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Who is that woman ?

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She deserves a better answer than that .. I say she needs a full TC mod detailing the events that lead up to that fateful wanted poster. With multiple spinoffs. That random artist just turned into the legendary Rando Artis

dg1995 and Droidy365 like this

Here's the full texture:



And a higher resolution version I made with Gigapixel:






She's not the only face that appears in neon sign textures.




neon-tall.jpg neon-tall2.jpg neon-circle.jpg screen1-txt.jpg




Still though, I am curious as to who that is. It's clearly a photo of a real person, as opposed to these other ones.

dg1995 likes this

Ok, because I'm a nerd I translated the main sign the post is asking about:



So that's a thing. I'm curious now, so I might translate the other ones.


EDIT: More translations.


Purple Kel Dor sign says:


CAOTION (Caution?)


Orange Kel Dor sign says:




Would be good for maps with a cantina.


I'll do some more when I get home..

syainkn and dg1995 like this

Oh thank goodness, idk why but looking at her face through that small picture in-game, I always thought she had a swole AF neck like some overkill anime character or something. Now I can look at her and not think it looks baffling.


I thought she was meant to be some stormtrooper's wife back "home" or something. Made the Stormies look a little more human in my eyes.


Given how there's text in the photo that translates to a (somewhat) coherent message about traffic, I'm assuming that this was a texture meant for the Coruscant level or some other metropolis level that didn't get in and the developers didn't want to put it to waste. 

Droidy365 and dg1995 like this

It's under the rooftop (t2_rogue) textures, so that's certainly not a bad assumption. It does actually appear in that level, too.







But yeah, I'd say you're right about both of those things. Reusing assets, and making the stormies look a bit more human. I honestly never knew about this Easter Egg. Which is strange, given how many years I've been playing this game for.

It could even be something to do with the devs, one may never know.

dg1995 likes this

I think I may or may not have found her:




image.png screen2-edit1.jpg




Very similar eyebrow shape, nose shape, etc. Couldn't get a front view of her. I made sure to use an older photo.


Grey DeLisle (AKA Grey Griffin), voice of Alora and Jedi Female.




Here's a more modern picture, which shows the slightly rounded chin. I'm 90% sure that's her.






McGroose and dg1995 like this

OOOOOOOH, so it is in the level. I didn't know that. Gotta pay more attention to those things.


In that case, I'm guessing this is the equivalent to a gym locker room type thing where the stormtrooper has a poster of some famous woman he fantasizes over lol 


That's honestly funnier than my original interpretation

Lancelot, dg1995 and Droidy365 like this

I don't see the resemblance there at all other than a white female brunette. Pretty sure it's just a stock photo they purchased of some random model.

dg1995 likes this

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