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I agree with DT, you've done the head over like 5 times (guessing) and you keep focus on it, yes your overall head modeling has improved a lot from the start (seriously it has). But you seem to fail at noticing the landmarks of the face and nailing those down. Seems like you tend to rush into having a head so you skimp on the details? Dunno how you work so can't really tell.


But I'd think it's safe to say that after the 5 tries (?) you need a break, work on the body :) There's still strange stuff going on there.

ChalklYne, Tempust85 and Circa like this
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  • 3 weeks later...

chin up u deviant bastard  =P 

im still going to have my own starkiller as well. Not that i dont like ashura's, i just want to take a different approach to it and see how it turns out, but am not really too concerned on it atm.. working on the tie facility exterior and finishing the tie fighter


hey deviant you know who you remind me of? ol panic98

anybody remember panic98? from GF?

ahhhh he was great i miss em. 

Tempust85, AshuraDX and katanamaru like this
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  • 4 weeks later...

i think his jawline is either too thin, causing his head to have that lightbulb shape, or yeah his heads too wide.. Ill screw with it im kinda busy with the tie facility now that i got the exterior finished... but... am still working on this in between. Ill screw with the proportions with a few ref pics and see where its going astray


plus theres something pretty off about his cheeks in the side view but i cant pin point it atm

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i want to have a parade of all the failed sk's rofl sadly i lost most of them. The drag queen rocky horror is my fav so far XD, starkiller duvall is a close 2nd. No worries.. back to the ol drawing board

I will say that the dynamics of modelling something organic is a completely different ballgame than what I'm used to. i need to just lay off modelling for a week and check into nothing but topology and anatomy. It's inevitable, just being back burnered for now. I do appreciate the actual crits where you say things like "chin is fucked" rather than scour the internet for funny memes that assist absolutely nothing. Unless the memes are spot on and moderately hilarious. XD like dolan

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yeah thats from ass backwards workflow on this one. I learn a bit more each time. I find it fucking hilarious how i'll work on a sk for hours, and be like...








Then after I post it, and give it a minute... i look back and am like...








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sounds good. ill go back to the wireframe of the previous model and take baby steps little bits at a time and post progress. Ive noticed that I do good, then go on a huge 3 hour long modelling binge and screw the pooch. baby steps this time. and thx man



Hit me up on Skype man i've been trying to talk to you about that thing you asked me to do a week ago xD

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Yeh i know what it's like when people poke fun because of your modeling skills or lack of.  When i was pretty new there was this mod team that always mocked me and made fun of me because i used to use box modeling.


Didn't get to me it just made me want to better myself and wipe their smugness in their faces when i became better than them lol.

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Hit me up on Skype man i've been trying to talk to you about that thing you asked me to do a week ago xD


I have a few females I didn't want to have to talk to that I ditched out on that are on my Skype, and was really just fighting logging in XD, true story, but screw it I just did. My bad for anyone who has been hitting me up on Skype... 

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