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All right all the tally marks I done. But before I release (which will likely be tomorrow by the way) I need some shader feedback and @@AshuraDX since you supplied feedback for the 212 I figured you'd be the one to ask.


Also @@Sithani you wanted to see the final product as I recall so here are some shots of the finished skin job. Shaders are still awaiting feedback.











So Ashura, are we too bright on the specs?

NumberWan, Lamented and DarthStiv like this
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@@Barricade24 better, yes

now show me that shader and give me your helmet texture I'll take a look at it

Having some problems with the Dropbox so I had to copy and paste here.


        map models/players/Gregor/visor
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
        map models/players/Gregor/visor-spec
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
Also here is an image of what it looks like in game.
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I don't know how the texure is set up but this could probably work :


        map models/players/Gregor/visor
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen identity
        map models/players/Gregor/visor-spec
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

try with and without the "rgbGen identity" line

this line will prevent it from recieving shadows, see wether you like that or not

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Well those are supposed to be tally marks. Not so much scratches. They really come out as a flat black sort of appearance.


Or are you actually referring to the scratches used on the yellow portion of his armor to blend with the camo/default armor?

well they look really... raw, unrealistic

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been working on something for awhile. Something has always bothered me about the base protocol droid. Although after looking at the model I can find little detail that isn't accurate to the character itself. But something about the face mainly always bothered me and I looked into making an overall more accurate protocol droid.


This is what I have come up with.

















One element I am quite thrilled with is the updated hands.






If you look at a protocol droid all of it seems to be one single color with pretty much every single metal part the same color. Unless of course it is a unique paint job. I think I may need to up the contrast on the textures but otherwise I think it turned out pretty well.


I may need some advice with the shaders though. The base effect doesn't seem to be the best choice and the shader I used that is similar to my TFU Shadow Trooper one doesn't seem to work the best either. Anyway, suggestions are welcome.

Bek and DarthStiv like this
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I want to say great job, but there something off about the texture, it's just too faded I guess, almost like a pale yellow.


I would try to make the plating more goldish silvery(?) I guess  :lol:.

I would also darken the rubber innards, and add some battle damage. 


Edit: you may need to add a shader.

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