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my attempt on Starkiller

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i dunno dude i think i would need more angles to be able to tell whats going on.. at any rate the features of the face were modelled very well. the sunken in part of his cheeks right there has a less obvious transition from his cheek into his upper lip giving him that pouty look. he doesnt really have that valley there.. but besides that and his nose maybe too thin are all i can see. awesome stuff


what are u using for refs and rotoscopes?

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Looks pretty accurate to me, for an oldschool engine without normal maps, you'll have a pretty strong likeness, assuming your texture will have the same level of quality.
Some pointers:
-The direction of the nasolabial fold should be inwards (in the vid you have it curving back while it should loop down below the bottom lip)
-The width of the eyesocket at the top (where eyebrows end), that area should not be as wide as the rest of the skull. If you grab the top of your eyesockets between your thumb and middle finger and then move your hand back, you'll see the skull becomes larger as you go back. Once you have the whole skull built it might be ok, but you still need to have some forms in that area or else it'll look like frankenstein's forehead ;)
-Push corners of the mouth in slightly, it's a common mistake to keep them almost flush with the lips.
-The puffy look of the cheek is because you made the whole area pretty much the same volume. If you take a look at a human skull, you'll see the cheekbone is actually closer to the eye and the area below is empty (filled by muscle), so in an athletic person you'd have that bone poking through and very little to no fat on top of the muscle.

-The mouth plane might need a bit of volume, looks too "duck" like.

-Shrink down the eyelids / eyes a bit. You get A+ for adding lacrymal glands by the way!


It's difficult to give anatomy feedback with words, but hopefully i was clear enough that you don't move away from your current path.

Corto and Tempust85 like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's clear that you don't lack modeling skills, but this head doesn't look like Sam Witwer at all. It can be fixed though since the mesh looks clean. Let's talk with a reference picture so it's easy to understand the main issues here:




Chin: Althoug the chin is wide and manly it's not wider than the mouth. The widest part is as wide as his mouth and it doesn't end so far on the jawline.

Cheeks and gaunt: The cheekbones kind of continues with the cheek gaunt, they don't stand out by themselves as a separate feature of the face. Here's a picture with a better angle to figure out what I mean.

Mouth: Just redo the mouth =P.




Eyes and brows: The eyes don't look so round, his lower eyelids look flatter than the upper eyelids. The lower part of the brows are bulgy, convex, not concave.

Ears: His ears are clearly bigger, tilted backwards (Psyko already pointed this out as a common mistake) and the lower part is more flappy (does that word even exists?).




Nose: The nose from the front looks ok, but when you see the side of it, it looks too perfect. The nostrils are a little taller (not wider) and the nose is more pointed.


The jawline looks quite alright and the rest could work if you figure out how to fix what I think are the main issues (which right now is your head doesn't look like Sam Witwer). I'll gladly start with the draw overs when we start talking about finer details.

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I would only say to take some meat out of the cheeks, and pull that crevace out a bit so he has a smoother transition from cheek to upper lip. Just as someone said about athletic people not having much meat there. Ill try and paint over it and show u what Im trying to convey








Amazing work nonetheless very excited to see what you come up with

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did , but it was impossible for me to get used to that layout and I kept fucking my scenes up so I dropped it

I've been using sculptris a lot and I mgiht use silo'S sculpting tools even though they're pretty basic

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