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About This File


Title : {JoF}'s Golden Wing V2
Author(s): Aldro Koon
Contributor(s): Raven Software, PreFXDesigns, Milamber, Diego, Zefilus, Exonimus and all of {JoF}
Website : www.jofacademy.eu
Forums : www.joftemple.eu

File Version: 2.0
File Name : {JoF}Z's-GwingV2.pk3

This is my first solo FFA & TFFA map that I made within a single week, for our annual Pilot Events based on Raven Software's Siege_Destroyer map.
Huge thanks to PreFXDesigns for the ship textures and levelshot, Milamber for the skyboxes, Diego for the balance testing and Zefilus for the art posters.

I am happy with how the map turned out. The only thing I wish we had been able to do was import vehicle sounds from Battlefront 2 or something similar.
All ships are uniquely designed to be faster and offer variation through two specials, whilst still having equal handling in terms of turn speed.
To find more information about the changes made to each ship, go to our forums.

The PK3 comes with four versions:
JoFs-GWingV2 is the best framerate running map with only 1 huge Stardestroyer and 1 smaller Stardestroyer.
JoFs-GWingV2Fleet is the mid framerate map with 2 huge Stardestroyers and 3 smaller Stardestroyers.
JoFs-GWingV2Armada is the low framerate map with 3 huge Stardestroyers and 5 smaller Stardestroyers.
PilotEvent is simply the Armada file, duplicated only to avoid spoiling the levelshot. 

Also a big thanks to JamyzGenius for the Death Star inspired Demo Hangar based on the JK2 demo and to Mjt for aiding us with the skybox.
Lastly: None of this would be possible without {JoF} as inspiration. Love you guys.

* Map Information *

Bot Support: No
New Textures: Yes
New Music: Yes
Installation :
Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory.

Known bug(s) :

- Vehicle extensions too large simply means you have too many vehicles in your base folder. While OpenJK is not necessary, it is highly recommended to increase that limit.
- Singleplayer might not load properly due to a statue having a too long filename length (MAX_QPATH). This is also fixed with OpenJK.

Otherwise, simply remove the PK3 from base to be able to play again.
* Copyright / Permissions *

Other editors may NOT use this map as base for other maps, using reverse decompile methods.
If you want the .MAP file for some reason, contact 'Aldro Koon' at our forums over at www.jedioffreedom.eu!

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 1.2


1.2 Changelog:

Balance changes!

JoF X-Wing
*No changes

JoF Z-95
*Increased acceleration speed by 4x
*Increased normal max speed by 2x

JoF Tie-Fighter
*Increased damage by 2x

JoF Tie-Bomber
*Increased health by 2x per each body part
*Increased armor (for ramming) by 1.5x

Initial release (2020):

*All ships now have their original max speed value increased with x1.25.
*All ships now share the turning speed of the original Tie-Fighter, and are also increased with x1.25.
*All ships now have a 5 second turbo boost recharge instead of the original 6 second timer.
*All ships now have two unique special abilities.

Space combat has never been more enjoyable, while also being rather equal across the board in terms of handling.
The goal here is to create balance between each space vehicle whilst still offering enough versatility.
They are still unique enough and your choices truly matter!

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Just saw this. Mind blooown :0 Hot textures and a fun map ? And those effects x_x wow

Aldro Koon likes this

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

I wish the guns would shoot at me and I can't destroy the shield generators, but otherwise, I spent a good while just shooting at asteroids and admiring the overall amazing map.

Aldro Koon likes this
{JoF} Atlas

   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

Played during the annual Pilot event, sick work. Big kudos to everyone that put effort in this - @Milamber the skybox looks fantastic and without FPS costs, stellar work.

Milamber and Aldro Koon like this

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

This is a great map for flying, would be good to use in RP too.

Clean spawns, clean ships, clean frame rate, amazing experience.

Aldro Koon likes this

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Played on it, felt amazing, even for a guy that isn't too much into space fight. Loved it and it really felt fresh. Nice map ❤️ 

Aldro Koon likes this

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Love it when we get quality content like this


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I played on this map, it's really great

Aldro Koon likes this

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members


Aldro Koon likes this

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This blew my mind! ? 

Aldro Koon likes this

   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Plays amazing, looks amazing.


Aldro Koon likes this

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Just can't find enough words to describe how incredible this map is! A marvelous and outstanding job!!!

Aldro Koon likes this

   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

A space map with multiple vessels?
Now that is neat.

Aldro Koon likes this
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