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Siege of Lothal has been the BEST Rebels episode I have ever seen!


One of the most prominent things I noticed was how competent the Imperials were this time around. Vader was absolutely terrific! He knew exactly what he was doing and was displayed as over powered and strong just as he should be.


The show also seemed to stop pulling punches. Sabine getting shots reflected back at her was definitely a nice touch and that scene when Vader sensed Ahsoka...




If this is any indication as to what the future of Rebels is going to be, then I am quite excited to see what comes.

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Well, Siege of Lothal was mind-numbingly enjoyable until I watched the Vader vs. Kanan/Ezra fight again. There were so many ways Vader could've won/killed the rebels:

  • Vader should've just blown everyone off the platform with the Force.
  • When Darth Vader picks up Kanan, he should've just stabbed him.
  • He should have Force crushed Ezra's throat.
  • He should have ripped Ezra's saber out of his hand and impaled him.
  • He should have cut Ezra's head off when he overpowered his blade quite easily.
  • When the walkers fall on Vader, he should have hurled them at the rebels in front of him instead of dropped them behind him.
  • When Sabine fires on Vader, he should've just deflected the shots into Kanan and Ezra.
  • When Sabine fires on Vader, he could've hit Chopper (who was trying to control the ship) and caused a malfunction, which would cause them to crash with members of the Ghost crew falling out of the open entrance simultaneously in mid-"flight."

Plot convenience cannot atone for this, damnit!

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Actually that applies to any scene. Take Indiana Jones for instance - there were dozens of cases, when the protagonist could have been killed by Nazis, Kali sect, Nazis again and Irina. =)

Or Grievous? He smashed a swarm of zombies with ease, while he wasn't killing Obi Wan, and there are other scenes where he doesn't kill the other duelist. And you could say the same about many other instances.

For what Othello killed Desdemona? For the plot!! :P


Yes, it is plot convenience, even though I agree with some of your comments above. Otherwise the show would end with Season 1. KOTOR would end on Taris, The Force Unleashed somewhere on Kashyyk, Dark Forces II on Nar Shaddaa, and Episode IV in the "ass in space".

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So Ahsoka knows Vader is Anakin and hid that from Kanan-- but how can Kanan, a padawan of the Clone Wars, not know of Anakin Skywalker??? He should know/be familiar with Anakin's "force signature", no??? For example the younglings knew "Master Skywalker" before he slaughtered them.

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He would know of Anakin Skywalker, but wouldn't have known he turned into Darth Vader. The only ones who knew that is Obi-wan Kenobi, Yoda, Sidious & possibly Tarkin.

So you don't think Kanan would have felt his "force signature" as that of Anakin Skywalker? ( Obviously in the show he did not... I just think he should have...)


At this point I don't think Tarkington knows-- perhaps Ahsoka will "out" Vader as Skywalker and it becomes public knowledge?

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I think he has felt that signature, but doesn't know who it belongs to. All he knows is that the feeling of cold death is familar. I think Tarkin does know who Vader really is, as he tells Vader "you're all that's left of that religion" in EP4.

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I think he has felt that signature, but doesn't know who it belongs to. All he knows is that the feeling of cold death is familar. I think Tarkin does know who Vader really is, as he tells Vader "you're all that's left of that religion" in EP4.

Yes, Tarkin does say that... but before that, Vader force chokes the officer who mocks the force-- so that officer knew as well?


So yes Tarkin knows his true identity in EP. 4, but it's my opinion he doesn't know right now. Perhaps Ahsoka "outs" him later in Season 2... just my hypothesis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to watching the latest special. It was the best one so far. Having Vader play such a big role was shocking to me, in a good way. 


I love that Ahsoka is going to play a role as well. I want to see what happens between her and Vader. She'll inevitably die, but I have a feeling it'll be far along.

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