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AngelModders Jedi Temple on Coruscant - Knightfall

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About 3 days in so far, should have the exterior mostly done by friday and starting on interiors by monday.  I'll  be starting on the skybox/portal and the rest of the exterior tomorrow-sunday.

The Jedi Temple will feature as many known locations inside the Jedi Temple as well as boasting the full exterior block she will also contain a fuggin mountain, and WAIT THERES MORE! SITH RUINS deep inside of said FUGGIN mountain inside of the Jedi Temple On top of her accurately built city block in evening, raining day and night variations! 


Torki, Toxiee, Aldro Koon and 14 others like this

Update - Early concept of the skybox for the knight fall variant..
iWHwk68.jpgYou almost don't even notice there is railing around each landing platform due to the scale of things. They come up to your hips btw, I'm picky about my railing height.  Soon I'll drop in benches, other railing, small sets of steps, some consoles and hoses for the platforms (fueling) a few vehicles sitting on the platforms. Lots of little details. 

A lot of work to do here in the coming days. The interior is plotted but now it's time to open her up and start decorating.  These statues are temp, as are ALL textures you're currently seeing. 
ZIoVPkB.jpg One issue I have with the temple is even in the movies there is not a lot lighting MOST of the structure up...
HUEci9b.jpg A sneak peak of what it'll look like from the council chamber height. 

God I can't wait to start making this prettier... XD Build first, fine tune later.

Circa, OCD2, Srethem and 12 others like this

Update, did some to the exteriors lighting, added the brush celtic work above the main door, need final texture for center tile. Began work on the great hall, doors about to be cut and opened. Set the windows for the center strip. A lot of little detail work. 


This is sooo beautiful. I wanted to ask about the basreliefs in the front, but I see that you planned to add those from the start.

I do like the statue in the front, but I would replace the Sith statue with the Jedi ones. 😉 

3 hours ago, NumberWan said:

This is sooo beautiful. I wanted to ask about the basreliefs in the front, but I see that you planned to add those from the start.

I do like the statue in the front, but I would replace the Sith statue with the Jedi ones. 😉 

Oh yea all statues atm are temp place get them made or eventually I'll break down and learn it myself.  

Started working a bit more on the sky, the far off skyscrapers haven't been added yet, but I've been working on the clouds/horizon. Got that nice infinite city with a nice subtle spherical feel a bit of that light polution on the horizon and bouncing off the clouds

Wy2PRAD.jpg kbNHsdQ.jpg  FPS dipped a touch when I screenshotted but I do have a ton of things open too.


HUGE Update in more ways than I can even type out. A complete lighting rebalance, and all of the main exterior details finally dropped in, about 90% complete, next I'll move to the roof top before continuing on with the interiors. 
ql8G9W2.jpg Z4M8dnJ.jpg 6imr21X.jpg 5cpCDO1.jpg
Fps dipped in the last photo due to spamming snapshots XD. FPS locked to 60 FPS to match my monitor running 1920 X 1080p on a GTX 1050 TI. 


Well I'm off to bed but here's tonight's final update. The entrance way came out beautiful, still has some work to be done on the back wall where the doorways are of course. The first image is without rend2 the second one is however the effect layers have not  been created yet for the L/D grey and Red stone material.
jXb2tO3.jpg dEx0kue.jpg 


I will be releasing a early sneak peak of the map today, what's built of it currently any way.. I figure every month as I progress release a updated version till completion get feedback etc from a much earlier a point and avoid the pile of small bugs found later at once. As well today's version will be quiet special and will always remain a public release, other version will be removed from jkhub as I go along. Todays version will include a early version of the great hall as well, the first interior area! 

{JoF} Atlas, scp_chaos1 and krkarr like this

Since release of the Anniversary Edition Change log 

Great hall (area just inside the temple) fully extended this means it more than doubled in size, arches touched up, texture swapped on arches as well - medium tan marble with wood trim (more to be done on the wood bits), arches top crowns had a detail added a small ball like structure and the faces brought more together these will slide down a bit further as I make room for the trim boards. Somaz got the cube maps to me for the jt so finally got to see some of the blue clear up. XD 
QZWdsTY.jpg Yea THIS is what you're all missing by NOT using rend2...

And pretty much the same shot but in Vanilla...  FM5UAj8.jpg 


What's this based on? I was missing a couple textures in the alpha although for some reason I took screenshots and I can't seem to find them o well. Are those pillars indoors ace models? Also I'm getting a flickering when I look out at the skyportal on the edges of the screen almost like it's hitting max draw distance on that diagonal distance that could probably be fixed in the world spawn. How many brushes does this thing take up because it looks insanely detailed?

AngelModder likes this
6 hours ago, Acrobat said:

What's this based on? I was missing a couple textures in the alpha although for some reason I took screenshots and I can't seem to find them o well. Are those pillars indoors ace models? Also I'm getting a flickering when I look out at the skyportal on the edges of the screen almost like it's hitting max draw distance on that diagonal distance that could probably be fixed in the world spawn. How many brushes does this thing take up because it looks insanely detailed?

It's based on several books released over the years showing inner diagrams, imagination or book descripts when there is no source. An interesting point is the movie has this hall completely wrong and installed in a way that could not work in real life. Somehow surrounded by windows even from above, so instead of trying to nonsense the build, I use false windows my backlit stained glass, or will use I should say, this room has quite a ways to go yet. 
The camera bit is more than likely the skyportal entity needs moved up a unit. However I am not so concerned with that at the moment as everything in the skyportal is a quick built concept of what's to come. Not a cull issue but good guess, similar effect. at the moment with all the floors planned out she sits just over 14k. 🙂


{JoF} Atlas and scp_chaos1 like this

One more update for the night before I rest... *Yawn* It's 1 Am here and I got to be up @ 5AM. Qwt42aZ.jpg Got the wall details for the great hall built. Needs a bit of texture design but looks solid. 
Also started working on retexturing the exterior face of the temple a bit. 

Padawan1138, Torki, Smoo and 5 others like this

Since the map is vising so well and the fps is is great I decided to remove the doors and try it open for a bit as it was in the movies. perhaps I'll leave these in later for locking the temple down, but probably for a different game mode, really thinking I may make a story mod of my own or a seige map of this after it's done for vanilla/ffa/rend2. I know some folks have already asked me if Movie Duels or Battles will be using this, truth is I do not know I have not been asked, I'm not even sure their aware of this project. On that note, I do not like the idea of someone tinkering under my hood so to speak, so any work to convert it I would have to do myself. 
Got the rest of the lights put in as well today, the stairs are finally in, I'll be working on the bridge railing and columns (<--- is that really how that's spelled) tonight; I'll also finish up the exit details around it's door ways. Changed the material type of the tan and red stones you see in the post above for the exterior with a not shiney but weathered looking set up, fitting they would use the same stone, but the blend point is the texture of the texture if that makes sense to the rest of the outside. I'll post pictures of that tonight as well, this will also show you the guide mechanics and the open door ways, see how ya'll like that feel/look.  

scp_chaos1 and Smoo like this

Bridge is completed aside from an eventual new carpet texture, the entire room is finished aside from later to come doors as I add on area's. A bit of brush clean up this morning running around rebuilding things a bit better bought me back 3200 brushes... So yea its important some times to waste time rebuilding things. 

emAG4pD.jpg VrNI7v9.jpg

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