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Star Wars Rebels

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I can't stand that guy's voice. 


Meh. Very disappointing indeed, though I have 0 expectations that this show will be anything good. Not that it can't be, I just don't want to have any expectations. I'll definitely give it a chance. The Clone Wars was slightly better than I thought, so maybe it'll be decent.


It will be nice to see more of the story during that time period for once, instead of the prequel era.

Onysfx likes this

I did see this...not impressed. I hate teasers that don't tease lol.


Wonder how/if they will incorporate Starkiller in this considering it's the same time.


Please no. Forget TFU and erase it from the archives. Please. I beg you Disney. Redemption!

Circa and Jeff like this

Doesn't mean they will use the same guy, he might just be a stand-in until they find their proper voice over guy. 


If they are smart, they will start the Rebellion from just after the events of TFU 1 and forget TFU 2 was ever made.

CaptainCrazy likes this

Yeah, that's the DisneyXD guy that does all the commercials and stuff. My little siblings have that channel on all the time. Can't stand it when I'm home. So he won't be in the show itself, just the commercials on that channel.


As far as plot goes, I wish they would start right where Episode III left off and show how the galaxy transformed into an Empire. It would be awesome to show it from the eyes of the clones, kind of like Battlefront II, but more in depth.

Jeff likes this

And here we are folks! Proof that there will be something worse than the StarKiller storyline:







They MUST kill this douche off before the start of EP4 so Tarkin will be correct in what he says. To make this guy live beyond EP4 would be disrespect to Tarkin.

Futuza, therfiles and Circa like this

That's ridiculous. I'd rather they just stick with Starkiller. Why have TWO people do Vader's legwork? I thought it was really stupid to have Starkiller do what Vader was known for anyway.



therfiles likes this

I think the new inquisitor is not a contradiction after all, he might be one of the acolytes, which were many during Palpatine's reign. As it takes places 6 years before Episode IV, everything is possible. Thus, it will be at least 5 seasons (Clone Wars was 5, and it showed the 3-4 years of war).


In any case I feel thrilled to see more on the project. I'm not sure, what to think about the new character, but the information given, including the one on Lothal - a new planet - seems to be interesting.


Those stormtroopers looks ridiculous! 




This is why I hate the animation designs. But the Clones in Clone Wars looked amazing compared to this. COME ON.


They could have made things a little more realistic this time, very disappointed with the visuals. The Stormtroopers look like extremely sad bobble heads.





Tarkin blew up with the 1st Death Star. Overconfident bastard. :P

Circa, Asgarath83 and Cerez like this

Tarkin blew up with the 1st Death Star. Overconfident bastard. :P

yeah, I had forgotten about him.I was too busy watching the x-wings


This design looks extremely cartoonish.

My prediction: the game will be rated 3+ and we'll see Dumbo running around Coruscant  :P


I think he should definitely kidnap Luke Skywalker as a child and bring him before the emperor.  It'll be great.  Especially since cannon doesn't matter any more at this point.




therfiles likes this

JKG Developer


After comparing the concepts and shots of Clone Wars and Rebels series, I couldn't help but wonder, whether they intentionally created square-like characters (just look at their fingers and certain traits, which are less obvious by Season 5), and now they go away from this style in Rebels, presenting quite curved forms. Take a look on Inquisitor's armour. I am not sure it's intentional... But they mentioned, that Rebels visually won't be the same and they won't use any models seen in CW. 


Still we might see old characters.


Unless they change those stormtroopers to look more realistic, I will assume the animation style is going to be worse. And it was pretty bad in CW. Just look at Dooku and Anakin.


Unless they change those stormtroopers to look more realistic, I will assume the animation style is going to be worse. And it was pretty bad in CW. Just look at Dooku and Anakin.

I think they were going a concept route with their character designs. The troopers are based slightly off of the Concept Stormtrooper, which would explain the different looking helmet. I am personally quite interested in seeing Rebels. With regards to the narrator, I would imagine that he is just for Disney XD and not Rebels itself. I honestly expect Tom Kane to return as the narrator.


I think they were going a concept route with their character designs. The troopers are based slightly off of the Concept Stormtrooper, which would explain the different looking helmet. I am personally quite interested in seeing Rebels. With regards to the narrator, I would imagine that he is just for Disney XD and not Rebels itself. I honestly expect Tom Kane to return as the narrator.

Meh. Why not just make them like everyone knows them? Silly people.


I didn't like that narrator either. He sounds ridiculous. :D


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