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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. I know how is bad the code... after my edit noghri stick crashes a years to me before i understood the origin of the bug >.< well, i have just 2 suggest: - is it visual studio setted on C++ as language of programmation? - build with batch build of visual studio ONLY the release istances of the code. - you can found the data builded on Openkjkmaster/build/release folder - make a back up of this original file: ABOUT MP uix86.dll - dll about the UI of Multiplayer jampgamex86.dll - Dll about the global server side of Multiplayer cgamex86.dll - Dll about All the client server side of Multiplayer Openjkx86.exe <- exe of MP for the code. you need to build with batch build as Release all this Dll and the exe for MP, after that copy and replace the dll of gamedata with your new builds. ALL this 4 files are necessary for load and Use JKA multiplayer. FOR SINGLE PLAYER: openjk_spx86.dll and jagamex86.dll are the file necessary! after you build it, go into release folder, select, copy and paste these two files into gamedata and start JKA with these 2 files. You need THE EXE and THE DLL, together. without the correct dll the game will crash to you. every time you edit the code and make a build, you need to use these 2 files for SP. i wanna warning you about a thing: make a back up of entire solution before any edit. >.<, or back up the file of the code that you edit, in this case is better if you take the original g_combat.cpp and save it. That's should fix your crashing loading errors. rabout the rd and rdsp vanilla dll, they are the Engine of JKA, they control all graphic, engine and sound parameters. be careful with edit of vanilla files. I suggest you to learn the code building step by step, also with try and error. however a little basic knoledge of C++ is necessary,. because if you need to edit the code, you need to understand what have you editing, and also, you need to write into the correct syntaxis. some time Visual Studio not found any error of compilation, but Code is insidious. there are a large amount of time when i edited some function and it crash into game when i use the force power that i hacked, or the weapons, or the saber... XD. and same time that happen for things that are not directly connected with function. 1 year ago, i edited the MOD_CONC code, and i discover that 2 classes are become invincibile to all saber damage as collateral effect. XD So, Be careful man! >.<
  2. Little Gta style saber, mmh? D:
  3. mmmm i suppose is a tag orientation problem of the model. you can set an efx for a specific jet direction of the particles, but need to be an efx make for the particular tag angles. it's like the error of the bad orientation of the tag_blade1 in a new saber model. the "cutting blade trace" can be oriented at 90° right or also, opposite to the blade model... i guess the better fix is to check and edit the model and its tag orientation and re export it. but it's a strong work because you need to know EXACTLY the correct orientation. it can require a large amount of try and errors.
  4. Lolling! Was the "Immunetogas" field, of g_combat.cpp i add some no-droid exceptions XD noghri stick fixed.
  5. i never check the code about that, but i suspect there is a variable in the cgame code something like q_irand, 1,3 that randomize the taunt, anger etc sounds of NPCs or players. for what i see, if you want a random taunt sound not put a taunt.wav but a taunt1, taunt2 and taunt3, that should work little better. for NPCs, works better gloat1, gloat2, gloat3, you can use with the taunt combination or without taunts for taunts the player.... be careful: too many taunts and gloat cause NPCs to never shut his mouth until is dead. XD taunt4 not work for what i know. i have used some taunt1-2-3 + gloat1-2-3 for some of my Npcs bosses. they NEVER shut off! they talk every few seconds injuring the player for all the combat. it's really funny, but after some minutes become boring.
  6. @@eezstreet i take and check my code and after some try and error replacing edited cpp file with original openjk edited file, i located the noghri stick crash inside the g_combat.cpp, so i will work about my edit. there is something i done with MOD_GAS editing of CLASS_DAMAGE, i suppose... i tryed to make some class immune to noghri stick as droids. also, i have founded the origin on another curios bug of my code: when NPCs throws a thermal detonator... it not be launch but it turn back to its hands... really funny.... D: after all morning to checking all my weapons edited code i see that this bug was not created by SP code... but by weapons.dat. I need to analyze better my DAT file and g_combat.cpp for find the solution at this 2 bugs, after that, my code work is pratically over.
  7. Got same trouble in my mod, when 3 saberist are in the same door hallway and enemy shooting at him, for deflecting shot they hurt and kill each other, and mission fail. : \ the faster solution should be to SET_UNDYING, True, the NPC in these parts of map with trigger and when all enemies are died deactivate undying with a target_counter and another script. but is like to cheat... : \ should be great if teammates cannot damage each other with sabers. with weapons is more hard that happen because a teammate not shoot if there is another teammate in front of him.
  8. no no, it's hardcoded :\ because on weapon.dat you can only customize the muzzleeffect and sounds but not the projectile, impact, or flesh impact efx and snd. : \ also the weapons.dat for what i see working about player setting of weapon, for NPC is inside the SP code. : \ Thanks for hint, however, now i got a check on weapons.dat for BRYAR, BLASTER PISTOL and JAWA
  9. I have a little request... i desire that WP_BLASTER_PISTOL, WP_BRYAR_PISTOL and WP_JAWA instead of use all the same shot efx and sound, use different efx and sound, in this mode i can make 3 completeley different weapons about it. This is for singkle player game. Anyone know how to do that? i need it works also for NPCs.
  10. Any time, when all is working build with batch build the release of jagamesx86.dll and of openjk_sp86.exe . you can found your new exe and dll file into the release folder of the solution :3
  11. For what i've seen editing t1_rail for my mod, the 3 rockets was fx_runner conncect to some kind of info,... i cannot check now, my pc is over. mmm @@Noodle you can make 2 things: - a cinematic when a fakeplayer is reached by the projectile efx in the same way this work on t1_rail with rockets. also there is a cutscene on t1_sour when a weequay shoot with rocket and destroy the wall, separing jaden by chewbacca. - a script that lock player movement and get it shooted by a target_shooter weapons or something like that. when player is hitted, you activate a trigger_hurt into the zone for damaging the player... or you can edit icarus and set_health player to a lower value of 100
  12. Ehi Folks. check the intro icarus script script of T1_rail and the scripts of map t1_rail itself... you remember? there are dogfighst when cargo ships shoot the train with projectile and explosion. there is also a part when a cargo ship is upon jaden and can Dmg in with explosion and Kyle arrive with raven claw by the front side of the map blasting and destroying the cargo. also, kyle speaks "too easy!" and the raven go over. you can use the t1_rail map as example for make shooting air battles using ship models, fxrunner, tags, triggers, and icarus
  13. you can use the solid spawnflag... However... more models you turn into solid, more time build is longer, more fp drops and loading time take the map.
  14. Microsoft visual studio 12 + OpenJK pack and code downloadable by the forum, + cmake for build the solution 1 install Microsoft visual studio and all components. 2 install Cmake 3 download openjk 4 build Openjk solution with Cmake 5 Use visual studio to edit the file and build the dll and exe.
  15. Cool! Are using an old lava map? D:
  16. Ah, mmmm i thnk i will install chrome >.< @@Syko overkill is Good! Yes, a torrent should really a wonderful idea!!! D:
  17. Seems to works, thanks
  18. /* This file is part of Jedi Academy. Jedi Academy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Jedi Academy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jedi Academy. If not, see . */ // Copyright 2001-2013 Raven Software //wp_saberLoad.cpp // leave this line at the top for all NPC_xxxx.cpp files... #include "g_headers.h" #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "wp_saber.h" extern qboolean G_ParseLiteral( const char **data, const char *string ); extern saber_colors_t TranslateSaberColor( const char *name ); extern qboolean PM_SaberInStart( int move ); extern qboolean PM_SaberInTransition( int move ); extern qboolean PM_SaberInAttack( int move ); extern stringID_table_t FPTable[]; #define MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE 0x80000 char SaberParms[MAX_SABER_DATA_SIZE];here is it, for SP, is on game/WP_SABERLOAD.cpp for MP is in codemp/bg_saberload.c how i need to edit the field 0x80000? how work the 0x "number" parameters? @@eezstreet. o.o
  19. Thanks eez Yes, with my edited open jk not make me this error. crash directly when i spawn an overflowing sab data. with "saber" cheat , and stop LOL. xd this is one of the 2 crash i wanna fix of my exe... the other crash is about noghri stick, when projectile imbact against a body, it crash. =-=
  20. I think this can do working around icarus function of BS_FOLLOW_LEADER and SET_LEADER for the enemies. I try that in some mod with a boss swordmaster covered by 4 NPC, 2 shooter and 2 with saber. it works very fine. the boss get the attack and the other npc shoots if you are close to they or they follow bosses covering and defending him.
  21. Woah! You got a big collection man! I have a passion for map of temple and ancients styles, can i download from your folders?
  22. Fixed, i deleted a large amount of patches and structural meshes.
  23. I am trying to build a map but i get this error. what i need to do? D:
  24. For the slowest machine a TFU conversion for JKA can bee intriguind, but need... coding work for powers. maps, models... there is a TFU mod expansion about Knight of the force... i tried years ago, there was just the kashyyyk battle. really well done the first level and the gameplay but for making the repulse of force they simply make g_knockback in autoexec.cfg... a true TFU gameplay need also code work about force powers... : \
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