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rd-rend2 (old thread)


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Woops, you're right, it doesn't. 
From the readme:
 - Compatible with most vanilla Quake 3 mods.
  - HDR Rendering, and support for HDR lightmaps
  - Tone mapping and auto-exposure.
  - Cascaded shadow maps.
  - Multisample anti-aliasing.
  - Texture upsampling.
  - Advanced materials support.
  - Advanced shading and specular methods.
  - sRGB support.
  - LATC and BPTC texture compression support.
  - Screen-space ambient occlusion.


So instead of DoF I'm interested in Tone Mapping now :) Also, as always, the GLSL shaders, you have teased me with the normal mapping, now I want to see specular :)

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So instead of DoF I'm interested in Tone Mapping now :) Also, as always, the GLSL shaders, you have teased me with the normal mapping, now I want to see specular :)

See these people always want more, good graphics are never good enough.  They consume, consume consume, eat eat eat.  :P Just kidding pande.

Tempust85 likes this

JKG Developer

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Heh, I nagged Xycaleth and a few others for normal mapping for a long time. They must be sick of me by now. :D



Normal maps don't work on player models right now, so the new specular may not either. Without the normal mapping, specular won't be that decent anyways. :P

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So, I've been mucking around in ioquake3's rend2





What's there:


- Diffuse maps (duh)

- Specular maps with gloss

- Normal maps with height

- Real shadows



- Anti-aliasing x16

- Image upsampling 2x size, maximum size 1024x (crashes at 2048x)


Textures are quake 3's but with touch ups & have been run through crazybump to generate normal, height & specular maps. Not auto generated by rend2.


(ignore shadow on the gun, that's due to the player model's shadow)


Why am I posting this here? Because all this is possible once rend2 is finished on OpenJK. :P

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I did add tonemapping stuff to the sky shader, but I think I mucked around with it too much for anything to be noticeable. :P




Oops, I meant Anti-aliasing. Always get those two names mixed up. :P


Doesn't look like rend2 (ioquake3) has anisotrophic filtering judging by the readme.





Edited my post above with tone mapping.

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