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I lost that UV map rofl

had to start uv unwrapping it over last night =/


I overwrote a few .obj's and froze the modelling in my xsi scene... that was all she wrote


a few things were stretched a bit and it was upsetting me anyways. No worries. might turn out better to be honest

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  • 2 weeks later...

Around the circular area, the 4th panel from the left looks quite odd as if misaligned on the UV. 

Also why one megatexture? Any time you have a rectangular surface you ought to be using a new texture for that so you have 0 negative space, it means more resolution room + more chance to reduce overall image sizes.



By the way, was that mirror floor a real mirror or was it the duplicated geometry technique? I ask because you seemed to have more than 1 surface with the mirror, which in my experience is not possible in the same PVS, but I kept feeling like maybe I did it wrong. If this is indeed a mirror, please contact me as I'd like to correct my past mistakes particularly for DotF (the pit in the middle means multiple surfaces).


Oh, one other thing is i'd advise you from over-lighting your model in the textures. Ingame, you will either have to not have a lightmap on the model (therefor meaning you must be *perfect* with your model's baked in lighting) and also create lightJunior spotlights everywhere (they only light the player) or put normal lights and 'double' your lighting. 


Either way, you need to light the player some how. Lighting the entire model with baking seems appealing but you can't forget that the player is going to be completely black if you do this!

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ahhh i see.. and the floor is a mirror shader, the rest are env shaders that i positioned myself looking directly in their reflection path, print screened it, and made env maps from where they should be oriented. thanx for the advice it is a lot to take in so ill be going over this a few times before i come back and tell you if i fully understand. thx man

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@@Pande as for the megatexture, its only 2048. I figured one 2048 was better than like 3 or 4 1024's. Doesn't the engine have to call up an instance of each texture? making longer load times and lagging problems?

essentially, i figured if I had a whole map with maybe only 10 textures, the engine would benefit

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here's a little bit of cleanup 



















I still have 2 of the exterior models to import into Radiant until that's done... and the door seems too small so I'll be adjusting that and re-importing that model.. Just finished unwrapping the catwalks just have a stand in texture for now








and setting up most of the alpha planes for the ceiling work









About to go rig and test out that Death character, then finish up the TIE fighter and misc. parts of the hangar

Tempust85, Stoiss, Omicron and 2 others like this
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