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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. I tested the map yesterday. Nice work! Congratulation for all the big job you make!
  2. Nice rebuilding! My congratulation for the colossal work! O.O
  3. It's possible only making shaders with the "glow" parameter into shader code at moment. that allow to a model of emiting dynamic lights. O.o
  4. Any time. Your rifle is cool however!
  5. I love the temples maps and the old ancients medieval styles , so i follow your work for my INFJ personality i am very sensible to the critic, so i try i not want to criticize nothing of your structural work of the map. my first builded map was a map about termogent swamps of soul reaver 2 game, with a montain into the center, a waterfall and a river and a ruin temple on top of montain that enter inside a vampire forges... o.o i passed 1 month only for put all misc_model for make the vegetation. i know how is terrific the map work! for your map: mmm it's very realistic and darken but... it's very too much darken. i think players should use ever force sight for see each others in this dark map. for exploration and details that can be problematic. O.o can you make the map little more bright?
  6. you need to unpack ed extract all contains of PK3 files. :\ I use the base\base tecnique so the material used for modding not altered the base assest of JKA overwriting oar adding texture or shader etc. i need a pure game for test my mod.
  7. I have a model that give me the shader_max_indexes hit message if i apply a shader file to her body textures. if a remove, not happens. It's something like this problem. O.o i hate this two message error. the shader_max_indexes and il transform ghoul size. They are so insensates : \ the limit of 1000 vertexes for mesh for what i see exist also for the models of GLM of weapons or character, if i export the XSI and build GLM file of character, carcass.exe told me the same things maybe because i use openjk, but in my engine the max vertexes limit of a mesh is 1000. D: for shader limits i not know exaclty. but i edit the code of SP engine with helps of @@ent , and for show more visual efx and by pass that limits. O.o it's an hard code hacking however. : \
  8. it's a problem of path. you have used a wrong path for the radiant engine, so radiant not read the shaders and not build the light and water as need to build. fix the path in the options and make another build. shoulb be works. into the build process you can see the error list. or almost with me that happen for this reason. the other reason is that probably your radiant not read the shaderlist file, when start the build check the "enter shader" voice at the start of prompt process. My radiant is strange, not read by the folder of gamedata\base , i have exported ALL contains of the pk3 file in a folder called base inside the gamedata \ base folder. and my radiant read by the gamedata \ base \ base >_> i got also the shaderlist.txt into the shaders folder.
  9. Ahhahahahahahaha LOOOL
  10. What kind of Build you use? -meta, -vis, - light -faster ...
  11. Post here your water shader
  12. Cools! can you set a better texture for outside wall brick of the temple? How many room you wanna put inside? However it's really cool
  13. in my modding work i noticed that the saberist with ltcomm , commander or captain rank using also the altfire attack: they make the kata atk many time twist and swing the saber with A1 \ A2 \ A3_SPECIAL attack. also, if NPC have FP_SABERTHROW 1-2-3 level they throw the saber For the shooting weapons, instead, that works only for CLASS_IMPERIAL, i think. you need to check the rank code, as told @@eezstreet, and maybe you can find some reference about the altfires.
  14. mmmm, have you found in the code the code part of SET_ALT_FIRE boolean of Icarus functions? should exist. some time ago, Kenoi has fouind the line codes of the facial animation that interact with icarus. so should exist code line command of every icarus script function. incluse the set_alt_fire command. can you watch how that work, what the icarus "SET_ALT_FIRE, true" activate into the code. search in the entire solution SET_ALT_FIRE
  15. I think that the best way for make this is to create a new fighter AI class that use only altfire atk. o.o maybe you can use AI_imperial.cpp how base for work following the lines of altfire shoots ratio at high rank.
  16. The problem is that decompile bsp to a map you obtain: 1: all light entities are removed 2 - more brushes are deformated and in a rebuold Q3MAP2 delete so you can see some missing empty triangle in wall surfaces and fix this is HARD! 3 - textures are disaligned and you need to fix all texture alignment. : \ If you know a solution for bypass that issues the work is possible.
  17. pity RGB saber cannot be used separately for the NPCS ._. @@Vulcan yes, use the mod of the red saber too told by zefilus, but be careful, if you change the red to silver, all siths got silver sabers it's better if you change to silver the orange blade.
  18. Maybe code cannot calculate the angle of reflection of curve surfaces.
  19. more time ago, i see in file front a mod that replace 2 sabers, the orange and the yellow, with a silver white saber and a dark black saber. add a new color the seven color (there is also the red is hard and i not know anything about the code of sabers color) but you can download this mod and see how to work and remake something like that. in my legacy of kain mod, the air sword are white. so i replaced with the white blade, following the procedure of this mod, the orange saber. i use the puprle ssaber for darkness, the orange for air, the red for fire, blue for water, green for earth, yellow for light. that's work very fine for making elemental blades.
  20. O-: @@Szico VII , you are one of the best mapper i knew in my life.
  21. Wow i love this map O.O The statues are greats!
  22. stab: fix tag position of the bolt_l_hand and bolt_r_hand tunic: the central part of the tunic, rig to pelvis, rig to lfemur - rfemur bones with a procedure of 100-0 90-10 80-20 70-30 50-50 30-70 the vertexes of the lower part of the tunic for a good movement of the tunic that follow legs bones movement, you need to understand that tunic follow the movement not only of a only leg, but of 2 legs together. more is close a leg,more is strong the weight of it bones to the tunic vertexes of its side. the central vertex column of the tunic need to be rigged 50-50 to left and right bones of femurYZ, femurX and tibia,. if a central vertx it's on the height of the tibia, you need to right 50-50 to the 2 tibias together. if a verts is on the right part of tunic, more far is by the left bones, less weight that need from left bone and more weight need from right bones. so if is really close to central but is on the right side,and is on the height of tibia bones, rig 70 to rtibia and 30 to ltibia and so away. it's a progressive, mirror rig between a bone to the other side bone. Left ------ CENTRAL ----- RIGHT lfemurYZ, rfemurX and ltibia rig: 100 - 90 - 80 -70 -50 - 30 -20 -10 -0 rfemurYz, RfemurX and Rtibia rig: 0- 10-20-30-50-70-80-90-100 understood?
  23. YAY! thanks @@Jeff
  24. Thanks very much, Zefilus! some one also have done an acklay model?
  25. I have a little request, where i can find and download the 3 models of the geonosis arena beasts: the nexu, the acklay and the reek?
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