa that wouldn't it be neat if Jedi Outcast was like this, or close to it. 

Jango40 likes this
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Floors and ceilings are looking a little same-y. Other than that good work so far.


I'm still going through floor textures. Its just easier to put the same stuff everywhere. The hallways are going to have the floor texture that is in the first & second shot. Same with the basement. The warehouse will have a different one as with the areas of interest or rooms or whatever. I'm actually trying to find textures to add online but most of the free usable ones I've come across are very clean looking. 

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I'm still going through floor textures. Its just easier to put the same stuff everywhere. The hallways are going to have the floor texture that is in the first & second shot. Same with the basement. The warehouse will have a different one as with the areas of interest or rooms or whatever. I'm actually trying to find textures to add online but most of the free usable ones I've come across are very clean looking. 

Dirty them up then. If you don't know how, there are lots of tutorials everywhere. Or you could ask for help with that.


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I'm still going through floor textures. Its just easier to put the same stuff everywhere. The hallways are going to have the floor texture that is in the first & second shot. Same with the basement. The warehouse will have a different one as with the areas of interest or rooms or whatever. I'm actually trying to find textures to add online but most of the free usable ones I've come across are very clean looking. 


I wasn't entirely referring to the texture.

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I wasn't entirely referring to the texture.


Oh, well then I'll answer with I'm not an architect. However, its a just a station sitting on a waste of a planet. Its utilitarian and not going to be designed for every square foot to be some awe inspiring view. Its just a pre-fab-esque station that serves its purpose for what these people use it for. 

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Oh, well then I'll answer with I'm not an architect. However, its a just a station sitting on a waste of a planet. Its utilitarian and not going to be designed for every square foot to be some awe inspiring view. Its just a pre-fab-esque station that serves its purpose for what these people use it for. 


Most level designers are not architects. Most level designers haven't taken any architecture classes.




Let me help you iterate. Ask yourself some questions and then add as you see fit.


-How is power transfered? Wires, pipe runs, embedded transformers, etc..? If there are wires and pipes, how are are they ran?


-Clearly this environment should have allowances for the human element. How is fresh water/sewage/waste water routed? Are there latices on the floor that cover pipe runs? Does your ducting have logical end points? Are these elements consistant?




These are simple questions you can use to enrich your environment.

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Here is the re-designed hallway images from the first set I uploaded. 




This is the first image.  I just sunk the floor down a bit and put the grate texture in. Didn't have much luck using the grate shader from the game to work right. This one works well, though. I also added a panel and exposed something or other and some pipes in the ceiling.




Here is the other hallway with the same type of design. I also figured out glass and to the right I made a server-type room that you can't enter. Its kinda one of those rooms you see in a game that you can't get into.




I made a utilities room as well. Basically, this is all the essential components to run the station. Power, water, ect... In the image behind the player are some larger water tanks and more pipes and other stuff. 

Bane_Ross, Omicron, Circa and 4 others like this
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That looks great. The utilities room has great lighting and shadows. Nice work.


Glad you like it. I took a look at screenshots of Quake 2, Quake 4, Doom3, ect... to get some ideas and then stumbled onto a model someone made on Deviant Art for Half Life 2 I think. Google images is random sometimes.I thought it looked cool and was nothing but simple shapes. I started with one section and just modified the design to my needs. 


I'm glad you like the lighting. I had spotlights in there but it just didn't do. I think some Quake iteration had floor lights in places and I thought it'd be a neat idea. All I did with those is put a yellow light entity with a value of 50 about 30 units above the light, then another yellow light entity 50 units above that with a value of 25. It turned out pretty cool. 


Its getting there. 

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