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When i first read your initial question a brief idea spawned to mind about a storyline to 3... you said disney is acting like SK never existed... what if he didnt? The entire tfu 1 and 2 and "3" would instead happen in the flash of an eye in vaders mind when he sees kento has a son... while holding kento in the choke he runs through his mind about what might happen if he let the boy live ultimately ending in his own death and instead kills the boy? Once again just brainfarting

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That'd be cool, yeah. How did TFU2 end exactly? I can't remember and I can't be stuffed installing it and playing lol. :P

Starkiller defeats Vader but spares him and the seemingly dead Juno comes back to life and Boba Fett most likely frees Vader.




Starkiller attempts to kill Vader but is stabbed in the back by the evil clone Starkiller and Kota and the Rebels get pushed into the water and Juno remains dead.


The Force Unleashed II.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So its the texturing and animations that are holding this mod up. If i could just model, unwrap, and rig id have the character pack done. TIE facility is going to take so long to texture, ket alone my raxus prime map. So any texturing or animation help would be kickass. Whatever model you texture you can have to screw around with before the actual release. Just a thought because producing tge best result this engine can handle from scratch is taking forever and im more of a modeler than texture artist or animator.

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If you couldnt tell, im going back over all the characters I have started, then finishing up my character pack by finishing the 6 different starkillers i have ready and waiting for a head. Then i need to start and finish maris, a bull rancor, and a few characters i havent mentioned that ive been messing with in the background to keep it interesting. I will then go into the maps. I want the characters done first because maybe i can get some reskins by you guys before im done with the maps. Every map has already been started. After i get those put together and clipped and sent off to some decent mappers to add gtk radiance, i will start tossing around different ideas mainly pertaining to what @@therfiles was working on with having maps as menus. Or render out some roqs from softimage of you strapped to the table looking around the room and have different objects in the room as menu options i.e. a computer terminal for load, door for exit, etc. If i just continue to pound out characters and avoid the maps anims textures shaders or technical hurdles then i can really get the ball rolling and start showing off some decent stuff. I still like the idea of making real nice neat bump maps and etc from zbrush and rendering out decent cutscenes with softimage and converting them to RoQ. I have modeled every map to "end" at a certain spot for SP, or loop in giant circles for MP. I still like the idea of recording our own dialogue and even maybe sound effects for anyone interested. Im taking little stabs at a time at rebuilding starkillers head. Ive had some pretty "successful" attempts lately, have seen many different ways people model heads, and feel confident i can make something worthy to be the centerpiece of the mod. Im not sure how rend2 works or how i can be any help incorporating that, but i will say, that im rendering out displacement and normal maps for everything just in case. Im hoping to have these characters all modeled soonish and im just going to go batshit rigging and rigging until i get a real comfortable grip on it, starting from easiest to most difficult rigs. Sorry it takes so long, but if you look at any of my updates compared to the previous versions, you can see i had my reasons for practically starting over. The old TIE Facility looked sick, this one is just daunting to look at even with no textures just bump maps it looks wayyy evolved. Im hoping to get permissions from a few people i will PM about using thier models, as 1 theres already enough versions of said models to waste time making my own, and 2 not sure i can do any better of a job on them lol. Im keeping all tfu2 stuff separate except a very brief occurance and a tie in at the end to the 2.5 mod. Ive been working on this and twisting the story and experimenting so long that you can expect a few easter eggs and cool things to play around with and view. The fight with kazdan has me so geeked right now. Hes going to be meditating in this cavern i built on raxus. The whole mod is kind of like assassins creed where you go fight while in a dream state, so even though youre just dreaming, kazdan senses your fucking conscience in his presence, starts to question how, but disregards it and tells you something along the lines of dreaming or not, youre no threat to me, and you shouldnt be here... then starts to "control" his backpack remotely via the force like a junk titan brandishing a saber pike while running around by himself using the force on you pushing you around, afterwards he will join backpack and give more hell. Stoked about that fight. The one on Kamino I wont mention, but shes a tear jerker for me once i get it all together. As well as Proxy, you know its just right for him to fuck things up for you and try and take you out.








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Theres a couple of characters im not too sure who to ask for permission. A Jawa, an Imperial Officer,a clone trooper,and a scout trooper. Those are the ones Id like to have but would rather not model

Well Haps' Imperial Officer is probably the best out there. Haps really isn't around anymore but I don't think he'd mind his Officer being used.

As of right now Neomarz's clone is the only one out. But @@AshuraDX was working on one. But I don't know how it is going.

There is a decent Scout Trooper model/skin I believe the author was Tyrael or something like that.

As for Jawas, I believe @@AshuraDX also did an improved version of them.

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So Im just going on a massive modeling spree and taking care of everything I can modeling wise. It was daunting to do a model, then have to go try and learn the different ways to texture that model, then try new anims, it was all too much at once, so now im just getting them all modeled and unwrapped. THen I will rig. Then I will model the maps until I think theyre ready for GTK Radiant, to add the final details and lighting and whatever. After its all modeled, I will start texturing. From there we will see what it looks like. Still grinding...












A big part of what took so long is I was really modeling crap, and spending so much time polishing turds that I was just going in circles, by the time Id learn an easier way or a new trick, there was already like 40 different instances where I shouldve used them. So I took a break from actually modeling my mod, and spent a very long time just watching modeling tutorials and sessions in general regardless of what program they were for, to see peoples techniques. I would play around with throw away models and get a better feel for my equipment. Now im confident in my skills enough that I wont have to start every model opver again and things should go a lot smoother this round



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Looks like the final count is going to weigh out something like this...



The items underlined have already been started or are some of the ones Im borrowing from others, the ???? are ones I may keep private until the release



about 40 playable characters





TIE Facility                   Raxus Prime                             Felucia                               Kamino                            Dagobah          Training Room

Militia Crewman             Jawa                                           Felucian Warrior                  Clone Troopers                Juno                    Proxy

Militia Elite                     Heavy Rodian                             Felucian Shaman                Shadow Trooper               ????                    ????

Heavy Militia                  Rodian Ripper                            Felucian Rider                     Medical Robes                  ????                    ????

Imperial Officer              EVO Trooper                              Maris Brood                         Abarrant clones                 ????                    ????

Training Gear                Jump Trooper                             Jungle Gear                         ????                                  ????

DT Stormtrooper           Kazdan, Pack, Kaz+Pack                                                        ????

                                      Junk Soldier                                                                            ????

                                      Raxus Prime Gear                                                                   ????







It may look like Kamino has more baddies, but, remember I will add the EVO, Jump, and Dt's trooper to Felucia, I just didnt want to count them twice. Felucia will also be teaming with larger baddies, a fairly rowdy boss fight, so it will be ok. Im not expecting to make Felucia too big. I will build a large Felucia out of the pieces I am building and render a decent skybox, and will play with the hills and depth to where i can save memory because the small piece that is going to be Felucia, will be able to pass for sure. A large portion of Raxus Prime is Underground, so Im not too stressed about building the mountains of junk, I will only have a few in view, but will also be building an intense skybox for raxus as well to sell off the vision of a planet full of trash. I would like to save the skybox for the TIE Facility until I feel like playing around with it. Ill just animate some dogfights in Softimage and figure it out from there. As for Dagobah, Im not planning on you seeing much of the actual planet at all so it shouldnt bee too hard, Ive already taken a few whacks at those trippy trees. Kamino Is going to be the sickest, but, also the smallest, as thats just how im building it, the more detailed, the less expanded. Training room has already been started and is getting kicked around.





about 10 NPC aliens





Junk Titan


Rideable rancors

Various Wildlife






5 maps


TIE Facility

Raxus Prime






3 side maps

+20 efx files


interactive trophy system

custom UI

new force power

large unlockable expansion at the end

choosable alternate ending

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Just got a few hardware upgrades to the lab.

Was hoping to just keep working til i had enough for a trailer and i even on the side worked out a demo to be released in the not too distant future with its own preface to the story. Ill just go ahead and post some pics today though since its been a while


What's the hold up?


A few things.


Lets start with manpower. Go build a model. I'll wait. Now what did you build? Maybe a lightsaber? A gun? How long did it take you using conventional methods like maybe gmax roadkill and photoshop? Now imagine if you will that gun being a map object. Doesn't really take up a lot of real estate there does it? Also, Imagine not using photoshop or simply roadkill, but precisely unwrapping everything how you need it and setting them all up together to use eachother's texture maps to preserve space. Now imagine not using photoshop because when it's all said and done, its going to work better. There is already talk of implementing normals and the sort. If I make the textures in photoshop, then just generate normals with say crazybump or the nvidia plugin, then it will produce very wonky normals that will not look even close to accurate. So i sculpt them. Everything. Each item. So where it might take you a week with conventional methods to build a 6 inch lightsaber, take into the consideration the sculpting process of entire terrains and trying to save every vert possible. It's daunting.


Experience. When I first started modding I had basic photoshop skills nothing else. Now I could probably turn your head. Everything I ever built had to be redone. So worth it though.


Here's the thing...


I have the TIE Facility built, just going through each piece one by one sculpting. It is also built for MP. I have the entire character pack modeled and a few sculpted. Which mind you are like 3 variations of almost all 6 models. Its going to look cool Ill explain why later.


I have Raxus Prime built and am going through the same process, Raxus WILL take me the entirety of the mod to complete, but, you will see a brief glimpse in the upsoming trailer of a Raxus Scene that should pay for all my sins of tardiness. I have Three types of Rodians built with variants, a new Junk Titan, Kazdan rebuilt around the humanoid skeleton, as well as his backpack same thing.


I have Felucia built. The map objects themselves are going through some rough draft stages at the moment just playing with them getting different results until I get there. I have a new Felucian built, which will serve as the foundation for the about 7 variants of Felucians I will have. I have a rancor rebuilt which will serve as the base for the 5 variants of rancors. I have a basic zsphere setup of a bull rancor. Maris Brood is well on her way id say at about 40% but im just saving the fixes til I get to her.


The EVO and Jumptrooper have been rebuilt as well since previous versions I believe I have already shown most of those updates, I will check.


I have about 50% of Kamino built. I have all but 2 characters done for that as well.


Dagobah I have been playing with Zsphere trees and just tampering with different terrain setups since the exterior will not be very large at all and caves are easy to build.


Attatched is an insane spreadsheet of spoilers and things I have been using. try to make some sense of it if you wish, a few things are spoiled not all. Its just proof that there is an end to the tunnel.


Ill post pics today as I get time. Sorry for the delays, but, I am pretty excited about how all the storylines unfold so Im eager to finish this and start 2.5. It will not take near as long since my skillset is decently up to par now, and a few things will be recycled. Plus after putting out the first mod I should get a bit more assistance from any lingering community.









Could maybe use some help on which weapons they will all be using? As well as voice actors if you're interested. Ill do Kazdan and Im pretty sure I could do SK, and I could probably get the girl parts handled as well XD Im more talking like Boba, Clonetroopers, Proxy, the standard alarm guy and the droids. ill see what I can do with the female actors Im pretty sure I can handle that 1. So yeah any help is appreciated anywhere. Lot of spoilers there my bad. Im saving only one other main sopoiler that only i think myself, ashura, barricade, and truffleshuffle know about.



Ok now the reason why I said it will look cool with so many variants of everything. I am focusing this mod to be more of a one on one almost type of thing. Maybe more than just one on one but you get it. Not like Battlefront where they're coming at you in heaps, but nicely sculpted pieces with high health that take a minute to kill so you can kind of appreciate every model you dismember piece by piece and really have to use the core mechanics of the game to survive rather than just mowing down tons of bodies.

That comes later =X



Oh yeah, so the storyline has been tweaked a bit and 1.5 and 2.5 are pretty much just demos for the 3 mod. TFU 3 will probably get started sometime next year and even though they may pick the project back up and blow my whole storyline, even they will have to admit it was dope

ensiform, Bek, GPChannel and 3 others like this
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  • 1 year later...

Hello, it is good to see everyone still around, I cant wait to browse a bit. Ill start off by giving out my deepest apologies for lack of updates, I have in fact stayed busy on it though. As most of you know I am a single dad of two and I have had a very rough few years. I tend to model for days on end until I develop physical problems. I just go in. I also like to be fully encompassed in the modding community and will sometimes overlook more pressing matters. I have my life in order now, or at least enough to get back into the community and I really hope you all will accept me back as you always have.


The mod...


Updates in the next day or so, as well as a dropbox loaded with everything I have so far. Ive worked the story a bit as well and hopefully gotten a bit more efficient in my old age. Daisy Ridley was scalding hot in TFA.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just touching base because I havent posted anything in a bit.


I have made almost all of my characters off of a base mesh human male. The past few weeks, I have been getting that base mesh rigged so I can just transfer over weights for the most part with GATOR with just some extra fine tuning. This way I dont really have to rig each character so individually. I also have been playing around with the mouth_eyes and eyelid setups and getting that so I didnt have to do it for each character.


I have maybe 50% of the TIE Facility character pack ready to rig, with the rest just needing some adjustments.


I am almost done with all of the TIE Facility throwables.


Thats in the past maybe two weeks. Ill try to get the rest of the T.F. characters ready to rig in the next two weeks and finish up the throwables.


After that, I will be finishing all of the T.F. map objects so I can lego it all together. Im hoping I dont have to build my own maps though, as there are so many talented people here with GTK Radiant, and I barely dabble with it. The map will be built already for them, it will just need floors and area portals and stuff. I am also going to build a "pathway" through the T.F. out of a few planes that hopefully we can convert to ASE and use as bounding planes for the map objects, instead of having to go through and noclip brush them all or whatever.

Once I get these things done, I will be focusing on the menu/Rogue Shadow. The ingame menu will be a map with different areas of the ship dedicated to different options (training holodeck, skins, mission selection, save/load, saber selection, upgrades)


This way, once I get these done, I can maybe release the T.F. as a beta for the mod and get good feedback by the time its done as to what should be changed or added.


Seems pointless to post any pics right now... Ill post a video or something soon instead, IN the TIE Facility, AS a Kota's militia sabateur, force repulsing a bunch of cool crates around and using my custom force push to obliterate. Thanks for your patience.

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